In part one I told you Daniel was serving under the third King of his life. If you read chapters 1-5 before getting to chapter 6 you can get a huge idea of what Daniel HAS BEEN IN THE PAST dealing with in his relationship to the kings, the people of his time, the culture, the idol worship that heavily going on, and the sure fact that life as “an Old Testament believer” is very difficult! I highlighted that phrase there ( like I do so many because it is hopefully stimulating extra thoughts without me going into detail ) because so, so many people truly believe those people in the Old Testament did not worship JESUS!! THEY ALWAYS SAY WORSHIPPING GOD THE FATHER IS THE SAME! IT IS NOT! YOU CAN NOT WORSHIP GOD THE FATHER WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT! AND ACCORDING TO THE BIGGEST BIBLE SCHOLARS THE “PERIOD OF GRACE” brings the Holy Spirit onto the scene; which means the Holy Spirit was not being worshipped, especially before Jesus came. So, how could Jesus, much less the Holy Spirit be worshipped by the Old Testament people? Jesus told them “they did NOT know
The Father” because they did NOT KNOW HIM ( JESUS)! IF THERE ISNT ANYTHING THAT IS TATTOOED “IN YOUR HEAD”( MIND- another ideology being taught wrong Rev. 6:9).
Jesus said, “they did NOT KNOW the Father!!!
How in tar-nation could Jesus look at the Pharisees and Saducees and claim “they did NOT know him”! Did those guys go to the bowling alley during that time period for church? Were they not the Temple dudes? I need to make this the most “southern crazy expressionated” version of shouting this truth in your head because you will go to some church and hear so educated genius tell you right the opposite in smooth sophisticated English correct and sugary written or verbal format and hopefully you will remember the red neck dummy telling you “dude, they didn’t know him?” ( that is one long sentence- packed with loving southern sarcasm!). That is NOT WHAT THE SENTENCE IMPLIES!!! THAT LINE BY LINE GARBAGE IS ABSOLUTELY WHY THIS HAS HAPPENED SINCE THE GREAT REFORMATION! SATAN HAS BEWITCHED THE CHURCH WITH line by line, topical, only literal, or expository learning all which could be classified as the “Elementary or Genius interpretations” ( both of those words seem to be opposites; but, I just used them to explain the same interpretation as “BEING NON SPIRITUAL TO A CHRISTIAN ( only as milk)! Before I leave this thought I am saying yes milk is a spiritual understand and “no at the same time”. It is another great example of what most preachers think is OK to teach his members every Sunday. Best example is the spiritual interpretation of Daniel 6 I give you; but, quickly look at the words of Jonah, ( Jonah 3:4)”…..Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.” Where is the meat. There isn’t an, period! That message is all milk! How is it milk and not meat? First, it came from Jonah and they know him as a prophet of Yahweh. Second, they could have “literally” ( as many are teaching literal Dispensationalism) all thought a king was about to come take over their city! Third, they did NOT interpret it literally; but, in and by the spirit ( the Holy Spirit) of Jonah’s God and recieved the translated message by the Holy Spirit to REPENT AND STOP DOING WHAT THEY ARE DOUNG! If Jonah’s words were taken literally then how come THOSE LOST people did not interpret it in a literal fashion. Again, it was the HOLY SPIRIT THAT TRANSLATED IT TO MEAN SOMETHING THAT IT literally did not say!!
Daniel’s name meant “Protect the life of the King”! I gave you Daniel 6:21; but now for more confirmation to see how wrong the Elementary or Genius way of thinking is wrong. You always need to read at least the chapter before any verse or topic you pull out of scripture. If you read Daniel 1-5 before chapter 6 you will get tons of supporting HOLY SPIRIT DISCERNMENT FOR chapter six. In the book of Daniel you learn the kings are super idolaters! They try their best all the time to get Daniel to concede in denying Christ as God. Nebuchadnezzar finds out differently and the his son, Belshazzar starts to blatantly worship false gods also. However, Belshazzar takes his arragant idol worship several notches higher! His father, King Nebuchadnezzar, stole the Temple gold, silver, wares made from gold and silver like the goblets and such and had an idolatry party to celebrate his arrogant idolatry!!! That broke the straw of the camel’s back ( God’s)! Jesus’ right hand fingers showed up and nothing else ( God the Father is spirit and doesn’t have fingers, nor does the Holy Spirit). Jesus starts writing on a wall with ONLY HIS RIGHT HAND FINGERS! What is interesting is the lost people actually think it is the Holy Spirit! They all relate things like this in equal comparison to their copy-cat God. The blindfolded goddess Ma’at carried the sword in her right hand, the scales in her left, and the daughter ISIS carried the feather to be placed on the scale. The “right hand of ALL GODS WAS KNOWN TO CARRY OUT SENTENCING! Look at the lost claim there are evil spirits in the room ( 5:4). The lost are drinking to the other invisible god spirits ( 5:4). The lost are calling out to them in their flesh with wine and other promiscuous dancing and enticements they use for typical idol worship ( 5:2). They thought Daniel’s God was their to kill someone ( but, they didn’t know whom! Then the Kings wife screamed at the “unknown god to her” ( again this God is known to her but not “AS HERS, because she tells to tell the god ” DONT DARE TOUCH THE KING( 5:10)! She uses the sentence ” May the king live forever”, to mean what I just interpreted it as. There is your second scriptural confirmation Daniel was USED TO KEEP HIS GOD FROM KILLING THE KING!!! If you get fifty seminary graduates to tell you it means anything other than this weigh the evidence of SCRIPTURE ( the Holy Spirit repeating it in your ear as you listened to my words from the Holy Spirit– there is a huge difference!!). The queen screams, “DON’T BE ALARMED!” What a genius! Don’t think about dying! ( literal- “Don’t look pale”!). The queen says fetch the man who only worships this god! Go get him to tell you what it says and who is going to die! Daniel shows up and sure enough tells him who is going to die! That queen did hear the Holy Spirit and immediately, unlike the Ninevites, failed to get on her knees! She tells everybody in the room that “that man your father had working for him had special favor ( “insight”), intelligence
(what does not come from the Tree of Knowledge- other things he learned from somewhere else– how could that be? he hasn’t gone to King Darius’ doctorate school of astrology, doctorate school of enchantment, doctorate school of healing, and fourthly the doctorate school of magic YET! She already knows he has already superior knowledge of the spiritual world gods than all of her husband’s, King Belshazzar’s men). This queen reminds me of Herodias! John the Baptist probably would have “lived another day” if Herodias had been the legal wife like this queen. Well, the “writing is on the wall” as the cliche continues to this day to remind us and the king dies!!!
Oh, number three with scripture of why Daniel’s name means ” Protect the life of the King” IS BECAUSE THESE IDIOTS WHO REFUSE YAHWEH as their single God and REFUSE “TO KNOW DANIEL” by the way of his King ( God), in other words refuse to socialize with Daniel like the other pagan wine drinking drunks and offering up immoral sexual offerings to all those false gods in Babylon, KNOW DANIEL [[[ just like the Pharaoh in Exodus chapter 1 that has been interpreted 1,000 times as the Pharaoh was lost because God made him that what! WRONG GENIUSES! This story confirms the Pharaoh of Moses choose completely NOT TO KNOW THE GOD OF JACOB JUST LIKE BELSHAZZAR CHOOSE NOT TO KNOW THE GOD OF DANIEL]]]. AND KNOW YAHWEH FROM THREE KINGS BEING KILLED BY THE RIGHT HAND OF YAHWEH ( can I prove it is Jesus? The whole Trinity? Yes! You saw some of it already; but, there is a lot more proof! ). Look at verses 18-20; Daniel says your father was killed by the Most High God when your father’s became “prideful”. When your father’s heart became prideful it HARDENED! WHAT DOES LADY JUSTICE HOLD? LADY JUSTICE IS THE copy-cat version of the Egyptian goddess Ma’at, named Themis. Both cultures worshipped different gods, with different names; yet, they served as the same goddess ruling over the law, the order, truth, and the delivery of justice thru sentencing like death. Ma’at carried a sword and a feather of truth! When a man died it was VERY WELL KNOWN THAT the goddess Ma’at would take that man’s heart and set it on the pair of scales weighing justice. Then she had the feather to compare that man’s heart to. If a man’s heart in the afterlife weighed more than the feather it was this declared evil by that god! So, Daniel said his Most High God made sure that the king knew his heart was going to weigh more than the feather when he “meet his god” ( an expression of being sent to Hell by the Most High God). [ I hope you picked up the figurative message being told the Pharoah of Moses. God only made the heart weigh more is figurative! It is a way of telling a false God idolater that the god he worships will be tossing his “PRIDEFUL BUTT” IN THE LIONS’ DEN IN THE AFTERLIFE!
READ VERSE 22″ BELSHAZZAR YOU KNEW ALL THIS!!!!” Belshazzar was LOST AND NOT “EXPERIENCING TOTAL DEPRAVITY”! During all of Belshazzar’s life as a boy he was taught who was the MOST HIGH GOD! He experienced his dad’s judgement from Yahweh, Belshazzar is said here that he knew ( 5:22- take these verses literal!). Belshazzar developed pride which all humans are self actions after birth! A prideful pre-born is very stupid! Belshazzar witnessed God’s “GRACE” on his father by returning his mind to him when he recognized and professed Daniel’s God was the Most High God! Calvinist & Dispensationalist hang it up!!!
Daniel 6:2:”The straps were made accountable to them so that the king might not suffer loss!”( KJV). King Darius appointed Daniel over the life of himself so he does not suffer the lose of life! It couldn’t be more obvious with Daniel’s past history with the two kings before! Thus King Darius not only named him Belteshazzar to put all the citizens of Egypt aware of who and what this man’s life is for ; but, the king notified all the spirit world who they had to go through! It was like Darius said, “hey you gods up there, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, I don’t care what your name is or who worships you; but YOU WILL GO THRU DANIEL, the man with favour from THE MOST HIGH GOD, for anything concerning my life!! High scholars of the U.S. seminary world, discern, debate, agree or not, I don’t care; the Holy Spirit reveals with synergy of scripture who and what Daniel means and we haven’t even really started chapter six!
Here we go. ( start part 3 of 4).