Are you learning PTN (Prophetic Typological Narration) from these stories or anywhere else? If so, who is teaching you?

Are you learning PTN (Prophetic Typological Narration) from these stories or anywhere else?  If so, who is teaching you?

Read stories of lepers and the blind people . Who healed them?  The priests and prophets did NOT!  WHY?  THERE IS ONLY ONE ANSWER!  It was to teach all people that the the priests and prophets were NOT CAPABLE, BUT THE “MASTER” IS!

LEPROSY and BLINDNESS were the two greatest “UNCLEAN” and “IMPOSSIBLE” FLESH ABSOLUTE UNCUREABLE conditions that were PTN symbols for CHRIST TO SHOW WERE NOT ABSOLUTES!  Those conditions were NOTHING forward Christ!  CHRIST WOULD BE THE “MASTER” TO COME AND CONQUER!  He would come to heal all flesh and spiritual needs!

Now you can remember the prophet, Elisha, “SENT” the leper to go dip himself 7 times in the river.  Normally, the prophet would lay hands to heal; but, it was a disease that only the master could “LAY HANDS UPON”.

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Melchizedek University
