Christmas and baby Jesus

I read a comment about a man who has only been a Christian for three years who needed an explanation of old versus new earth.  I explained with scripture about “time” relative to heaven and earth.  It all “revolves around baby Jesus” to SPIRITUALY UNDERSTAND.

Here is food for thought this Christmas about the aspect of baby Jesus, Jesus, time and the Trinity:

Lost folks love debate.  They want you to “doubt the word”!  Next, you as a Christian can share the truth and be a type of Christ ( which means a sinner living for his glory and narrating actions as salt and light) or narrate a type of Satan ( not a demonic angel; but, someone who calls God a liar).

Three things I will show you to “strengthen your faith” which are not intended to be as weapons of debate. 

First, people have super short memories and they can not give you a “historical recall of events” in their own short lives, much less history in the U.S. of the last 50 years, 100 years, 125 years, 140, years, 143 years. 144 years, or 144.5 years!  The point is if a person is a genius with a photographic memory he has a gigantic problem remembering the weather day to day in his own life ; but they can “summarize events” with millions and billions of years!  That is called fiction and delusional to the reality of comprehendable time. ( why does a human experience hard lessons to only do the same STUPID CRAZY FOOLISH IMMORAL THING THE NEXT DAY OR WEEK??!!  Our flesh is not eternal and can NOT comprehend it; but, by using our spirit we can step outside of it and begin to see either God’s perspective or Satan’s perspective.

Second, read the Bible and you will be shown time; for example, David prayed and his answer was delayed ( Daniel 13, 1 Chor. 21).  The truth says the angel was delayed in “DAVID’S TIME” ( how many days?).  There are not 1,000 days for each day the angel was delayed making the prophets record years for David’s days!  It is plain english, both were relating to the same amount of time!   Why is that important? It leads you to the synergy of “time truth” which is Genesis to Revelations and God created everything in 6 days and created the 7th day as a memorial to his glory and our benefit to recognize the “I Am” as the only God who created by design with purpose and a task for everything!  The records show the genealogy of man all the way back to Adam and Eve with the recorded number of years ( 365 days/ year totalling about 6,700[ “young”).  Every other “theory” or ideology or doctrine introduces a “second party or second cause and effect OUTSIDE OF GOD’S creation!!!! The Big Bang, evolution, other gods, Greek mythology, and etc. “DEDUCTIVELY TAKE AWAY” from THE TRUTH!

In conclusion, you can see your life in an eternal state where a day is a “1,000” if using your Spirit not relative to your flesh.  You can see God owning “all the cattle on a 1,000 hills”.  You can NOT IMAGINE traveling in sandals the distance of a 1,000 hills( mountains- yet today you can by airplane.  So, again the writers’ perspective is TOTALLY IMPORTANT)!  All of that is figurative language; but, very realistic to understand if you put it in  PERSPECTIVE!!!!

JESUS came to this earth on a “time line”!  But, it is “ONLY RELATIVE TO OUR CONDITIONS”; NOT AS THE CREATOR GOD!  Jesus stood in the Garden of Eden as a crucified sacrifice for their sins and “the cool of the day” walked in to stop the wrath of God holding g them in justified judgement worthy of a FIERY DEATH!  How is that possible?  Only by seperating REALITY with PERSPECTIVE ( that which must be learned by the flesh that uses the spirit to overcome the lies from our curse from the Tree of Knowledge).  That means you can NOT FATHOM the thought of how Jesus was crucified about 4,000 years after creation and stood before the foundation without “SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE”( think of Jesus as a type of Marty McFly- but no human can do that, only God!).  God came not to prove anything BUT DEMONSTRATE FOR A MAN ON AND IN a three dimensional space and time world.  When Jesus DID ANYTHING, he did it “IN AN ORDER OF TIME TO TEACH US”( NOT AS THE 7 dispensations of time; but, AS JUST ONE [1- GRACE THE ENTIRE TIME]!  HE WAS THERE IN THE GARDEN; but different veils were kept on all humans ( Ecc. 3:11–some prophets In the Old had different ones removed; but, even still some remained)for many, many reasons; but, it always demonstrated how we are to look to him AS GOD, not as a procreated man.  That is the tie to the TRINITY!  Jesus is the flesh that stood in eternity before creation and at THE SAME TIME was a baby being born this Christmas! Merry, merry Christmas!!

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Melchizedek University
