A Subjective Jesus as God

Part 2 of 2.

Jesus told the people they did NOT KNOW HIM because they did NOT know the father!

No preachers ever say this yet this is COMPLETELY the truth that can be deducted from scripture: NOT KNOWING THE HOLY SPIRIT is because one does NOT KNOW JESUS either ( that is EVERYBODY!!! GOD does NOT change! So, the Holy Spirit is the same in the O.T. as in the new OR THE GENIUS HUMAN IS BEING BRAINWASHED BY SOME DOCTRINE OF MAN -hint: that also is equal to Satan!).

How many people knew Jesus in the Old Testament? Most people would say probably a lot! Yet, you would need to read again! Read the first sentence again!

Genesis said God walked in the garden; when did El reveal himself to any man with legs? 

Spirits don’t walk. They “float” ( a humanistic word to describe a characteristic better than the one you have been given in church which was the Holy Spirit wasn’t there!!!), they appear as clouds, or fire, or another “form” that doesn’t have flesh!

Jesus was known as the second Adam to come. Just because his name was not revealed did not mean they did not know him!

The entire Old Testament is about him and every character in it was used to describe JESUS’ character or Satan trying to stop him! The explicit point is how Jesus was taught to humans but in NO WAY WAS JESUS IN A SUBJECTIVE STATE DUE TO THE SIN AND IGNORANCE OF MEN! Start at Genesis 1 and see the creation. Chapter 3 is man sinning and being kicked out. Then possibly millions being procreated and about 2,000 years passes where chapter 6 picks up with the flood! Where is the Holy Spirit in the first 2,000 years? Staying home since NOBODY CARED LESS ABOUT GOD! The next 2,000 years are not a whole lot different! So, why do people say the Holy Spirit isn’t in the Old Testament? Because they ARE IGNORING THE VERY FEW WHO HAD HIM!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS IN THE Old Testament! Jesus is there also, incognito ALONG WITH THE INCOGNITO HOLY SPIRIT ( this is a HUGE THEOLOGICAL NUGGET- THE REASON IS HUGE)! Frankly, the best way to get people to think differently than they have been taught is to start over with your understanding the Old Testament as a story written to a STUPID HUMAN WHO CAN NOT UNDERSTAND OMNIPRESENCE OF A HUMAN BEING!!!!! NOR A GOD WHO ALSO HAS TWO OTHER DISTINCT IDENTITIES AND YET IS ONE ( single Godhead)!!!!! After all, how many times have you been told God looked away from Jesus when he was crucified because Jesus had sin on him? That entire ideology started with the stupid human making Jesus an equal human not capable of being omnipresent! Then making the egregious error of saying Jesus bore our sins on him! It is as if preachers never read the BIBLE!!!

YOU HAVE TO START OVER AND GET RID OF TONS AND TONS OF CRAP THAT THE SCHOLARS HAVE TAUGHT WRONG!!!! I AM trying to concentrate on one subject and it is the Holy Spirit!! You must read the entire BIBLE as AN UNVEILING! GOD IS TEACHING TO ONLY THOSE WHO GIVE A CRAP! THERE ARE FEW!!!! THERE are more false teachers who have written discernments that have laid more layers of veils upon the men of God trying to learn the truth! One of the greatest discernments by the Great Reformers has caused many subjects in the Bible to be impossible to understand; but in general, if you recognize the reasoning of why the story of the Holy Spirit is “sorta a future subject” like that of Jesus you will get a GLORIOUS REVELATION ABOUT JESUS!!!!!!!!!!

IS THE BIBLE ABOUT GOD THE FATHER, THE HOLY GHOST OR JESUS? THE BIBLE IS SPECIFICALLY ABOUT JESUS!!!!!!! YES, God is a triune God; but, listen and hear the Spirit of God talk to you! 

It is true God wants us to grow in knowledge! However, it seems it is a continuing habit of running to the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE (Amazon books, the church library, or other “doctrines of men” sources). God says, “For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.”

Proverbs 2:6 KJV

Before Adam and the Tree of Knowledge was the TRUE TREE that gave knowledge ( the HOLY SPIRIT). Read the verse above! The Holy Spirit has always answered! In the beginning, was the Holy Spirit! I am going to list many scriptures at the end for you to apply to this discernment. It would be very, very long to discuss each. It is more important to think of the stories regarding the Kings, the prophets and the judges. Also think of the signs and wonders, and the divers miracles, and the gifts of the Holy Ghost given BEFORE JESUS! Was prophecy a gift of the Holy Spirit? YES! A prophet was not a prophet without the Holy Spirit! Moses was told to speak as God! Who is the one who gives us the ability to take our thoughts made into prayers to God? The Holy Spirit! When a person accepts Jesus as their personal Lord and savior who comes and lives inside them? It is the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit! Did God deny Adam, to Noah, to Abraham, to Joshua, to David to you of the Holy Spirit? No! “God does not change”! Man went from heavenly intelligent to stupid! Man changes in all kinds of ways ( mostly wrong)! The plan of salvation never changed, since before the foundation! 

Write this down:

God could not tell us about God the Father and then the Holy Spirit because why? The great theologians and preachers of today agree that the great reformers figured out the gospel was brought to us in a “sorta manner at different time periods”! Why? Those guys saw something but they erred with one HUGE MISUNDERSTANDING! 





There is a specific reason why the Holy Spirit is

“presented” after Jesus, even though he was in the Old Testament; and it involves the FACT IT TAKES JESUS to receive “the same Spirit of Jesus”!!!!( Of course this is not literal, but as scripture tells us we become “part of the body of Christ”. We become of like mind, heart, and spirit. Our “new flesh” becomes a flesh without a will to disobey Jesus, but OBEY as one will be purposed by and for Jesus alone.) 

Right now, every Protestant church has accepted a new gospel (it is a different plan of salvation!!!!)that takes Jesus COMPLETELY out of the Trinity based upon the ideology of the other two deities of the Trinity are focused upon Gentiles alone! That is an idea from Satan! The confusion was compounded by adding Jesus to a timeline and then literally calling him “GRACE”! This “new GRACE” was supposedly NOT IN THE OLD TESTAMENT (based upon Jesus was NOT in the Old Testament (physically)! The theologians erred in NOT SEEING HIM; that does NOT mean he wasn’t there! Man’s ignorance of an omnipresent God “IN THE FORM OF A HUMAN” became a condescending form of God down to several demonic names: prophet and grace! The Israelites called this God a prophet! The Gentile (Catholics exclusively) agreed to call Jesus the “Gentiles’ GRACE”! 

NOW, the joint meeting between THE WORLD DECIDING THEOLOGIANS who own all the theological universities, own all the paid theological professors, and vastly the majority of world trust for the ability to discern 100% CORRECTLY the Bible all directed the entire world to a NEW BOOK! This book is a new plan OF SALVATION TO APPEASE the Jews and “Christian Gentiles! The fact that the Holy Spirit is in fact a pretty hard part to explain and most other characters in the Bible also made the Holy Spirit easy to masterfully RE-EXPLAIN his part in the Trinity ( it is so grossly handled by the scholars it literally makes the HOLY SPIRIT a “MERGED ENTITY” of the first person of God, God the Father, which is the other Spirit form of the Trinity). If now God the Father ( a spirit) and the Holy Spirit ( a spirit) are treated as say just “God” then ignorance holds the laymen at bay at not being able to debate or discriminate any real difference. On top of all that, 66% of God, the actual word “God”, is used in most common Bible discussions and the new reformers word “GRACE” (another very egregiously twisted word but it sounds so “PRECIOUS AND SOUNDS GOOD”). So, the word (grace) replaced “Jesus” as a “GENTILE THING” that came around 33 BC and “CHANGED THE WORLD AND HEAVEN”!!

 Now, the mirrors reveal the rabbit. 

The hat usually has the rabbit in it. But, now the rabbit has its own trick. The rabbit runs and hides because the rabbit never does! As a matter of fact, this rabbit is Jewish and claims salvation with the authority of the Catholic world dominating all of the theology voices as “SAVED BY INHERITANCE” ( literally by blood!!!!!!!!- Yes, the Jews inherit salvation completely opposite of the Gentiles due to “GRACE”!- why evidence- the idiots used “chosen” to do it!). They make it clear that “grace” came at the time of Jesus! Now you have a new dynamic of these huge words called “time” and “End Times”! It is literally exhausting to describe all the mirrors brought into the Dispensational religion! 

The Holy Spirit is now for sure just “God”. God created man during a “time” of innocence; then came a “time” of consciousness ( in other words it was a time after man got involved with sin- because involvement is of no choice when you find out hidden among the Jewish “time” that ALL MEN ARE PREDESTINED ( all “chosen” – but the mirrors tell you differently and then when you get to a Book conclusion the mirrors spin and you are all standing together due to not “grace” but “chosen”) to salvation under the Catholic faith and the new organized time period plan of salvation also called dispensationalism(according to Dr. Albert C. Outlet ; you just ignore the Jewish part because you are a Gentile). The third “time period” is government

(something to make you think God stepped out of the picture, especially the Holy Spirit); then the promise “time” period. Next, the law “time” period and then what? Jesus? NO!!!!!

The time period of Gentiles is the “GRACE” TIME PERIOD. Where is Jesus? Where is the Holy Spirit? You are really nuts if you think you are going to find them. Why is it so hard to understand anything about the Holy Spirit?

Because these false teachers have been taught in every seminary school God did NOT DEMAND SALVATION BY FAITH, BUT WITHOUT WORKS ( that conveniently affirms Jews in an inheritance OR just call it “predestination”- chosen is the super secret magic word!). Secondly, salvation without works is “GRACE”, not Jesus! It seems like semantics AND REST ASSURED IT IS! THERE IS ENOUGH SEMANTICS to have convinced every Protestant that Dispensationalism is more important to accept and/or understand than the HOLY SPIRIT!!!!!!! Lastly, like the best sells pitch of almost 2,000 years is the “doomsday mirror” of distraction for the slam dunk sell! You managed to sell off Jesus; buy the “grace” instead with the doomsday “End Times” snake oil and like a good ole fashioned carnival got really good entertainment in all the fancy educated scholarly graphs and word semantics translated from Hebrew into English which just so happened to be the Jews advising the Catholics what the words and phrases meant (semantic? how convenient it must have been to keep Jesus out of the translations)!

All of that dispensationalism stuff leads us to the biggest and clearest picture of BIBLE INTERPRETATION AND UNDERSTANDING THE HOLY SPIRIT like examining a bomb during its explosion inches from our nose!

God created a kernel of corn and he planted that one kernel. That single kernel grew many more kernels when it bloomed and “grace” WAS PHYSICALLY AND TANGIBLY experienced! In general, the scholar theologians have described the Holy Spirit as like a kernel of corn but it did NOT produce “grace” until the time period after Jesus’ resurrection! That is crazy!!!! Grace started in the Garden of Eden! 

God gives us air conditioning, cars, cell phones, airplanes, bigger and stronger homes, and commercial buildings; and yet, men have written hundreds, maybe thousands, of books describing and explaining the Holy Spirit as like a tangible materialistic item or a subjective emotion like “a good feeling”! They all describe the Holy Spirit as like cheating the Old Testament folks out of all of those THINGS or “you just know inside emotional feelings” that we get to experience. Everything I read has described the Holy Spirit as like a single kernel of corn in the Old Testament. If you wanted corn you had to go to the priests, the prophets or the judges. Our FLESH is what hinders all truth. Our FLESH wants a “good feeling” to override the other “bad feelings”. When the scale of good and bad emotions tilts heavier with the

“better” ones then we must be experiencing the fullness of the spirit!?! Is the Holy Spirit another “privilege” or modern day “quality of life” you can order on Amazon or hire a contractor to improve your home? 

It seems impossible to learn what the Holy Spirit is about or how the Holy Spirit is so important to our lives as he was in the Old Testament and now as well.

The Holy Spirit is God.

Jesus is God.

God the Father is God.

Each individuality of the Godhead or Trinity is an equal part of God. 

God, any part of God, NEVER CHANGES!

The Holy Spirit was and is the only avenue to understand either part of God or Jesus! (This is part of the reason why the Holy Spirit “appears to be more presented as though Jesus ushers him in after he leaves instead of the Holy Spirit being presented in “full context say during Noah’s time. God the Father “kinda bows out” of the Bible story because the Old Testament is trying to “bring Jesus to the front stage as the main speaker”! So, the Old Testament continues with the many, many introductions, or prophecies, or PTN (prophetic theological narrations) of Jesus coming through characters! Each time the Bible speaks about a character he is being used to show JESUS to the people! Look at the Old Testament prophets, Kings, and judges! Every once in a while a friend is standing by me and a person says, I remind them of my friend, or I remind them of my Dad, or I remind them of………. PTN IS JUST THAT! You can NOT study scripture unless you use that tool!!!!!! The whole Bible is about


SO, reading the book as a main speaker being brought to the stage is “sorta a waiting of introductions”; BUT GOD IS TALKING ABOUT GOD!!!!! (This God is not an object, or a human claiming to be a God which all have only a first person identity! God has three identities because ” HE WAS AND IS BEFORE AND AFTER FOREVER AND EVER”! Stupid human needs serious help to get back to the gate before he entered the smoke and mirrors Satan threw up!

The Holy Spirit is the only human INTERPRETOR of prayer, human emotions, or thoughts of obedience or disobedience between us and God or Jesus ( Now you are really going to argue your way out of saying the Holy Spirit was not with the Old Testament people when they prayed!)!

The Holy Spirit ” is like Jesus’ literal heart; YES, it is explained and the Bible is written to make sure “stupid man” literally CAN NOT say the Holy Spirit “was before Jesus”! 

Hebrews 13:25!!!!!!

Paul tells us “grace” IS NOT JESUS! Grace is not due to Jesus!

Jesus is the one who disperses the HOLY SPIRIT because he has FULL AUTHORITY!

The Holy Spirit will be with you due go the GRACE OF JESUS!

THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GRACE! NOT JESUS HIMSELF! BUT, THE HEART OF JESUS THAT CAN BE PUT IN YOUR PHYSICAL BODY ( after all he is the “floaty stuff” not a “human in the flesh” which nobody believes can be shoved into another person).

The Holy Spirit is ONLY GIVEN TO BELIEVERS OF CHRIST AS the “I AM”! (How did the Jews who rejected Christ and still do interpret the scriptures for the Gentile Catholics?)

The Kings, the prophets, and the priests had the Holy Spirit ( the gift of prophecy, all gifts and the measure of each, and the ability to discern scripture is from the Holy Spirit).

Salvation is defined as having the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Salvation is defined as producing the fruit of the Holy Spirit grafted into Jesus who is the source of all good things.

The Holy Spirit was given to Adam and to his descendants. Adam’s descendants to those at the time of the Tower of Babel continued to bless and provide access to God down to Abraham. It is deductive reasoning that the Adamites blood continued as the new culture known as the Hebrew or Israelites.

The Holy Spirit was restrictive to only the culture known as the Israelites. The restriction was due to the Gentiles rejecting the God of Abraham ( Yeshua- the redeemer to come in the flesh). 

The Holy Spirit never changed but the heart of men changed! The Gentiles built altars to Yeshua, the Christ, that was crucified for the forgiveness of sins ( as a blood sacrifice required and made the past “burning of beasts without the camp” (Hebrew 13:11- meaning only the single priests was to sacrifice n animal which could represent the many believers). 

The Holy Spirit is the essence of “GRACE”! (Hebrews 13:9). He is actually called “grace”! It is grace that fills the heart upon repentance and grows as sanctification works the flesh, heart, and mind into a new Pre-eternal child of Jesus. Hebrews 13:25!!!!!!!

The Holy Spirit was in those who offered up meat sacrifices as it (the meat) did their hearts no good. But, the Spirit of God is “GRACE” which is an aspect of only Jesus’ sacrifice! (Hebrew 13:21).

The Holy Spirit was understood to be “a blood sacrifice” that not only gave forgiveness (what is called “grace”) and also judged! Most consider God the Father as the judge; but, Jesus was given ALL AUTHORITY from the Father and the Holy Spirit is quintessential to understand he is like the heart of Jesus! The Passover was a representation of “requiring blood” either for forgiveness or judgement! The IsrealiIsraelitesate Passover as they all worshipped and obeyed the Passover

The Holy Spirit can NOT live in a lost man. Nor can a saved man living with his old fleshly thinking “in his heart” do the will of Jesus. Peter sank on the water while his “heart used his flesh to reason the spiritual thing going on with hi”. Thomas believed Jesus was God in his heart; but as a man “falls away with thinking of his old knowledge of how things must be”, that man’s heart is veiled with the truth he has and will stumble! Thomas stumbled with the ideology no ” MAN” can escape the grave! Thomas replaced the SPIRITUAL truth he trusted with the old knowledge which was men biologically stay in the ground unless the “living” raise the dead. Thomas demanded proof that the dead (A MAN) raised, he dead. Thomas’ physical priorities became like Peter. Jesus used Thomas not a, an example of a saved man losing his salvation and gaining it back; but, a saved believer that Jesus is God and physically can and did testify for all that the “physical” is NOT the rule but the “SPIRITUAL” IS THE RULE IN ALL THINGS.

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Melchizedek University
