What does Daniel 6 mean?Part 1 of 4

Who is the story about?
The lost say Daniel and the furious lions!
The lost say Daniel represents the good guy.
The lost say Daniel survived a “miracle”.
The lost say those dudes who got thrown in after they pulled Daniel out got eaten!
The lost tell a great story about Daniel!
The lost have no problem like the LOST KING WHO WAS LOST, RECOGNIZING Daniel’s God IS GOD (Daniel 6:1 “……Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you”- how does a lost guy see that? Because Romans 1; because the truth screams it from his creation; AND BEST OF ALL DANIEL WAS GOD STANDING IN FRONT OF HIM – that is called a PTN- the Old Testament scripture via a real-life TV show being demonstrated as the gospel in living form- oh, just for clarification a man like Judas who was lost can do the same thing! The lost are going to have a very hard problem with talking their way out of that. Aren’t they? This is why God spared the LOST JEWS- for our sake!!!!!! They still testify TODAY OF GOD AND STILL HATE JESUS!!!!)
The lost recognize those guys HAD IT OUT FOR DANIEL!
The lost recognized Daniel prayed to only Yahweh( not God the Father as the Jews- super important not to go there!)!
The lost read this story and get Daniel prayed to save him from the lions’ den!
Let me say that again:” The LOST understand/discern/figure it out as truth that DANIEL prayed to SAVE HIMSELF from the lions’ den! (any problem with that statement?)
The lost ( good friends of mine say the EXACT SAME THING ALL THE TIME- they express it as karma or Hell comes back to “bite” you- I wonder if the Hindus have heard the story about the biting lions? I know they have!)say like the Hindus that “Jesus ( or other God) never promised you or my life from trouble”.
The lost say it is BAD NEWS if you are headed for the lion’s den.The lost point the figure at the righteous and say look at him break the law! Daniel broke the law! Every sinner brakes the law! Did Jesus break the law? NO! HOW DID DANIEL BREAK THE LAW AND JESUS DID NOT? ( the question is because there is a huge difference in understanding the “ORDER OF THE LAW”)( will explain later in this message)
The lost say the lions’ den is no surprise to God.
The lost could say that God can do his best work in your life with the worst people. But, God says he can do his best work in YOUR LIFE with YOUR WORST! ( It is just sad to think Christians think they will still be rewarded for what God has to in our lives as Christians as if that is a part of sanctification, and God can achieve his will with our disobedience). God wants us to be our best in obedience by faith so that HIS SAME GOALS WILL CAN BE ACHIEVED with obedient humans (god can use the dang trees if he wants or has to; or just resort to the lost- why?- don’t use the word sovereignty because that would be the stupid notion he would use trees!) ; but, he wants and has a plan to reward obedient children for all of his goals instead of the disobedient. The lost can say that DANIEL IS NOT SAVED AND IS LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE! HOW?
All they have to do is say Daniel used God as a FUNCTIONAL SAVOR! They could continue to say he actually was an idolater; after all, King, Darius had his name changed to mean that! So, who would say otherwise? Were there not many Israelites who “became Christian” all while worshiping other gods also?
King Darius made a decree to forbid ANY WORSHIP EXCEPT TO HIM ASKING! That is exactly what every Christian preacher who claims “dispensationalism” is true has the absolute theology that the churches in Revelation who are “lost” but “Christian at the same time” (with their doctorate in seminary) are worshiping Jesus at the same time as being lost as any other pagan idolater! THEN, with no ” eye-opening”, no enlightenment by the Holy Spirit, no total depravity lifted from his heart or mind ( all according to Calvinists!) King Darius said Daniel’s God was God! That man, the worldly king was an idiot that knew the Truth AS A COMPLETE PAGAN IDOLATER!
SO, THEREFORE, the lost could say King Darius was JUST LIKE DANIEL! THEY BOTH had to be saved or they could BOTH BE LOST! NOTHING IN SCRIPTURE SEPARATES THEIR EYES BEING OPENED TO THE TRUTH as King Darius says, “For He is the Living God” ( verse 6:26).
Where is the separation?
OR YOU LIE about that T.U.L.I.P. definitions and then say well I am not hyper- Calvinist. Before trying to change the doctrine defined by someone else before you were born; try throwing the entire TULIP in hell. That is the first step to hearing the spirit of God!
There is a purpose that I sidetracked with that, I hope you are seeing a glimpse of the reality.
The lost can say Daniel’s name changed to Belteshazzar which means he worships a false God. Some say because there were false gods and it referenced him as worshiping a false God. It did NOT. This is now Daniel’s third King to rule under, and it makes sense that every evil force is trying to make him worship a false God; but, it does not mean his name implies that or that he does.
But, the lost can easily think that. How? Because many Christians thank that is true! Look up how many “Christians” believe that. The main reason I am starting off with these so called “the lost” think this and that is to show you how many Christians THINK THE EXACT SAME WAY!! Doesn’t the Bible say that the lost can NOT think like the Christians? I hear preachers all the time use Isaiah 55:8 and tell “Christians that they can not think like God”; well how in hades can a “child of God think”? God contradicts that statement with “my children hear me call their name!” (John 10:27!) The reality is Christians are not hearing God because they can NOT HEAR GOD (THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO INTERPRETS THE WORD OF GOD)! Therefore, when I say the “lost can” and a Christian thinks the same way what am I getting at? I am simply telling you the Christian HAS THE WRONG ANSWER!!! What else could it mean? I am going to prove it!!!!!!!
There is a bunch of stuff that has been misinterpreted because they didn’t get the spiritual PTN discernment. What does Daniel’s name mean then actually according to the Holy Spirit? It means, “To Protect the Life of the King”.
SCRIPTURAL CONFIRMATION: verse 21:” Daniel answered, Long live the king”. check mate.
Here is another lost guy explanation: Many say Daniel was castrated due to him being made a uniche. That is another typical assumption and very, very reasonable; up until you see the spiritual interpretation of this chapter and Daniel’s whole life. See Daniel is said to just now become a uniche; and the common sense thing is to deprive Daniel of having children and especially a boy. To add it would be ” HORRIBLE TO A JEW TO HAVE TO GO WITHOUT A CHILD”, because it is EVERY LITTLE JEW BOYS’S WISHES! A Jew totally believed that not being able to have children was a curse from God. Jew children prove BLESSINGS from God!!!! When a pagan noticed that a Jew wasn’t having children they immediately associated an idolater or a cursed individual. Either way, it was a super bad outward sign of a “Pagan Man or Woman”! WOW! OK! HOLD YOUR SHORTS!
1. Jesus was a Jew.
2. Was it his desire to have kids?
3. Did Jesus have kids?
4. Was Jesus cursed for not having children?
5. If you wanted to make Jesus a liar, why just start a rumor he had kids!
6. Could a pagan liar start the rumor if he castrated Jesus first?
5. Did Jesus say it is “GREATER” if a man can contain his fire and NOT GET MARRIED?YOUR EYES BECOMING UN-VEILED GETS BETTER!
6. DANIEL is being described as a common horny toad like other typical males; why? It makes everybody pointing the finger at him feel better; that is for sure!
7. Does Jesus get accused of get married, or having sex or other sins! Yes! Makes the LOST FEEL GOOD, EVEN SOME CHRISTIANS I AM SURE!
8. Was Daniel young? Oh, the fact is he was the age like Abraham! Anybody remember what Abraham said when God told him he was going to have a child? I’m laughing. How about you? Abraham did loudly!!! Then his wife!! I can hear the whole town laughing at that “stupid thing God was said to tell them” ( sarcasm like the lost). Dang, Daniel served under Nebuchadnezzar; then he served under his son called Belshazzar and now his third term was under this king named Darius! Gosh, common sense and some Bible study says he was about 80 years old!!!!! Does that sounds a lot like DEPRIVING ABRAHAM of a chance while young to have children? How did Daniel manage to not be a filthy typical male pig and get all the way to eighty years old with his Jew testosterone flood gate opened? Was God cursing Abraham? A COMPLETE “LOST THINKING”! As a matter of fact, that kind of accusation is absolutely equivalant to defamation of his righteous character!!!!!! Just because Daniel is forced around naked women BY SATAN doesn’t mean HE WILL LOSE! Did Daniel fail to TAKE OFF HIS ARMOR OF GOD like other “Christians”! Jesus DID NOT!! I ADVISE highly you don’t try accusing him! See Daniel was put around those women SO HE COULD BE ACCUSED BY THE LOST ( but, unfortunately Christian men who don’t get the discernment correct and listen to other doctorate seminary graduates all come together and “REASON THAT HAS TO BE RIGHT”)! THAT IS AN ABSOLUTE VIOLATION OF 2 COR.10:5, and not using synergy of scripture, not listening to the Holy Spirit; but, listening to more DOCTRINES OF MEN OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF “Christians”!
I heard a preacher say, “If you get the message of Daniel’s prayer wrong, you probably are lost”! I haven’t come close to how many things I heard wrong about this chapter!

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Melchizedek University
