Change the Middle and See What You Get!

Every country is so full of “tchotchke” (a Russian or Polish word pronounced CHaCHke/shot’z’key).

Everybody needs some, works hard to buy it, and it varies so differently yet it “ALL AMOUNTS TO THE SAME THING”!

Do you have some?  You might even be a hobbyist collecting it?  People become almost possessed with the idea of hunting for it.  It can become so large they keep it outside.  When it is all said and done it amounts to one thing!

Could you possess anything in your mind or hearts that are tchotchke? By the end of a person’s life, there is more of it inside each of us than any amount anybody could purchase.  This single word describes “SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS”!  How can “one word” refer to an infinite number of different things?

I want each of you to recognize a serious representation of “CHURCH TCHOTCHKE”!

Tchotchke is many times cheap and super cheap.  It can be super expensive!  Image a house so full of tchotchke that it is hard to move around the house.  If your mind is full of “church tchotchke” it is super hard to recognize “valuable church stuff” in your heart and mind!  Here is the best example of how bad it is.

My name is Mr. Bowen.  I have had the honor and privilege to be blessed with children and step-children.  My name to them is Dad or Father.  Only those individuals on earth can call me that name and have that relationship that we have.  My nephews and nieces call me Uncle John.  All three of these names are 100% representations of me.  All of them are correct and all of them have different descriptions of me from the person using the name that fits the relationship “THEY HAVE” with me.  Churches have created the worst tchotchke that exists!  Churches, their leaders, have lied to people and told them to buy the junk they were selling and many bought it!  Thousands upon thousands are constantly trying to become rich, popular and powerful by selling “church tchotchke” and it always persuades millions to put on their mantles many times and it sometimes becomes idols and representations of deep-rooted junk/lies about God and they are bedazzled by the false preacher’s words.  These guys all over the world claim that their tchotchke is “as good” and “as real” and “as correct” and “as honest” and “as pretty” and “as valuable” as the other guys’ stuff.  A persuasion is a powerful tool!  What have you ever bought that did not have persuasion wrapped in the package cover, the smell, the logo, the feel, the salesperson’s presentation or “just the cheaper version to get you by”?

Me. Bowen, Dad, and Uncle John are three different people; yet the same!  God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three different people; yet the same!  Change the word “JESUS” with the word “Joseph Smith”!  Change “Jesus” with another name and you always get A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT person in those other two relationships noted as “Mr. ?????, ” Dad” and Uncle “?”. 

You can NOT SUBSTITUTE JESUS and get the same “Mr. God”!  Jesus is the creator of God in the flesh!  If you change Jesus for Baal, or the “Moon God”, or someone or something else “YOU GET A DIFFERENT GOD”!

” CHURCH TCHOTCHKE” is available in all different forms.  Preachers are telling millions that you can be with “God” by worshipping “Baal” or someone else!  You will NOT SEE GOD UNLESS YOU KNOW JESUS!  YOU CAN NOT just know him as Uncle Jesus either!  You have to have the “CLOSEST RELATIONSHIP POSSIBLE” which is as a child of Jesus.  God demands you become a child by adoption and He becomes “DAD” to you!  Jesus adopts all who come to him!

Jesus forgives all who come to him!

Jesus died and paid the price required to adopt spiritual souls for the world after this one!

Jesus is the only GOD who can transfigure flesh into eternal flesh on the other side!

Jesus became flesh not to prove to you he is what he says; but, Jesus came like a Dad and gave every person the examples by demonstrations to “encourage and teach us” his promises are real!

Jesus is the Father of on those who want him.

Jesus does not force anyone to accept him.

God is not a guy in heaven that billions of humans can conjure up by their individual ideas to fit their requirements and characteristics; after all, you did not exist before him.

There are not several or millions of gods.  There was only One and that demonstration and evidence have been recorded by many religions, artifacts, historical evidence. 

Don’t buy into the other “church tchotchke”!

Pick up a Bible and ask God to reveal himself; keeping reading until he does.  It will happen!  I knocked and he opened the door. He adopted me and then it took almost 50 years of reading before the veils we’re peeled off my heart to see a version of my “Heavenly Dad” that has become like a walk on Mt. Sinai!

Abram, Moses, and Saul had very quick “veils removed from their blindness” that most will not experience.  But, God promises to reveal himself to all that search him (Jesus) diligently!

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Melchizedek University
