Blog 5

No one was challenged enough to try and win the $20.00 gift card. The question was to list 3 of the greatest monuments you can think of regardless of whether you have seen them with your own eyes.  First, a monument is usually huge, old, super important and built for a very special recognition. 

During these “social distancing” and “stay at home” periods I wanted you to think of the GREATEST MONUMENT THAT HAS EVER BEEN. 

IT IS not seen with your eyes. 

It is the SABBATH! 

Most people dont call or even recognize Sunday, Saturday, or whatever day you rest and worship Yahweh as “A Monument”.  We are such a “visual being”!  If you can’t touch it, see, it, hear it and feel it then we basically write it off as not even existing.   What is the MOST PRECIOUS thing a person can have?  Time!  The Sabbath is a COMPLETE MONUMENT TO RECOGNIZE GOD’S most precious aspect of his creation which was TIME to honor its creator by all of his creation!

There is something to be said by the cliche, ” a moment in time”! God created every MOMENT.  WHAT you do with them to honor God is your choice.  However, on the seventh day of the week, God made it a day of rest.  It is to remind you of his rest.  “Rest is nothing more than every moment with him.”

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Melchizedek University
