As paid for by John Bowen, author and founder of Filthy Rags Ministry…

As paid for by John Bowen, author and founder of Filthy Rags Ministry.

“My Next Career is going to be an Elvis Impersonator!”

I think I am sick of working as hard as I do! Shoveling, sweat, extreme heat during the summer, the scorching sun during the day, having to rely on workers who do not want to show up, making profits only to have to spend much of it on equipment maintenance and improvements, selling and collecting on top of perfect expectations of work performance, and so many more reasons to quit and just perform on stage! Shaking my body, wearing crazy clothes and sunglasses while singing is the real gig versus what I have been doing! I think so many people really wish they were like somebody else. They wish they had their fame, fortune, popularity, and nice stuff of all kinds! Most people would sacrifice everything they currently have to become their “idol”. They would step into a time machine and turn the dial to the second before their idol was born to come back into this world with their idol’s name and thus living out that person’s life versus their own. Since the time machine isn’t available the idea of becoming an impersonator while making easy money is as close to being that person anybody can do until the time machine is made.

I am starting by dying my hair black, getting a wig, getting some identical clothes he used to wear, getting those sunglasses and blue suede shoes, practice some more of his dance moves and let my sideburns grow. It is so simple. I know every word of every song he has ever sung. I can overcome my small voice differences with an expensive mechanical voice over implant (true). What would be missing? If I acted like him, looked like him, had his name, and did the work of him what would be left to be basically like his “clone”?

Mentally close your eyes and think about an idol or your secret “role model” you would like to be very, very like? Did you know the ENTIRE BIBLE is about impersonators? It has ONLY TWO which the ENTIRE BIBLE talks about! Every story is about somebody who is impersonating either Jesus or Satan! Read your bible with this ideology and YOU WILL GAIN THE SECRETS OF GOD’S HOLY DIVINE MEANINGS like he told the disciples. Every person “impersonates” (narrates) either Jesus or Satan (your life becomes a stewardship of God’s gifts or Satan’s gifts- even though God owns it all; God did make Satan a temporary prince of things on this earth. So, those who are not freed from Satan’s shackles from birth to whatever time freedom comes, that person’s every act and everything that lost person has, on a temporary basis, is benefiting only his owner, Satan. If a person becomes free, saved, every good gift comes from above and not the hand of his old father/(prince of the earth-Satan)! You and I are doing the same whether you like it OR NOT! UNTIL YOU make this sink into your head you will never understand the bible stories because you are trying to listen via the Tree of Knowledge like any genius instead of wisdom by way of the Holy Spirit. David and Goliath are impersonating JESUS AND SATAN! Oh, what an amazing story about this small man who is imagined as tiny as a boy who kills a giant like that of the Marvel Comic books character The Hulk. David was an awesome person and there is really a lot of information about this guy in the bible. There is almost nothing about Goliath. However, if you stop reading the bible stories about “David” and read the same stories about “The Jesus impersonator” you SHOULD FORGET HIS GOD GIVEN NAME AND REMEMBER ONLY “THE JESUS IMPERSONATOR”. Think about the time you went to hear an impersonator. Do you remember his “REAL NAME”? IT IS NOT IMPORTANT IF HE WAS A SUCCESS IN IMPERSONATING THE CHARACTER HE IMPERSONATED! IF HE IS RICH doing impersonations, for example like an Elvis, then all you should really have seen is a performance OF ELVIS ( NOT Joe Smith)!!!!!!

David and Goliath are anti-types of JESUS AND SATAN!

This correct analogy and learning how to discern the meanings of scripture from the inspired word of the Holy Spirit includes the correct Hermeneutics with ALL MANNERS of literal principles (“to interpret the Bible literally is to interpret it as a literature”. Things included to do this is to recognize: history, allegories, form, figurative language, fantasy imagery, metaphors, similes, hyperboles, grammatical principles – syntax, style, semantics, genre, essence, authorship, context, time of event, whom the author writes- the saved or the lost, and most of all synergy of scripture – see L.I.G.H.T.S. by Hank Hanegraaff). 

Are there great stories and principles a person can learn if you teach about the conflict between David and Goliath? Absolutely! It is really cool to hear about how this shepherd killed The Hulk (word picture of an impossible super strong human- Goliath). 

What I want to ask now is do you think the story about JESUS KILLING SATAN IS BETTER? Can a person learn the same or even better moral story about good destroying evil? Does the story have to be about a little boy killing a giant to make a better “story” for an audience? Well, guess what? This reason of why Jesus, who IS GOD, came down in the flesh to OVERCOME the flesh (which means David is a sinner and he is NOT ELVIS)! The real DEAL IS ALWAYS BETTER! So, would you rather hear and witness me as an Elvis impersonator OR ELVIS? WHY THEN DO YOU WANT TO TELL THE STORY ABOUT “what’s his name and who”?

Do you get the significance of this message? Well, it is not all the information to understand yet the reasoning of why you have to change your reading and discerning skills! The O.T. stories are treated as though you have just read them, as a current event. These stories are not stories to give you information like Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s crucifixion in his confirmation hearings. The O.T. biblical stories WERE ALL THAT THE PEOPLE HAD IN COMMUNICATING THE GOSPEL PERIOD!!!!!!!

YOU pick up your bible and read a story about David and Goliath. O.T. folks did not have a bible! People who were born for example after David and Goliath picked up the most current event story (their bible) from their parents which came OUT OF THEIR PARENTS’ MOUTHS! People, in general, do not memorize small versus; but, a good joke or story can be remembered even if they are pages long. A TRUE current event story of a boy killing a giant could be passed down as easy or easier than a good joke. So, God used in times past personal stories of the times (usually dramatic true circumstances) to prophecy about HIMSELF! David and Goliath are impersonators (word picture) that come on the stage of life and TELL A BETTER STORY!! David & Goliath are INSIGNIFICANT as individuals (they are important humans but the BIBLE IS ABOUT GOD – GOD IS GOING TO REVEAL ALL ASPECTS OF HIS CHARACTER BY DIFFERENT EVENTS OF HIS LIFE THRU OTHER PEOPLE- GOD CAN NOT POSSIBLY EXPLAIN ABOUT HIS CHARACTER OF HIS first person, which is only an invisible and Holy Spirit without USING HUMANS TO EXPLAIN; then he puts more in his autobiography, the Bible, explaining himself in the second person, Jesus, then in the third person writing form known as the Holy Spirit; all of which takes time and events on earth through different people who CAN BEST REPRESENT HIS POINT OR CHARACTERISTICS ABOUT HIMSELF)!!!!!

What is the thorn in Paul’s flesh? It is to for Paul’s sake to keep him from being overcome by a temptation (Satan is always going to come “prick” his flesh to move against God -hint: read about Balaam then add the “prick” or “prod” of the shepherd’s staff keeping him in line from running off the cliff). God promises never to give you a temptation that you can not eschew. But, there is one Paul cannot; so God provides the way out with this thorn. The reason I grab this out of the New Testament and slam this thought with the story about David is to bring the entire Bible, including the N.T. into the perspective with all that I am explaining. It is due to the fact that the greatest mistake most people make in trying to understand scripture is they separate the O.T. from the N.T. when trying to explain something from one of them AS IF THE OTHER DOES NOT RELATE. IT ALWAYS DOES! SO, Paul is insignificant (in the same manner of speaking, everybody in N.T.and O.T.; you have to apply synergy of thinking with the whole bible when studying ANYTHING)!!!!!!!! Jesus is what Paul impersonates and he better go about doing it! Before Saul was saved he impersonated Satan; after being saved Saul did not just quit sinning as he could not exit his flesh. Saul’s flesh from his past was so strong that God gave him a reminder or a helpful “fleshly wound” to “think, act, and respond differently” than before. It would not stop his sinning but it would surely help from Saul becoming overcome by his flesh’s old ways and for example just start killing the new enemy! For example, there is something to be said about a courageous strong man with a broken toe. Another quick example would be the Israelites living under Pharoah’s rule and false god’s for 400 years and “ALL OF A SUDDEN” freed! They walk out into the desert under a new God, their old Elohim God. Immediately, their flesh wants to go back! How stupid! But, there are not many Israelites with their hearts freed from their old gods. Their flesh remained strong in their old thinking! In order to get what you ask in prayer it says first cast the mountain into the sea ( that I believe is our GIANT PILE OF DIRT WE CARRY CALLED FLESH) AND THEN whatever you ask shall be given unto you! God has got to let these 400-year-old false god flesh monsters die in the desert. It took 40 years of weaning the OLD HEARTS into a Godly heart and it is why they were lead around and around. Most people read this story without understanding the huge significance of the prophetic typology the “promise land” represented. Again this story like David and Goliath is scripture, not just a true historical event. God does not let people who worship false gods into heaven! If God had let these false God worshippers cross the Jordan river there would not have been any gospel given with that version of history! In the end of the historical narrative, there were only two [2] Gentiles that survived out of the entire herd – Joshua and Caleb ( the changed Israelites that worship Elohim, called Israelites indeed, cross into temporary heaven). We are insignificant if we are impersonating Jesus!!!!! Are you a witness? Not if they see you! Impersonate! Narrate! Prophecy the name, the work of God and the meanings of scripture!!! Understanding the meanings of scripture (discernment is always compared to as drinking milk from a bottle or eating meat) like a lost guy (a genius) is WHAT HE CAN DO ALREADY! ( Word picture- a lost guy and a saved guy drive by a 40 MPH sign. What message does the lost guy get? What a genius if he figures out not to go over 40 MPH. How smart is the saved guy if he discerns the EXACT SAME MESSAGE? Well, he is at least a genius also. What message should the saved person discern? You had better discern JESUS ( there are very few people that see Jesus in a 40mph speed limit sign! WHY? If you don’t and you’re saved you are definitely sucking on a bottle. If you don’t see Jesus at all, then your salvation is in question. If you see the real meaning then it’s NOT LIKE THE LOST GUY’S INTERPRETATION! – I write another explanation to this called “What do you see different in the 40mph sign”). ARE WE NOT TO BE DIFFERENT IN EVERY WAY? 


The real answer could be there is not a difference! 

That is what scripture truly says. (I am writing another article called “Are you sure, that you’re sure, that you are really sure that you’re saved?”)

So, when you read the story of David and Goliath, or any story, again with the Holy Spirit guiding your thoughts (that only a saved person can be led by) you will find the story is about Jesus and the prophetic prophecy that God intends to fill with his son. You will read in David and Goliath about the plan of salvation for all; the Israelites had never had a king but insisted and David became their Jesus replacement; yet, David, from the time he was very young had always heard from the Lord and listened diligently as a prophet; David knew he would be king and also knew that he was to impersonate Jesus, the Messiah, to come after him as the greater king; David would become the first theological man to narrate the story of Jesus in his own position in a worldly like heavenly respect; David knew from the beginning until the end he was a walking sinful example of the sinless Messiah that be his replacement to seat on his throne;, the Devil being defeated by a little shepherd boy from Judah; about a King that Triumphs over all kings and no one can find fault in him; Satan wanting to rule over God and man. about God is the only God in all the universe; Jesus’ mercy to those who did not deserve it; Jesus has the ability to remove all sins from anybody; a Messiah who has been tempted and defeated the greatest of enemies and will fulfill prophecy of killing the greatest enemy that exists; about Jesus who has never sinned and needs nothing from the world to defeat anything but himself with what is clean (not of this world- the rocks are not of this world because they represent the Gentiles who will accept him and spread the gospel which Satan later tempts him about in the wilderness); and from him (David gives back wicked Saul his weapons and Jesus picks up his own choice of weapon which an ordinary soldier thought would be insanity to use on a giant); and Jesus drives all the enemies out and they will never challenge him again! Then watch how a man (Jonathon) can have faith to leave his earthly father (Satan) and be fully bonded to a righteous heavenly father.

Look at a N.T. scripture about David. Yes, David the root of Jesus and the prophet who Jesus says is the key to David. 1Peter 1: 10-13 “Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us, they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;”

1 Peter 1:10-13 KJV

Now here is what it means literally:

“Of which salvation the prophets (David – NOT any of us) have enquired and searched diligently(they prayed continuously and spent every moment of their lives preparing for some action day by day that was to testify of Jesus and NOT of them) , who prophesied (literally again David knew each thing that happened in his life and others involving him what would happen as if traveling in time and seeing the reality before it took place)of the grace that should come unto you(this is exactly the same ” grace” that came to Adam and Eve and all the O.T. people “but NOT as the FUTURE TENSE but as ” PAST TENSE”!): Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify(AGAIN, David prayed about each event in his life asking God to reveal what, when and how before they all took place), when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ(Jesus revealed how each thing would tell the story about him. So Jesus would have told David that when he did kill Goliath with the rocks it would represent Jesus killing Satan and presenting the gospel thru the “rocks” [Gentiles] saving mankind when the Jews would fail), and the glory that should follow(David probably was told much more than we can imagine like when John was taken to heaven as told in Revelations.; but, we can discern spiritually that David saw clearly how JESUS WAS GOING TO GET THE GLORY and he was merely a vessel obeying God ). Unto whom (David, not you or me) it was revealed(you got the meaning wrong the first time which makes it super obvious this message is about David whom was a prophet unlike a common Christian), that not unto themselves(David perceived Jesus winning NOT HIM GETTING ENOUGH “emotional courage” to beat Goliath), but unto us they did minister the things(his actions were the gospel in living form just like Jesus dying on the cross), which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into(Wow! Now since we live after Jesus died, after Jesus and the angels that had faith as David to come and conquer heaven have received an ENTIRELY NEW JOB. They are now going about doing the work of Jesus NOT IN THE POSITION THAT HE WILL BE GOD IN FLESH BUT Jesus the God in flesh has them HELPING US TO GEAR UP FOR THE FINAL BATTLE; but, the harvest must take place from all the planting of the Psalms, the Prophets and the Law that was completely fulfilled by Jesus! Most people look at the Bible as a guide to help them “LIVE THEIR LIVES AS A GREAT INDIVIDUAL” -as if David is the great hero. David was maybe in a word picture “a good finger”; BUT, THE BIBLE IS NOT THAT! YOU ARE NOT AN INDIVIDUAL ( if you understand being a Christian you are “part of the body of Christ”! WE CAN NEVER BE GREAT; BUT, OBEDIENT “AS PART OF A FAMILY LOVING AND WORKING TOGETHER FOR ONE GOAL! WE WILL ONE DAY ACT NOT AS ONE; BUT, IN UNISON WITH JESUS. When someone takes the interpretation of parables like David and Goliath and make David a hero it is the ” genius interpretation of David being an individual. True David was fearless, but David is NOT A TYPICAL VESSEL WALKING THIS PLANET! When your finger moves it is moving independently of your toes but it never serves itself but the benefit of your whole body, like David did serving God.). Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you(jello is jello; but, the preachers have turned jello into ingredients as the water, the gelatin, the sugar, the bowl, the mixing machine, and the cook brought each item over time and it was never served because it was a process that took time and was not edible until Jesus died on the cross! THAT MAKES JESUS A MAN ON A TIMELINE AS SOME COOK HAVING TO PREPARE SOMETHING EXACTLY LIKE YOU AND ME. That is CRAZY, UNGODLY, AND WRONG! The great reformers of the 1500’s to the late 1800’s theology has been brainwashed into most preachers today and it was a “united cooperative” among many different religious institutions lead by the Catholics which came up with the term “DISPENSATIONALISM”! That term was coined and codified still today by MAKING JESUS A MAN like the ” cook” presenting “grace” like the jello. In fact, the Hebrew word should have been codified by using “management” ( another incorrect united cooperative lead by the Catholic church which forced “Hades” to mean HELL instead of the true meaning “buried in the ground”! ” Hell fits the narrative of purgatory! Dispensation fit the narrative of timeline and confusion among themselves as not being able to explain Paul’s book and Revelation of his salvation along the road of Damascus with the anthropomorphic word “predestined” in Ephesians and Romans. The term “election” also elevated these guys to their superior status nothing but similar to Paul as his previous version as “Saul”(the Pharisee). Their theology proves this observation as correct by the simple first recognition that Jesus is God and stood at the foundation! Second, Jesus did not come ” TO PROVE ANYTHING”! Jesus did “NOT COME” as “dispensationalism” describes a “created being coming”. Jesus is the begotten; the FIRST ADAM. Jesus IS “I AM”! Third, Jesus CAME FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEMONSTRATING “to man”; not NEEDING GOD as all other created creatures. Fourth, dispensationalism is making JESUS NEED GOD like you and I and the angels! Fifth, JESUS gave the plan of salvation over and over and over with the same message and dispensationalism CHANGES THAT PLAN! Have you read the story of Moses? When you recognize you were bitten by the snake in the wilderness (Satan) that kills you it would be good to go to the doctor (Jesus) for life-saving medicine (that was “grace” he managed solely like a Pharmacist) the same as it is after his resurrection). Jesus STOOD AT THE FOUNDATION! The only way I know how to describe this is like Marty McFly going back in time after he is a teenager and sees his parents meeting for the first time at the soda shop. Jesus WAS AND IS NOTon a timeline ONLY ALL OF CREATION!) at the revelation of Jesus Christ(like Abraham did not know the name of Yahweh “as Jesus”; O.T. people knew about Yahweh to come BUT we( N.T. folks) would get to have revealed to us things like John had revealed in Revelations. You must understand heaven is absolutely on a time clock reading the same time and day that we see and as Hebrews says in chapter 5&6 some cannot see or discern unless God permits; BUT, nobody could do the harvesting as we can do now because the 7 points of the gospel (The Single Management of Grace by Jesus:

1. Jesus managed grace thru the prophets who were anti-types of himself since Adam & Eve and to become THE PROPHET (Last prophet) IN THE FLESH,] Jesus sat on the Mercy seat hidden, remember an priests looking upon him would die if in the “before presented as prophisied application”? In the O.T. before Melchizedek; now after the order is FULFILLED the same grace before can be seen (it never meant he (grace) was not around!

2. Jesus managed grace by putting man in the best possible place to live in the universe by creating the Garden of Eden. Then God manged his grace of this gift by removing him from where God lived due to the presence of the stench of sin on man and gave him another temporary paradise only to remind him of the BETTER paradise which would have God living there with him instead of Satan.

3. Jesus managed grace by creating a Holy City on earth which would be by representation the hope and Spiritual connection of the like PERMANENT (were he once lived) CITY where all could come and worship him. Jerusalem (the “New” Jerusalem is not on earth!!!) is now waiting on us to come back to where Jesus resides in the flesh!

4. Jesus managed the grace of everything involving the temple. Once the ark of the covenant represented Jesus’ earthly sitting throne which was temporary (by also making the tents represent ” temporary and mobile”). Jesus the true temple himself fulfilled the prophecy to the fullest as Shiloh coming in the O.T. There will be no more Shiloh coming a third time or fourth or fifth or more!

5. Jesus managed the grace by being the Better priest than Melchezedec. There is NO ORDER AFTER JESUS THE HIGH PRIEST! SO, how the tar-nation will some Jewish priest come along and snatch that prophetic prophecy out of the bible as having been unfulfilled? Some priest is going to “Re-NARRATE” AS AN ANTI-TYPE of Christ coming from Shiloh, a man of Judah, the root of David, and ride in on a donkey? I hope some car manufacturing company comes out with a new vehicle called “ass”! They could then interpret that is what it meant as palm leaves get thrown under the ass (SUV). THIS IS ALL PART OF POINT 7 IN DISPENSATIONALISM! I WONDER who was sitting at the table with the Catholics to keep the Jewish beliefs mixed in with the ” Messiah”/God of Abraham worshippers? This is called political correctness of the great reformers! Make all of them united, this says Satan!

6. Jesus managed grace by becoming man. He, God, came in the flesh to fulfill the anti-type of Abraham’s son being offered for a trespass offering. Jesus, the Son of God, learned obedience for “the sake of man” when he knew and created all things! Jesus fulfilled the need of mankind as being the FIRST of mankind where Adam failed! Adam was second to Jesus as it took a God-man to stand before the wrath of God when Adam sinned not to wipe out ANY human procreation period! There would be no children after Adam because he should have become smoldering ashes when his nasty foot touched the Holy ground of God Almighty! Read Moses and find the exact statement God made about what would happen “if”! God does not change! He would have in the Garden ” if he had not been “COOLED” BY HIS SON’S GRACE! Now read Genesis, it is there!!!!!!

7. Jesus manged grace by becoming the King which would establish truth and righteousness forever after the other kings whom failed. Jesus became the “BETTER” KING and last King after David as NOT FULFILLED UNTIL now (N.T. times). The Jews are going to go from a President back to a king? Or just use politically correctness as accepting the Torah meant PRESIDENT/Prime Minister also!? You or I have as much blood linkage going back to King David as any “Jew” on the planet! There has been over 100 generations pass since King David. Maybe the Jews could come out with another David first and then it would look more legit!

1 Peter 1:10-13 KJV


We, David and you and I, can only be an obedient vessel! God turns the water into wine but he commands us, on a voluntary basis, to pour the wine out to those thirsty!

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Melchizedek University
