PSALMS 91: “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
Psalms 91:1 KJV
It has taken my entire life and the help of two very special people to understand how to dig the gold out of scripture.
Who knows what “Cliff’s Notes” are? They are a “short cut” to getting the long version of a novel. The Bible should be read as “Holy Spirit Notes”. Why? Because the NOVEL is written to the lost. The Novel, with all it’s characters and dramatic stories, shouts ONE SINGLE MESSAGE: YOU ARE A SINNER AND NEED JESUS TO SAVE YOU FROM THE LIES OF SATAN, your flesh, and the world! Jesus ALONE died to pay for your redemption. Nothing is free in this world or the next; except accepting Jesus as your Lord and Master who has paid for every soul willing who is born a bondslave under the curse of sin and under the King of the curse, Satan. God has brought the proof of his sovereignty as the creator and King of Kings to this earth through his Son, Jesus. Many tried to take the throne, take the position of God, rule as a God, enslaved billions to a false god ruled by their hidden master Satan, and ALL FAILED! Jesus ended the debates, ended the heavenly wars, ended the human teaching of sacrifices, and temporary temples that represented Yahweh and were SINGULARLY FOUND WORTHY TO TAKE THE SWORD FROM THE THRONE AND SIT “AS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS”! NOBODY will ever change that final battle’s result! For one reason, there are NO MORE BATTLES TO BE FOUGHT! EVERYTHING AFTER JESUS TOOK THE THRONE has been at best a “conspiracy theory” by liars! So, the “Novel/Bible” is summarized into ONE MESSAGE TO HUMANS: CHOOSE THE LORD WHOM YOU WILL SERVE ( Satan or any of his conspiracy theorists OR YAHWEH).
A lost person can NOT UNDERSTAND the “Holy Spirit Notes” says God: vs. 7-A: “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts…… Vs. 8. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.”
Isaiah 55:7-8 KJV
God tells each person to “come back to him”! God created nothing but sheep ( figurative for humans lost in all their ways– after all when the first man and woman ate the fruit from “The Tree of Knowledge” they became dumb as “sheep in all their ways”).
The Novel/Bible tells all “sheep to come back” to him. It explains how Satan deceived Adam & Eve, our ancestors, and how we can return home safely! That same book of Isaiah says: “Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:”
Isaiah 55:3, 6 KJV
God says to call to him. He will send one that can release you from the slavery our in with Satan. God will send the TRUTH. God WILL NOT ONLY REVEAL HIMSELF AND HIS WAYS, but God will give you charge over his belongings, his (kingdom, his city, his children will be given AUTHORITY as if it were him giving it himself ( Matthew 7:7-8; Like 10:19; Matt. 16: 15-19; Luke 9:1; Matt. 18:18-19; Gen. 1:28; Mark 16: 17-18; 1 John 5:4-5; Romans 8:27 “And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.”
Romans 8:27 KJV, and many morals of stories in scripture confirm that children learn and act Godly only because they become knowledgeable in God’s ways!!!). GOD has soldiers armed with the sword who can unlock the doors of bondage you stand behind every moment of your life! God wants TO GIVE YOU BREAD AND WATER that blesses you here on earth and that which will give you everlasting nourishment as well! God will reveal to YOU THE SECRETS that are NOT meant for the enemy. God will give you the help you need to learn and train as his child and servant for him. God rewards as Satan lies and ONLY DESTROYS, STEALS AND KILLS!
I gave you the verse in Psalms to get to how different the message of the “Novel” versus the “Holy Spirit Notes” is! The most complicated example would be by reading the article I wrote titled “Daniel 6” ( divided into 4 parts) to see the EXTREME DIFFERENCE. Here I want to show the extreme, but explain the reasoning of how most do NOT see the differences.
Psalms 91 is not a really complicated or “deep” passage; or is it?
It really is! Why?
Because so many preachers are teaching the very principles as if that passage (as most others!)is a “FUTURE TENSE VERSE” to the US! IT IS NOT ( Nor most of the Bible)! THAT VERSE WAS WRITTEN BY DAVID BEFORE JESUS WAS EVEN BORN! Jesus came and fulfilled that prophecy! To a lost person, that deeper message is irrelevant! They need JESUS, before needing to understand “all the ways and thoughts of God hidden from them ( as stated in Isaiah 55:8). When they “come back” the father will be like the “Prodical Son’s father! “The secret place” ( Psalms 91:1) was SECRET; UNTIL Jesus fulfilled the prophecy! So, the entire Novel tells a story ABOUT JESUS and his SACRIFICE!!!! The NOVEL ENDS THERE! THEOLOGIANS have grabbed the New Testament, and with Satan’s hope and influence, has to lead many of them to “STRETCH THE STORY AS THOUGH IT IS NOT OVER”!!!!!!!!!!! SATAN wants everyone to believe THERE IS MORE TIME! THERE IS SOMEONE ELSE WHO CAN SAVE YOU!! There is more to the story being denied to you! There is more, more and a lot more!
Jesus said, “It is finished”!! What more is there? There IS NOT! The Bible is about Jesus! The Bible is about what and who created you, protects you like a child, punishes you like a parent, rewards you like a parent, and saves you like God! The so-called, ” End Times” is a wicked made up story for convincing people, lost people, have more time when they will NOT!!! IT IS THAT SIMPLE!
LOOK CLOSELY MORE AT THE SIMPLEST VERSE I COULD FIND: what is the secret place? It is a secret to the lost. It “WAS” a secret to the Old Testament people. It “WAS” secret even to the disciples. It became NON-SECRET only after the “HOLY SPIRIT” removed the veil! It only becomes NON-SECRET to Christians! Yet, David said it was “SECRET”! The “Holy Spirit Notes” (again a figurative expression for those who “come back to Yahweh”, those who seek God, those who work as studying requires work, those who close their eyes to the many “man’s doctrines” and listen to the Holy Spirit, those who codify their discernment as to the Bereans with the entire synergy of scripture, and those finally as Hebrews 5 says God allows) reveal Christians can GO TO THE “SECRET PLACE” as the Temple Priests did go into the innermost room of God once a year. Christians can go at any time! There once was a “shadow” like in the innermost part of the temple. There once was the problem of God’s sight held for a time to be revealed. There once was a time when God had to cover a man like the extravagant wardrobe of the High Priest, or by a shadow of a hole in a cave and God’s hand to protect Moses
(Ex. 33:22). God kept secrets from men to fulfill the entire main moral of the NOVEL( again a figurative term to call the Bible because it is like a novel or even a fictional novel unless “one comes back” to God). Men find it necessary to go to school and it takes 12 years to complete a “Basic” understanding of the general studies. Man MUST STUDY and learn the concepts or “BASICS” about God before being able to understand the DEPTHS OF THE TRINITY!!! How can a man learn about the Trinity if he refuses and reject@ God as his Lord? He can NOT ( Luke 24)!
This takes me to the shadow part of the verse. The shadow is figurative to many things. First, as David wrote, it was something that was there; but could only be seen like the shadow of a man. The throne was occupied by a shadow. The throne BECAME OCCUPIED by the same God; but not the same part of the Trinity ( Luke 24). Jesus took the shadow away and SAT IN FULL VIEW! HOWEVER, to a lost man, he will see Jesus and look for the shadow to return as he has been “marked on his forehead and by his hands” as a person “BELIEVING IN ANOTHER AS GOD” ( another figurative expression of God seeing ones heart- but, in history the people we’re marked by signs of ownership and by coins of whom they considered their God- this “in their hands”).
The shadow continues to mean more with “Holy Spirit Notes”. It reveals like that in Exodus about God’s glory, about the pure holiness of God, about Jesus who shadows us from God the father, about all the other “coverings” of our father from the sin the blinds us, makes us sink, and has killed us as though we are walking dead! We are walking LIGHT unlike really anyone in the OLD TESTAMENT! WE are advanced in better “Holy Spirit Notes” due to our time frame of living after the Holy Spirit fulfilled his prophecies!!!
You can NOT read scripture “line by line” and discern it at all! It calls the lost ( like a common message in a novel) OR it reveals things in the dark that is hidden in the shadows ( which reveal deeper secrets for Christians that must be ready and mature enough to use like a child that has been protected from bad language, bad pictures, bad influences until later when strong enough and mature enough with the Truth to recognize “ESCHEWING” the evil is better with the TRUTH “first taught him” Hebrews 5).)