Who likes westerns or just about any bullet hurling, fist fighting or butt kicking movie? It is all about the excitement! Of course they usually throw in the damsel or damsels and it becomes a big box office success!
So, have you heard about the new “Catholic Mofia” movie?
You might think it is a spin off to the “Amish Mofia” series.
But, this is actually going to be a “REALITY TV SERIES”!
The Catholic Pope ( the new Frances dude) is debating with the older 93 year old more conservative Benedict) is going to get his way in this “new order” of the church. He is finding out that the coffers are going dry! The numbers in memberships is directly related to the fewer and fewer number of priests that are coming to serve! Pope Francis is going to collect by the “new order” of a mofia style ideology in a reality series. The first series is going to go live in Africa! The numbers are the lowest in that country! The are calling it a “test run” or what is called a “pilot” in show business. The biggest attraction to this “new reality in these modern changing times” is the fact MEN ARE DEMANDING DAMSELS! SO, Pope Francis says they way to gain the men’s attention and gain more “MONEY COLLECTORS” is to give them what they want! Sex!!
The new “Catholic Mafia” will be a reality series by the blessing of Pope Francis because there just are not enough clergy coming into the church “TO HELP THE PEOPLE”! That is what all the wiseguys say, ISN’T IT? THEY ARE JUST HELPING PROTECT?
GET ON YOUR HORSE AND RIDE AWAY OR IT SEEMS LIKE ALL OF THE MEMBERS WILL BECOME VICTIMS like the brothers interferring in the gold in “A Fist Full of Dollars”!