Biblical “Jingle-Jangle” with milk causes Church SPD ( CSPD)!
I write all the time in probably one of the most incorrect manners in the so-called correct forms that should be used. I write like I talk. I find it very important to be blunt as possible! I use the word “wrong” in many ways to convey the absolute thought of what I am saying “is wrong”! I continually hear the words tolerance, love, opinion ( this real disturbs me), debate, and arguement. How many times will you walk up to God and use those words with him? How many times do you use the words in the fields of health when the patient is turning blue? The point is there are FOUNDATIONS OF FACT WITH EVERY FIELD OF STUDY. GOD ESTABLISHED A BIGGER FOUNDATION WITH RELGION AND IT WAS JUST ONE ( single, uno, less than two)!
Secondly, his TRUTH does not allow opinions, or tolerances, or emotions ( as love has been treated- humans have made “love” filthy, vile, wretched, immoral, corrupted, stinky, confusing, worldly, sexual, everything but PURE BIBLICAL TRUTH- LOVE IN THE BIBLE IS NOTHING MORE THAN GOD’S TRUTH- I have been told when I witnessed to someone I didn’t approach that person “with the love” or compassion I should have). How do you give somebody something that saves their lives from hell in the wrong way? Here is how: hand them the TRUTH smeared with that crap known in the professional world of psychology as “jingle”, but I would call it crap!
Then I hear that I need to approach them with the gospel using “jangle” which they think would be an apple pie!
Unless you have studied psychology, you probably did not get the full scope of what I just said. Great, that is the point of what is referenced by psychologist as the “jingle and jangle” communication constructs happening in church today!!!!!
The “jingle” is the first example I gave of calling Bible Truth pure “LOVE” and then listening to nuts, Christian’s, and preachers call something like a person’s opinion to false truths known as things like Calvinism, or Dispensationalism, or Mormonism, or adultery as “LOVE”. Anything in the Bible that is not EXACTLY LIKE WHAT IT IS IN THE BIBLE IS CALLED “Jingle”! You can call a tree a tree and a stick a tree, or a bicycle a tree but it does not mean they are the same WHEN THEY ARE NOT!
Now, the “jangle” is even better in church today! It really takes the “cake” or “pie”. God commanded disciples ( it does not mean disciples as you read about in the Bible thousands of years ago; it means YOU!- if you are a Christian period!) to go and GIVE THE WORD ( can “word” mean “cake” or “pies”)?
Jesus tells a parable in Matt 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17 and John 6:1-15. Jesus says they had followed him three (3) days and the disciples told Jesus he needed to send them away to allow them to buy food; but, Jesus said they did NOT NEED TO LEAVE and then said he could feed them!
“But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat.”
Matthew 14:16 KJV
Google your brains out looking up what that message is about!!! Ask your preacher to explain the story about the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand! I will send you a check for a donation if any of them honestly says: “John 4:32”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The CHURCH IS THE WORSE AT THE phycology phenomenon called “JINGLE AND JANGLE”!!!!!!!! And they DONT even know it!
Then, I have, you try to explain it to them ( Love & TRUTH) they swell up with pride as if you just punched them in the throat!
That parable about the feeding of the 5,000 IS NOT A MIRACLE ABOUT THE DANG FISH AND BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How does a preacher become so prideful that he can NOT listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to him from a DONKEY standing in front of him!!?
Tell me which is worse:
A. The preacher telling everybody the wrong “SPIRITUAL MESSAGE” – (the discernment the lost can understand)
B. some donkey standing in front of him telling him what God has revealed so he could see God and glorify God and recieve the reward for FEEDING HIS HERD as the sheperd he is called to do; all while his reward is 10 times the punishment for giving them MILK or no substance at all ( the message with meat the Bible demands he feeds us with)?
Frankly, the common message is so far off from the TRUTH, the BETTER MESSAGE ( from the Holy Spirit) it makes me cry many times. Why? The answer is part of the BETTER message! [ I have to make this statement before going further or I would violate the correct way to stop the jingle and jangle in my own message. The “common moral lesson” taught from the feeding of the five thousand: Jesus feed everybody from the miracle of breaking only 5 fish and two loaves and he healed people of diseases and what ever else happened like raising somebody from the dead IS ALL GREAT! Jesus and the disciples giving everybody MILK IS WONDERFUL! HOWEVER, milk has never been food for adults! On top of that, did you know that babies HAD BETTER LEARN TO GET OFF THE BOTTLE OR THEY WILL NEVER PHYSICALLY BE ABLE TO TALK!!!
I am describing a person’s inability to communicate general cognitive universal sanity in every day communication by using frank, honest, truthful and plain terminology by in-depth psychological research studies; and comparing that in like manner with FRANK AND TRUTH DIFFERENCES OF DISCERNING Biblical scripture like a lost person or a TRUE HOLY SPIRIT INDWELT CHRISTIAN using his heart instead of his flesh, opinions, past wrong teachings, or diploma! The church jingle and jangle is overwhelming church goers so much that people outside the church are looking and sounding like the people inside the church! That is where the world has been twice already ( once at the flood, and again when the only living culture of people who worshipped Yahweh turned against him leaving no one again).
Take that message and absorb it spiritually as a word picture for EPIC FAILURE in preaching “the jingle and jangle” during a preachers whole career!
It is no wonder why a 60 year old who was saved at 10 years of age still doesn’t “have the Biblical intelligence and spiritual growth” to witness (talk) to a lost
(hungry) person!!!!!!!!!!! That is a TRUE MEDICAL condition being used to convey a “spiritual INABILITY to talk by not eating meat ( spiritual meat)!
The trifecta of EPIC FAILURE going on in churches today can be compared to another health condition called (SPD) Sensory Processing Dissorder! It is ironic to talk about because many medical physicians do not consider this recognized physiologic disorder as a TRUE DISORDER! I believe that the disorder does exist because I am seeing it in many different versions from many different people at different ages! I pretty much agree “drugs” will have little affect and thus I think it is why medical doctors in general do not associate with “non-drugable” problems. But, the “title” is so fitting to the scope of problems in people in the “RELIGOUS REALM”! People in general associate with some kind of religion, even no religion is a religion. The lesson in the Chrisianity religion is OBVIOUS AS DAY AND NIGHT THAT (CSPD) church sensory processing disorder is becoming rampant like a plague! If you walk into church and hear a preacher tell you he is a sheperd of God he should be giving you the BEST communication skills of what God wants his sheep to hear and understand for putting it to use in our everyday lives. But, if you can not be told the correct discernment of scripture by Priests, preachers, pastors and the clergy of any kind you are experiencing CHURCH SENSORY PROCESSING DISORDERS by them!!
You walk in church and experience all these gospel songs, lovely musical instruments playing beautiful almost heavenly vibes while looking at 400 hundred year old stain glass windows with inlayed pictures of marytered saints, a man hanging on a cross called Jesus, people violently flailing their arms while screaming, running around and passing out in strange men’s arms as if having a heart attack, or maybe several hundred people just mesmerized like zombies who are suppose to be the most sane, joyful, loving, compassionate, peaceful, and Godly knowledgeable people on earth!!! Yet, the preacher and the members can not discern a single parable by using a parabola ( Job 29:1; 1 Peter 1:10-12; John5:39; John4:32; Luke 24:44-45). Our preachers literally are giving everybody in the audience stimulations that ARE ABSOLUTELY EQUIVALENT TO PSYCHOLOGICAL
A man almost can not come to church nowdays and experience God because we are being led by the flesh, taught fleshly teachings, and desire to have our fleshly senses tingle!!!!!!
God wants the church ( people who are ALREADY FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST) be be edified!! The church is NOT meant to be a recruiting session! The preachers, especially Baptist Calvinist, claim the Holy Spirit is doing all the recruiting, and yet every Sunday the preacher gives a sermon as if he is taking to persuade a lost guy to accept Christ!
That is jingle-jangle in a bottle causing CSPD)!
The sermon is suppose to be meat and anybody lost would be either persuaded by the Holy Spirit or according to the actual Bible teachings the light and salt from the church ( members sitting in the pews)!