Can you explain the difference between a Trinitarian and a Unitarian?
What about a Catholic and a Trinitarian?
What about a Baptist and a Jew?
All of the religious groups have a lot in common! So much so the average person can not dissect the differences. Does it matter? Most, immediately say, NO. WHY? Because they are brainwashed with the ideology “there is too much in common” as they all associate with Jesus. Does not the Jehovah witnesses associate with Jesus? A Baptist will raise their hands and scream “they are a cult”! Why do the Mormons get SATAN FLAGGED with their Jesus relationship? They claim ” God” in the Bible is the exact same God as ALL the other religions!
I could go on and on about how the small pieces matter that contaminant food and ALL would agree that a little piece of bile would ruin a 1,000-gallon pot of spaghetti sauce. Yet, nobody would go to HELL over that nasty situation. Why is religion treated as if “half the pot can be contaminated” and it is “NO BIG DEAL”?
HOW about money? Maybe peer pressure? And a whole lot of Bible ignorance!
Is he to blame?
It is every member sitting there in church swallowing the gospel like a patient in the ICU with a food bag being forced feed and not even sick!
Start with a simple scripture study.
Do you read the Bible about God ( the first person) or God as the idea it includes all of the individual aspects of God as a Triune God? Have you ever been told the Bible was written about the HOLY SPIRIT and not God or Jesus? I bet not!
I did not say the Bible does not include very important aspects, characteristics of “God the Father” and “Jesus the only begotten Son of God”! But, JESUS HIMSELF PROVIDED TWO IMPORTANT SCRIPTURES THAT ARE NEVER EXPLAINED WHAT HE MEANS BY HIS STATEMENTS THAT EXPLICITLY SCREAM CONTAMINATION IS EASY, COMMON AND MUST BE RECOGNIZED!
Jesus said anybody who denies him will be forgiven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the heck does that mean?
Well, ponder your thoughts about all of those religions mentioned; all supposedly have “JESUS IN COMMON”; but, Jesus said, “SO WHAT”!!!!!! YOU DONT GO TO HELL DENYING JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EVERY religion is concentrating hard on honoring and worshipping “GOD”! Do they worship “God that includes Jesus”? Well, not all! How about the Catholics that claim you can get to “God” thru MARY ( the mother of Jesus)!? What about the Baptist who says you can get to “God” absent Jesus because you were born saved before you recognized Jesus’ work and sacrifice? What about the Jew who hates Jesus; but, the Catholics, the Baptist, all the Protestants believe they get to “God” thru either “being specially chosen” ( the same as predestined salvation) or thru “inheritance” ( as they were the original believers set aside for the promise land) or thirdly their Messiah will come to redeem them ( all Protestants and Catholics FULLY AGREE thru Dispensationalism)!? Not to mention many will become saved by a “special event” ( called diverse manners that the prophets, Jesus, and the disciples demonstrated in the past and will happen AGAIN by the event called the “Tribulation”. Yet, scripture says that is a lie!).
All of a sudden you CAN NOT state that this article has shaken your mind at least a little in recognizing there are many different things in the Bible that cause a “SEPARATION IN the TRIUNE GOD”! YET, you still have not even touched the ASPECTS OF the third person of God known as the HOLY SPIRIT!
Matthew 12:32: “And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.”
Matthew 12:32 KJV
Have you ever heard a sermon explaining this? I bet not times a million! Why? Because there is so much more contamination in the sauce that would seem it make no difference for you; after all, you can NOT DIVIDE THE CONTAMINANTS if you tried! You have been taught the Bible is about “God” ( the general aspect of God as a whole and NOT the distinguishing LIFE-SAVING ASPECTS THAT DEMAND DISTINCT ABSOLUTE DIFFERENCES like Matthew 12:32 WARN!!!!!!
Can you deny Jesus and get to God thru Mary as a Catholic? Well, you just read a verse that gives every indication you don’t need Jesus at this part of your education. Mary seems really possible sitting in the Catholic church being bag feed “GOD”! How about the combo of Mary and the Holy Spirit? Does that combo fit that “God believer”? That would describe the “Jew”! That would describe the Mormon! That would describe hundreds of “God faith-based” religions!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU either are stupid, lazy, lost, crazy, ignorant or a combination of all of those things if you think dispensationalism ( which includes predestination) does NOT have that concept!!!!
As a matter of fact, if you don’t have that ideology Dispensationalism holds that concept explain your way out by discerning Matthew 12:32???
Can you?
Have you studied the Holy Spirit enough to explain this to a member of church or a lost person?
Was the Bible written about God ( the first person of the Trinity)?
What about Jesus ( the second person of the Trinity)?
What about the Holy Spirit ( the third person of the Trinity)?
All most everyone agrees it is written about Jesus, yet Jesus says he IS NOT AS IMPORTANT as the Holy Spirit!!!
Why are not preachers telling us about the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON OF THE TRINITY?
WHY are they NOT telling us how to share the gospel that is the MOST IMPORTANT?
Jesus SAYS a person goes to HELL if he blasphemes the Holy Spirit! How is that if you deny Jesus ( Matthew 12:32)?
Write your comments
Your pot you have been eating out of at church is full of segregation and Jesus just noted there was during his time!!
What was he talking about?
Jesus stood in front of the Pharisees and told them point-blank they DID NOT KNOW “GOD”
( the first person of God)! They were the scholars of everything about God! They had all the Old Testament scriptures. They knew all the stories! They were the ones that witnessed a the “diverse manners”! How can Jesus say they did not know God? They said it then because they claimed Jesus did not know God! They said it did not matter if Jesus was or was not a prophet because he was not THE MESSIAH and JESUS SAID, FINE! He stood there and told them He would forgive them for denying him. How would they go to Hell if they got forgiveness for denying him? That doesn’t make sense!
It only makes sense if you APLLY A SPIRITUAL APPLICATION!!!!!!
Billions go to church and deny Jesus and they DON’T have to worry; how, because Jesus said people are morons bound for HELL if they SEE HIM and think “SO WHAT”! GOD WILL TAKE ME BECAUSE THEY BELIEVED IN “GOD ALSO”! What bi)lions need to recognize, mostly preachers, the Bible is written ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT EXPLICITLY! That has to be mind-blowing or crazy to read something like this! Keep reading as your mind will explode hopefully so YOUR HEART THINKS AND LISTENS INSTEAD! PULL out your parable and listen as Saul, blind! Listen to scripture from Genesis to Revelations as the HOLY SPIRIT embarks on the ONLY PERSON OF GOD NEEDED TO RECIEVE THE GIFT FROM GOD! Jesus stood there and called those guys DEAD! They listened, a.elled, and saw Jesus but did not know God! Nothing in the Bible matters if you do not receive and believe in JESUS ALONE! That is contradictory to what Jesus just said in Matt. 12:32 if you continue like a licensed genius with a doctorate in divinity! Jesus said NOBODY gets into heaven without KNOWING ALL THREE PERSONS OF GOD!!!
The Bible isn’t about “God” ( the first person). Everything in the Bible referring to God the first person is to teach you and demonstrate the relationship of Jesus as “God the first person of your life”! Jesus prays to the father, to teach you that relationship ( Does God need to pray to God?).
The Bible isn’t about “Jesus” ( the second person). Jesus tells the disciples that he must go so that one can come and you shall do greater things! Where was the Holy Spirit before Jesus? God “limited man’s understanding of the Holy Spirit” before his resurecction! Why? Because “grace” is JESUS BY HIS WORK; this, if “grace” was given to man before Christ’s birth man would have sought the genius Tree of Knowledge and come to the conclusion “grace” did not come from Christ but the first person of God! Well, now you CAN NOT! Jesus slamed that dumb idea closed by a representation of his “physical body” having to die first! Even though it was not true ( as Christ is not limited by time and was there before the foundation); Jesus helped ignorant and stubborn man with a teaching lesson! Now, every man can be full of “grace” giving them the ability to all be “Priests”, prophets and judges! If Jesus is ” IN YOU” what is your limitations? Every believer NEEDS TO FULLY WEAR THE ARMOR as those in the Old Testament could not! The roles and responsibilities change in life with maturity, age, knowledge and awareness of truths. Christ throughout the entire Bible is gradually teaching humans like a dispensation “IN SPIRITUAL SCHOOL” ( not changes in God BUT MAN!!!!!! see dispensationalism teaches changes in God- WRONG IDEOLOGY!!!!).
The Bible isn’t about the “Holy Spirit” ( the third person). How can the Holy Spirit do anything without putting your faith and trust in the “GOD IN FLESH” who literally took beatings, and was sacrificed with BLOOD!? The Holy Spirit has NO BLOOD! This, the Bible does not need to tell anybody much information about the “SPIRITUAL STUFF” UNTIL A PERSON GETS ON Jesus’ team! So, when you read literally, line by line, precept upon precept 🤪, you read carefully as you did when LOST ( without the spirit). When you become a Christian YOUCHANGE; if you don’t, then you will die like a baby sucking a bottle of milk or like the thief on the cross. You will never experience Christian maturity and do a work Christ has for you! Babies don’t work! Noah didnt do the work of Christ; but he sure did do a “work for CHRIST”! Noah was told to do everything he could to convenience others to get in the boat! If people were predestined to salvation they would have just lined up like the animals for the ride! If a person rejects all the visuals ( like the boat) and refuses life saving equipment they are guilty NOT GOD the EMT, PARAMEDIC, PRIESTS, CAPTAIN, AND DOCTOR 💉 with the boat that would save your body and soul!!
The BIBLE IS ABOUT GOD IN YOU SPIRITUALLY! This might be a horrible example but it will give you a word picture of what the entire Bible is about. If a person dies he would see three doors leading into heaven. The guarding angels at the door tells the person that the first door has “God” ( known as God the Father of the Old Testament) behind it. The second door has Jesus behind it. The third door has the Holy Spirit behind it. If the guy picked for number one (#1) there would be an instant “puff” and he would turn to ashes. Why? Because God is too holy do look upon as he is Spirit only and the characteristics we can know about God the Father is basically “wrath” that detest sin, bad smells of sin, and demands Holy flesh that only Jesus satisfies! If he opened (choose) door number three (#3) he would die also. The aspect and teaching of the ENTIRE BIBLE would have taught a person he rose from the dead with the Holy Spirit “IN HIM”! LOOKING for the Holy Spirit to save him now is TOO LATE! AND the person who has Christ in him would immediately run to his father who gave and provided everything in life on earth and knows Jesus is the “crown of life” ( James 1) he has been seeking since his asking Jesus to be his Lord and savior! Thus, all things in scripture is to teach you ABOUT JESUS; not about the other persons of the God. Jesus is the “I AM”! The other persons of God can ONLY BE known by KNOWING JESUS! IF YOU IGNORE HIM YOU CAN NOT KNOW EITHER OF THE TWO—IT IS A SPIRITUAL THING!!
YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANY “PERSON OF GOD” if you don’t have a spiritual (personal) relationship which comes ONLY POSSIBLE WHEN YOUR FLESH DENIES SATAN as your father and you spiritually accept Jesus’ adoption of “Fatherhood of your spirit” as He paid for your trespass offering that is required by God! It is not possible to come to any conclusion of debt before a person is born! It is impossible to recognize your birth father or your spiritual birth father is Satan. Due to Adam’s sin ( the first father of all procreation) passed debt ( spiritual debt) like a physical debt that can be passed to his heirs) a person must pay for his spiritual trespass debt before his physical death. If a person does not pay his debt he will enter heaven bankrupt! He will owe God! The giant problem comes when a person thinks he can earn enough to pay it himself or that someone else will pay his debt when he gets to heaven. The Bible is all about the Holy Spirit telling us that Jesus is the only person to ever live in the flesh that was able to earn enough to satisfy God’s price. The Holy Spirit tells everyone (according to Romans 1) through God’s creation that Jesus is calling them to recognize his offering to free pay for anyone’s debt for their spiritual debt. This is all spiritual! The Pharisees stood there in the “FLESH” and listened with their genius minds! Jesus said they did not know God because they had NEVER ACCEPTED THE JESUS IN THEIR HEARTS! A man can NOT KNOW ANY ( ABSOLUTELY ANY PART OF THEDEITYY OF THE THREE PERSON ASPECT OF GOD) without having GOD LIVING IN THEM!
Think of this aspect: Jesus rose from the dead. Why? His spirit is NOT controlled by death. His spirit conquers death. His spirit allowed death from a “FREE WILL” ( just like an idiot licking his finger and sticking his own finger in a 220 electrical outlet). That guy will die due to his own STUPIDITY AND DENIAL OF THE RULES OF ELECTRICITY ( which are absolutely wonderful as they provide 💡 and life anyways)! Anyone who denies the “RULES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT” does like that idiot! Jesus says if you accept “HIS SPIRIT” you will conquer DEATH for it has no hold on him! So, denying the Holy Spirit is denying Jesus and God ( the first person of God which is always separated in every aspect of theology as if that even could make sense!).