If you look up this term you find google doesn’t search all the articles associated with this ideology which is a religion. It is NOT a religion; but, it is thousands that hold the same nucleus of belief in their semi-different religous book of creeds. In the begining was God. Before the begining was God. Like many articles if you don’t look at the author’s beliefs you can NOT understand really what they are writing. For example my statement I just made using the word “God”. I am not a Hindu using that word. Yet, many with that religous belief use that word. So, a person of a different religion “could say that I and a Hindu author” would be referring to the same “god”. That would not be true from either myself or the Hindu believer. It is very important to understand an “author’s perspective and his foundational belief” to really chew at his words which “might seem vague” or “even generic” for the attempt to please or “write less offensive”. The reality is the READER is being ignorant and incapable of understanding the writer completely! It is NOT the writer’s fault the READER ASSUMES incorrect information. When I use the word God, I only mean “The Creator God”, the “Trinity” God, “Yahweh”, “Jesus”, “The Holy Spirit”, the “El” in Genesis but also the “Elohim” in the Garden of Eden in Genesis! I do not mean any other combination of any representation of “a like or the same god”. For example, many in history would say that the sun and moon represents the same god. According to the Bible that is a lie. Many claim false gods, like fake or copy-cat Gucci purses, are the “same thing”. No matter how close a “copy” or a “similar” or a “smells like and feels like” person or thing is to the original IT IS NOT THE SAME! As a matter of fact, the purpose of patents, copyrights and trademark’s, which most humans highly consider as an intelligent, honorable and materialistic worthy process of protection, all hold at a high standard and agreement of value.
So, let me ask why then does all the research from the theological scholars start at the 17th century with this discussion? That makes no sense! People immediately made frogs, bulls, precious jewels into idols representing their god or “a representative of “the same god”, which it was NOT ACCORDING TO GOD! “Theistic evolution” might have become a term in the English language around the 17th century because it actually became easier to write here more recently than 7,000 years ago. It does NOT MAKE THE ORIGINAL ideology, or theology the time of its conception. Is it important as to when? Does it matter if it was the 17th century or the 16.5 century, or the 12th century? Yes!
To be a “devil’s advocate” Satan had no choice to work his evil according to God’s timeline with his “EVIL EDUCATIONAL DESIRES”. That means that like the ability to make things out of cotton was NOT due to the cotton gin; neither was Satan not teaching this ideology in the heart of man because paper or the Reformers had not been born yet with paper available. Satan taught Theistic evolution long ago. It was at the begining of IDOLATRY! WHAT WAS BEFORE IDOLATRY HAS TO BE UNDERSTOOD BEFORE THE COPY OF THE REAL THING CAN BE DISCUSSED.
What was before idolatry? God and only God’s HOLY creation. So, I start over with, “In the begining was heaven and earth and God made man in our image”( Genesis 1:26). What was the image of God? Everybody, even other religions believe and mostly agree that it was a “human”. Too mix some “evolution in the pot of discussion here”, was there a human who wrote in any language form of today? Most say no. Some would say “cave man like pictures” and others would claim Hebrew or Latin as the primary “civilized first written language”. It is so interesting that Hebrew is a “cave man like language”. It is letters, words, and symbols that are drawn to mean many different things with the same drawing or near the same drawing for many different things. The Hebrew letters are used as numbers also. How much more “cave like” does it take to see the ideology of language in the simplest forms. In the Bible, man becomes very dumb by eating from the ironic “Tree of Knowledge”. God commands man to work because of his sin; but he already did before becoming cursed. So what is the difference? Well, just like the weather in the Garden may have been 200 degrees before the curse, man did not have to sweat ( or physically work even subconsciously) and then HAD TO work in EVERY WAY. Working the garden did not mean he did NOT have to before; it meant he had to “OVERCOME A BAD SITUATION ABOVE HIS CAPABILITY ON HIS OWN”. Man became absolutely dependent upon “Health” and eternal “LIFE” that was not a problem “WITH GOD BEFORE”. Man’s new ideology of EVERYTHING can be better WITHOUT GOD and everything can have THE SAME RESULTS “AS BEFORE” ( like the original).
This leads to man’s education. God allowed man to become literally stupid. Once man was a genius with wisdom superceding Job’s greatest day. Man had to work at his new stupidity to become knowledgeable again. Man had to work in the garden and twice as hard because now there were things growing that destroyed the original. Man started in kindergarten and let’s say got to the 12th grade in the 17th century with this ideology. While in kindergarten and all of elementary school with the ideogolgy of “theistic evolution” you can see it from the “cave or Hebrew writings” way before the 17th century. The Hebrew writings ( or pictures that told stories) showed and described God as a lamb. The entire O.T. revealed God ( a human) as a lamb; but, not in an idolatry way like discussed earlier. This is why I said in the begining you can twist and author’s message just by “IGNORANTLY UNDERSTANDING or LEARNING about the author”. God not not convey to make an animal, like a lamb, a literal idol to worship in a representative manner of him. God conveyed what is called “FIGURATIVE” LANGUAGE, more like 17th century ( later) metaphors. God taught humans that a blood sacrifice was required for the forgiveness of sins! God used the lamb as a symbol or figurative form of identification to “HIS IMAGE” ( BUT NOT LITERAL!). When in the Bible it says God made man in our image, a person ( now more intelligent than just a cave man called a “human”) should recognize if I said God ( the lamb of god) made sheep in his image, it is not a blasphemous statement; but, it is a figurative 100% sane Biblical truth.
Where is the Bible figurative story that I just scripturaly put on your table as true and righteous that would be equally correct and righteous that Satan ( an angel- not a human AND NOT A PROCREATION OF A HUMAN!) was given abilities to have “human beings? I knoe; you are confused because that sounded really stupid! My point exactly! Let me reword the completely sane sentence being taught. HOW IS SATAN WHO IS AN ANGEL ANYTHING LIKE A DIFFERENT CREATURE FROM ELOHIM WHO CREATED THE DIFFERENT CREATURE CALLED HUMAN? Let me add some more: How is an angel a human? Wow! I bet you are thinking What stupid person believes that? Well, hang on to your britches genius because I am calling out Satan to you!! You have very possibly been bewitched with the ideology of evolution in Genesis!!!!!! How? Do you believe Jesus is a shepherd? Do you believe God calls his sheep? Do you believe Jesus was the lamb of God? Do you believe God laid down his life for his SHEEP? DO YOU BELIEVE GOD LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR HIS SHEEP?
Why do you believe that “GOATS” ( the actual figurative symbol for an ANGEL CALLED SATAN who has NO ABILITY TO PROCREATE ANYTHING LIVING -Except living LIES, STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE, CONFUSSION, SEPERATION FROM GOD, TOTAL HELLISH BELIEFS AND IDEOLOGIES) are an ” IMAGE OF YAHWEH? See you have been bewitched with “evolutionary ideology” that goats and sheep come out of a woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They can NOT COME OUT OF A WOMAN no more than a woman can have triplets consisting of one bird, one raccoon, and one human!!!!!
Preachers, especially the 16th and 17th and 18th century theological scholars are VERY WELL RECOGNIZED BY HAVING STARTED “THEISTIC EVOLUTION”; but, once again man gives them create by thinking on the “lower worldly genius level” instead of the “higher spiritual” level. Satan used what he could in the very begining with picture figurative language by using the “GOAT” AS A SYMBOL OF SATAN!! HE WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE YOU CAME FROM A GOAT!!! HE WANTS HUMANS TO THINK IN AN EVOLUTIONARY MANNER!! HE LOVES THE IGNORANCE OF HUMANS who think humans came from rocks, bacteria, fish and monkeys!! What came first the chicken or the egg? What nut answers the egg of a male “goat”? The egg is the wrong answer; but it is MORE BIOLOGICALLY, SCIENTIFICALLY AND UNGODLY to say a “GOAT” at all!! Chickens come from adult female chickens!! Sheep have sheep! And Satan HAS NOTHING!!
IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS, or want to be a “devil’s advocate” please start off and tell me a single Bible verse or Bible story giving any credence to the “GOATS BOOK OF LIFE”!
Every human, in any culture or religion is a lamb ( or sheep) having NO CHOICE IN HIS CALLING TO: LIFE, LIBERTY, TRUTH, THE NEED FOR REPENTANCE, THE SOLE PROTECTOR OF ALL THAT IS EVIL IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM, THE LIVING AFTER LIFE, THE ELOHIM WHO CREATED YOU, THE MERCY THAT ASKS FOR NOTHING BUT WORSHIP instead of the other that you worship, THE PROVISIONS that a dead and false god can NOT give, JESUS the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! When EVERY HUMAN DIES GOD WILL REVEAL WHO YOU WORSHIPPED! YOU EITHER WORSHIP A SHEEP ( the truth) OR A GOAT ( the LIE- the copy-cat, the fake, the fraud, the deceiver)!
If you so much as consider the ideology of CALVINISM OR DISPENSATIONALISM ( which is the educated 16th to 18th century bewitchers) then you succumbed to “DARWIN LIKE BIBLE”( or “Theistic Evolution”)!!
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