“Jesus Does Not Call Her a Dog”
You can’t find a single interpretation of a theologian expert who agrees with this title. Why? It seems as if every theologian expert has to agree with the “High Knowledge and High Logical” (HK&HL) interpretation one can also call “the doctrine of men” (basically it is a Biblical story’s moral meaning that a Christian preacher/priest and an atheist would easily interpret with no Biblical or spiritual help. How is that possible? Can an atheist get a Godly/spiritual moral interpretation? No! So what is the difference? There isn’t any except the Christian believes he got help from God when he did not! God’s word returns not void, but the atheist DENIES what “sense of morality” there was speaking to him and the “Christian doesn’t deny the same “sense of morality”. If they both look at a 40 mph sign on the road, neither would see the narration of a God giving the human “spiritual” direction and only physical and earthly law authority to deal with for such disobedience in the specific statement seen with the eyes, an HK&HL. Now, a spiritual application could been seen if God permits and the Christian uses his heart to see what is “beyond the obvious to all”(1 Cor. 2:10)! The Christian could see the cop, the judge AND GOD all in the authority. He might be able to hear God say don’t go over 40 as there is a serious drunk ahead and will cross your path if you exceed it. That voice will never be heard from a child of Satan (example). The story or parable of a “woman” Jesus is accused of calling her a “dog” is very similar because even though he said the words he is ONLY QUOTING THE INTERPRETATION OF THE INDIVIDUALS’ HEARTS! It literally took God to pull the veil back and allow the Holy Spirit to interpret that message! You can not use BIBLICAL HK&HL to get that same interpretation.
Now, let me share the whole REVELATION ABOUT JESUS and not a story degrading story about this woman. The Bible is an AUTOBIOGRAPHY! Every person, everything, every story reveals something about God. Humans are vessels or instruments in scripture that NARRATE stuff about God! So, when you hear a man tell you he understands the parable shouldn’t it be BY SPECIAL INSTRUCTION JESUS HAS ALREADY TOLD YOU IT REQUIRES?
I could write 20 pages about this story but here is a condensed version narrowing in on why this Gentile has the ability or gumption to ask Jesus for her daughter to be healed. Jesus is addressing Pharisees, who calls hypocrites in verse 7 of Matthew 15 (the same story is witnessed and narrated by Mark in chapter 7:1-37. As usual, these Pharisees are trying to get to heaven by being “law obeying” but Jesus points out their disobedience in the laws AND their lies. Jesus is going to use this “woman” who knows him as Lord, needs him, and has been calling for his help to point out a Revelation about himself and NOT her! The Pharisees (lost) and disciples (saved) both use their HK&HL and claim the “woman” is a dog, doesn’t deserve bread ( vs. 15: 24 which is their heart NOT JESUS! & vs.26) and then claims there isn’t enough for them and her kind (vs. 15:33). [That is a great example of how the Jesus hating Pharisees use High Knowledge of the Bible (at the time it was the law of Moses) & High Logic of a woman living outside the Israelite camp would not be included in ANY OF THE CONCERNS OF GOD. This, the Disciples (saved) agreed 100% with the lost individuals about the nature of the woman. They would NOT HAVE if they were using their GOD GIVEN FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT AND GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO SEE WITH WISDOM “PAST knowledge PAST the veils of their flesh that separates them from God, PAST the world helping confuse them (Pharisees), and PAST Satan standing there CONDEMING the woman as an ” unworthy dog”! There is so much to this story! Are you seeing with your heart? Are you reaching into your “spiritual senses” where wisdom supersedes knowledge and wisdom makes Truth abound like light past knowledge? The wisdom that only God gives protects, loves, feeds, heals, teaches, sanctifies, and takes you to where Adam was before he got “knowledge about anything”. That was the time of NO BARRIERS TO TRUTH! COMPLETE JESUS!
” Oh Lord, Son of David have mercy on me” is a Gentile woman following after Jesus as her Messiah! Now the word of God was not part of the Gentiles. Romans 1:24: “Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them.”
Romans 1:24-32 KJV
Notice Matt.15:16-20, for that summarizes the same thoughts! Then in vs.24 Jesus unfolds what is called the “Big Mystery of the Gospel” (John 10:16; Col. 1:27; Mark 4:11) not even Satan knew this until Jesus was in the wilderness tempting him to make the prophecy come true as the world looked with HK&HL would NEVER DO)! The Israelites know Romans 1:24-32 because they have WITNESSED the very actions of God doing what Paul would write latter. But, pull up your Bible close to your heart and tell me what Jesus said he came to do? He said HE CAME TO SAVE ALL!!! God before the foundation created ” mankind” that ALL would be procreated in “like kind” (His children). God set in motion as a sovereign, omnipresent, omniscient, and LOVING SHEPERD a sacrifice for mankind’s sin that he foreknew would happen. He also set in motion the final sacrifice before he created the first atom. How did he do that is what has become a nightmare of understanding by the disciples BECAUSE OF HK&HL!!!! The second greatest problem with man understanding God’s predestined plan of salvation was due to man’s VERY LIMITED KNOWLEDGE due to his wanting KNOWLEDGE from the wicked (Tree of Knowledge) instead of Himself! Jesus was there before the first atom was created! Jesus not only as of the baby Jesus the teenage Jesus, the mature teaching Jesus, and the RESURRECTED JESUS!!!!!!!!!!! TIME WAS CREATED BY HIM!!!!!!!! TIME IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!!!!! NOT HIS!!!!!!!!! (Remember when Marty McFly traveled back in time. He did it each time forward and backward to the same time dimension; Jesus has the ability to travel to EVERY TIME dimension and outside of All of them! There are believed by the experts in physics twelve dimensions, there are only three on our earth). JUST LIKE TIME being a very, very difficult subject in the KNOWLEDGE sense so is the aspect of grasping AN OMNIPRESENT GOD!!!!! Jesus has been described thousands of times as hanging on the cross and being “limited” as a man! That is wrong!!! Jesus limited himself as a man as a demonstration and in real time to those who witnessed the event; but, Jesus IS GOD FIRST (Matt. 28:18; Col.1:17; Eph. 3:5)!
SO, if for just a few minutes, you throw HK&HL in the ditch and grasp the hand of the Holy Spirit to show you wisdom with very few veils or none to the innermost parts of the REVELATIONS OF CHRIST KING, CREATOR, GATEKEEPER OF ALL THE SHEEP (John 5:21-23) you will understand that Jesus is also like C.S. Lewis described humans in relation to time! He gave an opposite examination of God being able to answer every human’s prayer at the same time as like each human being a book. God/Jesus could pick up anybody at any time where he is and enter our life as if it were NEVER INTERRUPTED TIME. JESUS’ gives us in the beginning information in SEQUENCE OF ABILITY TO SWALLOW! TOO MUCH INFORMATION AT ONE TIME!! MAN WAS CURSED FROM INSTANT KNOWLEDGE to a WORKING FORM that required knees and elbows! The truth would only come back with FAITH AND TURNING BACK!!! MAN GAVE UP HIS AUTHORITY on this planet AND HIS LAST NAME! EACH PERSON BECAME A son of man (Satan’s children). Man would have to die says God in Genesis! Man would have to be reborn of water says, God! Man would have to turn from that father he was born to and become “ADOPTED”!!! WHY? BECAUSE OF THE facts Jesus knew about the Noah, and Abram and the Tower of Babel! All of those events according to HK&HL “look like an evolution of races” (or God creating 100 different Adams all at once), but it was NOT! Elohim created and gave the power through his design his creation to procreate. God created one man and all the divisions of thoughts in relation to races comes from HK&HL!!!!!! What importance does all this have with this story? Just the hugely important aspect of where this parable goes when Jesus gives the next reference to feeding a great multitude! See the Pharisees nor the disciples recognized the prophetic prophecy being given to them about his plan of salvation since before the foundation consisting of adoption, free will, Jesus’ sacrifice as the lamb, obedience to the law impossible, and favor to Adam and his grandchildren( you and me and every other human that has ever been born) would be based upon the same thing required in the garden at the beginning with a blood sacrifice and simply “turning back” (Like 15:18 & 15:31-32). Humans were created with a dependence upon God(2 Cor. 3:5). God gave man the free will to decide or choose his dependence. A human can not live without dependence upon oxygen, nor can his created spirit inside him which is dead at birth continue to be transported around in a live body without killing his flesh or by reviving his spirit to life inside his living flesh. Men born from Adam have attempted millions and millions of ways to revive his dead spirit WITHOUT GOD! They have all failed. The one which is mentioned the most in scripture is how one man revived his dead spirit correctly and then bore a son raised with the ideology of inheriting his father’s success without his own works! This is the Jews ideology! The entire Old Testament reveals story after story about inheritance and the “rights and privileges” of “THE FIRST BORN”! As men procreated on earth having several to many children it was “HK&HL” that the oldest son would inherit farmland and the other resources to keep the family alive if an unforeseen early death of the father. However, the vanity and selfish flesh of many firstborn exponentiated the ideology of a child’s salvation would also be inherited in a like manner! How in the world a farm, donkeys, and sheep would come along with a revived soul in a will could only have come from HK&HL with Satan standing there exactly like in the Garden of Eden with the first father of all men. God knew the plans of Satan to confuse and convince young men with salvation as an inheritance; but, the predestined plan of salvation referred to as “THE GREAT MYSTERY” was not understood by Satan or by but few men (John 14:9! God used prophets to protect the plans of God and told all mankind that salvation is given by adoption ( read all the stories about men blessing children who were NOT THEIR FIRST BORN. Jacob gave to Isaac, not Esau; Jacob gave to Joeseph, not Reuben; each of these real stories were prophetic narrations of the plan of salvation.). Think of this also, if God gave the salvation to only the firstborn like a farm inheritance then it would leave out 98% of the rest of all mankind! But, the Jews still to this day believe that God owes them salvation because of their HK&HL thinking Satan has confused them with since before crossing the Jordan River! That ideology has actually manifested into more “doctrines of men” with “HK&HL” into the Dispensational plan of salvation!
Jesus says, to the “women”, even the dogs get thee scraps from the table! ( PTN!!!!!)
PTN- Prophetic Typological Narration
If you don’t get it- the dogs are the Gentiles.
The Gentiles are NOT the firstborn (favored, or sometimes referred to as “chosen”).
scraps- bread scraps are figurative to the Word of God!!! (PTN!!!!!). refer back to how the Jews had the gospel (word- Moses’ Law and the Gentiles basically did not). ( also go to my story called ” THE JACOB EFFECT” to understand how the Gentiles before the Jews went out into all the nations and did have the word of God).
NOTE vs.32: “Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.”
Matthew 15:32 KJV
I have never heard a preacher make mention of how STUPID JESUS WAS TO USE THE WORD “fasting” instead of “STARVING” when all they refer to in the parable as bread is “LITERAL” ( physical bread), and it having nothing to do with the SPIRITUAL THINKING!!!!!!
Jesus, GOD THE CREATOR and the ONE WHO STOOD AT THE FOUNDATION WITH SCARS AND HOLES IN HIS HANDS AND SIDE is telling the hypocrite (lost) Pharisees and the saved (HK&HL “”””flesh”””” physical bread””””” thinking) disciples he is going to give those GENTILES ETERNAL BREAD THEY HAVE BEEN WAITING ON FOR 3 DAYS!!!!!(“THE JACOB EFFECT”)!
THEN to compound and wrap this whole tiny (PTN) story up he tells them how the GENTILES WILL BECOME THE FIRST AT THE TABLE AND THE JEWS WILL BECOME THE “dogs”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Jews go out and feed the GENTILES with more than they can eat! Jesus fills their bellies up!!!!!! Then he says, you 12, go get THE SCRAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!
(literally outside the camp) of the FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST (those referred to as once before as the “chosen”)!!!
Boy oh boy, how the scholar theologians have had that wrong for how many decades??? Only about 2,000 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can not read your Bible in an expository way and hear the Holy Spirit speak Truth!
You must learn PTN to see and hear WITH YOUR HEART!!!!!!!!!! Rev. 2:7!!!!!!!
Please share!!!
God loves everybody!
Jesus sacrificed himself for our lives!
He is the only sacrifice that was made that paid the trespass offering for all!!!!!
Ask God to forgive you and teach you how to grow deeper in his word. A great tarting point is with Hank Hanegraaff’s book called “L.I.G.H.T.S.”.