Revelations 12

Today kinda sucked. I had a headache that almost made me barf! But, that was the physical part of my life today.

Thank you, Jesus! My other half had an unbelievable day! That is called the spiritual part of me. Which is more alive?

Well, today I can tell you I heard a sermon sitting with some of my children and heard a parable about Peter; and the Holy Spirit gave me the Revelation to its meaning! Next, it ties into the previous Revelation I received to what Rev. 12:16-18 means!

Who cares? I have no idea! I just don’t care either. I am just stating how my day was that was unbelievable!! You can believe it or not, but I am one who can prove the truth!

Rev. 12:16 KJV: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their hands, or in their foreheads.”

John was warning the churches (read chapter 1-not the people of today or tomorrow!!!) about what would happen very soon (just as it says literally-and the proof is in history and about 10 more parables that I can show you relate!!!).

John says if you are “small” (figuratively meaning you would be an idiot if you took this literally and thought he was talking to only dwarfs) and “great” (why did he not use the word “tall” or “big”) because he used the word “small” to mean people of little or large influence are included in this message.

John said, “rich or poor” which seems is self-explanatory until you ignore the spiritual message he is trying to tell those people of the 55AD to 60AD time period (most of the geniuses out there in theology world say John wrote this in 95 AD “with some of it “possibly” in the “’60s”AD!) which their position on earth doesn’t matter in the afterlife. You also “important” people or “unimportant” people there is a different Ceasar in the afterlife!; the real divine King of all creation.

John said, “free and bond” which means those people who claim to be a “free man from slavery or non-servants” (whatever semantics you prefer that means “slave”) and “bond” means slaves or servants. See when you ask a person if they are a “slave” in the U.S.A. what will they say?

Probably “heck no”!

Or something stronger!

But, the reality of what John is writing about is SPIRITUAL. SO, just because you are “physically free” is NOT the question and relevant issue he writes THE CHURCHES; but, he is using language only those people during that time period could relate to. ( Why? Study the Roman history and the O.T. about slavery Isrealite slavery. – look up verses about slavery- Galations has some). John is NOT writting to the Roman slave sellers, slaves, or the free people! He is ONLY WRITING TO THE ISREALITES & GENTILES who are worshipping Christ who just saw Christ crucified and can literally relate to slavery, the moron Ceasar, and real life stuff in the chapters 1,2 & 3 that every theologian agrees with! ( so strange those same theologians that agree the first 3 chapters are about individuals in the 60’s jump to people in the universe to mean those 2,000, or 3,000, or 10 million years ahead; very, very stupid with absolutely NO SCRIPTURAL BASIS! REMEMBER “keep it simple stupid”, how does that not apply to God telling his children that? He does! Why did they not, I believe several reasons! But, know this: there is a war that John was warning about and that ideology is what those false teachers have grabbed and made lying books for millions of dollars! I will explain that in detail later, it is a huge explanation with scripture after scripture that proves the truth.).


John says, “a mark” in their hand”!!!!!!!!

oh my goodness; the things that the “THEOLOGIANS” have “INVENTED”!!


For the first time in history in Rome, two things happen!

Every Ceasar before the one in power has had their pretty little face idolized or paid ‘homage” AFTER THEY DIED!!

BUT A NEW THING IS COMING! A god in the flesh!!!!!!

Yes, Nero makes himself god in the flesh because he mints a coin with his face on it and tells everybody to worship him as god says the back of the coin!! That is correct! The back of the coin has a temple ( the temple of the god Janius- which Nero IS PUTTING HIMSELF IN!) that says Nero is the god that holds the keys to heaven and hell; and he, Nero, holds a staff!!! (which everybody during THAT TIME PERIOD WOULD FULLY UNDERSTAND! -Just wondering, if it is meant for you and me? Pretty stupid! But, everybody is listening to the scholarly book selling theologians with doctorate degrees! How come nobody understands it when reading it for themselves? How about laziness? Peer pressure? Preachers they trust are smarter than themselves? Haven’t been taught how to read the Bible correctly? Brainwashed into doctrines of men like “line upon line, precept upon precept, topical understanding, topical understanding, and not to mention scripture with demonic cross reference studies ( for example Evolution, Darwinism, John Calvin’s interviews of two witches), and others! Then they say, “let me discernmen it with Satan’s help; so they LITERALLY INJECT CRAP! TRY APPLYING REV. 22:18-19 with the discernment I am writing!! Please!

Hold me accountable!

Check out history!! Nero demanded worship as god. There were false idols and hundreds of false gods all over the place. But, Ceasars, in general, demanded homage and payments as all the people would “pay” to their gods with coin, gold, monetary goods. It was expected by the false prophets that you pay a TITHE when going to their temple just like the Isrealites!!

Oh, now for the really hard part, SAYS THE THEOLOGIAN SCHOLARS:

John says, “or in their foreheads”.

That wasn’t so easy to figure out by just reading it like you have been taught “line by line”!

What does it mean?

Here are the scriptural hints (after all Jesus teaches us to use the scripture/”aka Holy Spirit” to discern the spirit/”aka word of God”):

#1 That super evil woman wanted John’s head cut off!

(Well, most people think that was because that it was the form of execution used. Correct, but wrong. why?-read the story in the Bible-just because you don’t get the divine message as to what the meaning is in this scripture about John’s head is cut off, it does not mean I did not. Hebrews 5:14) The point is you can learn how to discern correctly; but, you need to get really mad at being lied to by the scholars teaching you false narratives!

Recognize God wants and encourages you to learn the correct meanings of every scripture verse in the Bible if you pray and read and seek him!

#2. 2 Cor. 10:5 -read it!!

Where are your thoughts?

Literally? When you look at your car, what do you think?

When you look at your house, the food you eat, the trash you take to the garbage can? Literally everything? I can not explain all of this here; but it is enormously important and in the Bible (a very small piece is being revealed by John to them here).

What would happen if you got up every day and looked in the mirror and saw a “DA” tattoed to your forehead?

You would never see it, except when combing your hair or brushing your teeth or putting make-up on! All of a sudden a grown MMA world champion would be endorsing make up for men if every man had to deal with that humiliation!!

As soon as the person with that tattoo walked away from the mirror, what would they do?

What would they be thinking?


What would the salesman think about you with 20 million dollars cash in your hand and you walked up and bought a 3 million dollar car with that tattoo on your head!?

John was telling the people in the churches that hell on earth is about to happen!! As a matter of fact, and I will finish the next two scriptures later, and a story about the “on land war’ and the “war in the supernatural”. John is telling the people in the church that the UNIVERSAL HEAVENLY WAR IS ABOUT TO REALLY BEGIN!! IT IS UNBELIEVABLE WHEH YOU FIND OUT WHERE, WHEN AND HOW! IT IS ALL IN THE BIBLE AND YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO ABOUT IT!!!!

Just a small note for clarification: John is telling you the MOST SERIOUS OFFENSE is “in your head”, not the one in your hand!! Ponder that and I will explain later.


1. It ain’t a chip in our hands!

2. It ain’t us John was talking to!

3. It ain’t a chip in our heads.

4. Repeat: it is NOT US!

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Melchizedek University
