The whole Bible is about Jesus. This book in the Bible I am writing about is “CALLED DANIEL”. WHY? BECAUSE GOD CAN USE this obedient young Jew until his time of death as a testimony and as a “LIVING BIBLE ( like a reality TV show full of actors and actresses telling the story about someone else named God ( all of God- the whole Trinity; but, mostly about the Son of God). So this real Bible actor named Daniel who is playing as Jesus lives out a life like the real one to come. Now these other actors and actresses are real people who are disobedient sheep and refuse to listen to God’s call. They continue for the most part as the anti-type of Satan. It is an obvious good and evil story. But, as the show goes on from the time Daniel is young until the time he becomes old it all leads to a much deeper plot about the future of humanity and God’s plans on earth for saving each one of us. This story is not the first TV show about Jesus; but, actually a continuation or you could say Act # 27 in a series of acts for the one theme. Now during the show
(remember it is a Reality TV show- this is of course a word picture to explain) Daniel tells the story to only those that live around him and know him. But, in this man’s life he does a lot of things that gets the word out!! If a man went up to a King and told him he was gonna die and then leaves and comes back the next morning to find he is dead he would become very, very famous!! Now, people even further away would start to hear about this man named Daniel. This man becomes well known for what most of the people call miracle healing, magic, very smart in the field of weather, time, seasonal predictions, boat travel, farming, and all religious aspects of all religions [ those traits would be summarized as magic, astrology, witchcraft, doctors and miracle magic doctors]. So, how did I hear the Holy Spirit when I read the chapters in the story about Jesus which Daniel played the part? Well, I first became a child of God. Then based upon God’s promises about seeking him, praying, studying and searching for the Spirit of God, he allowed me by “his promise” from Abraham and the word which he first told in Genesis. All the TV shows ( books in the Bible are stage Acts or a series of episodes, called the Law, the Prohets and the Psalms on the cable channel called PTN ( Prophetic Typological Narration). Daniel is in this series or act [ like a Broadway stage performance] as an anti-type of Jesus [ means playing the part]. There are more shows with more prophets in the Old Testament series called Prophets. Some of the series were called “The Law”, and some called “The Psalms”. Each show revealed different things with different actors and and actresses playing Jesus and Satan. The cable wasn’t a literal cable carrying these shows to each household; but, it was broadcast live by each father, mother, brother, sister or someone always sharing these incredible stories that were taking place in their current life or those stories that took place during their granfather’s life, and great grandfathers’ lives of the past. They had plenty of stories!! There were probably 10,000 stories to tell. Each chapter in every book in the Old Testament had a lot of information about Jesus. Sometimes there were more than one actor or actress that played the part of Jesus and or played the part of Satan. When you hear about the Egyptians running after the people in the desert to bring them back to Pharaoh they were all playing the part of Satan. So each actor or actress can be an anti-type of either one. Now the best stories are the ones where you see these lost sheep running around on stage and its master swings out of heaven when the sheep stops running and is rescued from death. The stage is full of humans, animals, props of all kinds and even amazing graphics you might find on any movie of today. One story had a man named Moses part the read sea. The sea opens up all the way to dry land and a million people go across. Now that story was not only live in full HD; but you could have gotten drowned in that story if you were there seeing that act. All my grandkids love hearing that story! It is as real as if they were there still today! It is the only cable channel where the Broadway acts and TV shows are all real and were shown live [ nothing animated or fiction!].
We get to this show called Daniel and act 6 of the show has a really big theme to it. It is
“The Ministry of Christ in the exact order of events to come in the future”. Remeber Daniel is an actor who plays a very important role at demonstrating his abilities to tell fortunes or the future! He has interpreted dreams and discerned spiritual writings on a wall written by the hand of a ghost. Every person during that time testified of those facts as always coming true. He was an amazing man playing the part of Jesus. As the TV show or Broadway play takes place the person watching in real life or hearing the story from their granfather should recognize these things happening.
In the show, acts ( verses) 1-3 is where the Most High God puts his Son over all the realms of everything seen and unseen. The Egyptians, Roman’s, Greeks and others have made up gods for this and that; but Daniel tells them they are all inferior to his God.
Then in acts 4 -9 [ the future religous people seek an occasion to kill Jesus] Daniel reveals how the people use tricks or traps by the laws in the country to set up people. You have probably heard of a radar trap. When a police officer has a speeding sign put up that says 85 miles an hour and then 40 yards away has another put up that says 25 mph; it becomes an intentional way to “trap” a person from breaking the law. The police of Daniel’s time set up a religous trap which would get Daniel killed. In those days there were religous laws that could make a person worships gods when, how and why even if you did not believe in them. That is what became a founding father demand of this country to prevent. The U.S. founding fathers declared and made it a permanent law that nobody would get killed or put in prison for worshipping a different god of their choice. And then the made it also illegal to have the government force the citizens to do religous stuff like the Egyptians demanded Daniel to do and not do. That became the law know as a seperation between church and state. Freedoms from horrible things like throwing Daniel in a pit of lions because the state demanded he worship a god named Bel, and a politician named Darius but refused to do so.
Acts 10-11 [the future scene of the Garden of Gethsemane] Daniel went and prayed in his home for healing that was about to be needed. Daniel was a soothsayer and knew his future to come. He was not worried at all. Daniel wasn’t praying for the healing that would be needed from the lions den as he knew there would be NOT A SINGLE SCRATCH ON HIM; but, Daniel had to pray for the healing he was experiencing in his house while praying! Daniel was this super hero type guy. Daniel in the quiet moments of his personal life at home recognized his human frailty!! Daniel bleed like every person. Daniel would physically die someday. Daniel wanted to make sure he was being obedient to The Most High God ( God the Father) and he would demonstrate courage, faith, strength, integrity, submission, and most of all the SUPER NATURAL that NO OTHER OF THEIR gods had ever been able to demonstrate! This was going to be the “magic show of all magic shows”! All of those about to see his performance would expect HIS DEATH because nobody had ever escaped!! Daniel knew that this escape from death would be the ultimate demonstration of both the gods he was proclaiming as The Most High God.
In acts 12-15 Daniel experiences the crooked politicians and police of the day when they set the speed trap. Daniel comes thru at 85 and doesnt slow down. Daniel prays like every other day; but, this new law they put up was behind a Bush that he couldn’t see and these cops said, ” IT DOESNT MATTER; YOU BROKE THE LAW!” The police haul him to the King
(Judge) Darius and the king is really mad that these bad guys did this! But, the judge always backs the law and he can’t make an example out of the crooked cops yet. So, the judge follows threw with “THE LAW” to demonstrate the judge is fair “according to the law” NOT HIS PERSONAL FEELINGS ( like the blindfold on Lady Justice). [The religous people ( during Jesus’ time in the future these would be equivalent to crooked cops known as Pharisees & Saducees) take him ( Jesus -the Son of the Most High God) before Pilot ( the judge) to get his execution for wrongful worship according to the law which could be changed.
Act 16 in the show is the part of Dainel being thrown to the vicous hungry lions! [Jesus gets crucified on the cross].
Acts 17-19 is Daniel in a hole with lions and a giant stone was rolled in front of it to prevent his miraculous escape ( after all he was a magician; so they made dang sure it would take 3 magicians to move it) [Jesus gets put in a very similar tomb with guards and a stone rolled in front of it].
Acts 20-23 Daniel tells the lions to be quiet and sit down. Daniel’s MASTER ( God the Father) comes to sit with him to comfort him and the lions! The “k”ing ( King Darius) comes running to the tomb and sees both Darius and someone else in the tomb with him. Darius asks him if he is ok. Daniel says,”yes!” The guards roll the stone away and Daniel comes out escaping death and any harm! Daniel is ALIVE! NOBODY has ever accomplished that before with all the help and sacrifice offerings those individuals gave to their gods. Daniel’s prayer is answered!! Daniel is alive as always and forever. Daniel demonstrated he does protect HIS KING, with a capital “K”!
[He (Jesus) is alive.]
Act ( verse 24) Daniel sees the King commence judgement upon the crooked cops! The law was honored and now so must more importantly the ORDER OF HIGHER JUSTICE, INTEGRITY., HONOR, PURENESS, STRENGTH, COURAGE, SUBMISSION TO REAL AUTHORITY, AND FAITH! The King ( earthly king- ruler put in charge on earth to declare the PTN of either Satan or God rules and sentences on earth with the physical) declares the crooked cops evil and throws them in the lions dem ( a PTN of hell. God even uses places and things as PTN’s; such as the den is to hell; the Red sea is to death of flesh and surviving is Baptism or a “new life” on the other side separated by water used as judgement, which also is seen coming out of the side of Jesus in the future; a person WILL ACCEPT BY FAITH THE PROMISE offered by THE MOST HIGH PRIEST his blood given represented by wine or death represented by the water both from Jesus’ side. The bread is a PTN of Jesus’ body or bones. The PTN of the Jordan River to be crossed by both Jew and Gentile is the passage from earth to heaven. The PTN of Jerusalem was used as Heaven. The PTN of clouds were used as a sign of judgement. The PTN of sheep was used as ALL HUMANS coming out of the sheep called Adam. Adam procreated humans. In like creation, sheep produce sheep, NEVER BIRDS, DOGS, OR GOATS. GOATS ONLY EXIST IN HELL as a follower of Satan. I believe if the idolaters had used the head of a dog as its “icon of Satan” Jesus would have said “dogs” went to hell instead of goats! The idea that God the Most High God who created humans in “HIS IMAGE” WOULD BE CRAZY AND UNGODLY to say God created DOGS ( or birds, or goats) from a sheep is entirely like the LIE OF EVOLUTION! THERE IS YOUR EVOLUTIONARY STORY IN THE BIBLE. FORGET THE IDEOLOGY OF BILLIONS OF YEARS IN GENESIS. GO BACK FURTHER TO HIS DESIGN MOMENTS WITHOUT TIME! God designed everything before the first day. Humans from humans and dogs from dogs! Simple, correct? Now use the figurative language of a Sheppard creating sheep in his image. You could “literally say a sheep had a sheep”. But, God is not a “GOAT”! GOD did not create “GOATS FROM HIS IMAGE”! A GOAT IS THE PUREST IMAGE OF SATAN 100%. SATAN is a “created being! Satan is NOT A CREATOR! SO, the PTN from God of “lost” sheep means NOT DEMONIC; BUT, headed toward death like the Prodical son! The father rejoiced when his sheep was found. The prodical son was a sheep when he went away and a sheep when he came back!! The difference of the two brothers is both are sheep as procreated by their father. But, after both die God will reveal the mark in their hands and on their foreheads and in their foreheads as to WHOM THEY FOLLOWED!! ONE sheep will be declared and revealed at judgement as a follower of his MASTER A SHEEP HERDER; and the other SHEEP (brother) will be declared and revealed as a follower of his Master the GOAT HERDER! AT THAT POINT IT WILL ALSO BE REVEALED THAT the older sheep’s (brother’s) name was marked out from ALL THE SHEEP EVERY PROCREATED FROM THE FIRST SHEEP- GOD! HOW can I call God a sheep because he was called that by his own mouth! Only it is amazing how so many seminary doctors have missed God being called a LAMB! Sheep is the ultimate PTN for correct spiritual doctrine in understand “OF GOD”! A MAN IS GIVEN A CHOICE AFTER HIS DESIGN ! The sheep can listen to one of two herdsman. One is in “wolf’s clothing”; but, this wolf dresses like a “goat”! I love dogs; I am so glad God didn’t let Satan choose the dog! That is probably why so many lost people actually have turned to hate dogs, as they can easily kill a goat! That is just a personal touch of making light of figurative language. It is serious in the Bible to get correct!!).
The conclusion of the show is act 25-28 where Daniel is the only king left alive over all the kingdoms ( read verses 1-3) who have all been actually reigned by other kings. But, Daniel is seen as the real KING that God protected in life and lives forever in the afterlife. All the other “k”ings died. Daniel not only truly lived but, lived through death. Death never had a hold on Daniel. The other “k”ings followed after false gods. They heard both shepherds and they followed after the wolf
(goat). Daniel showed faith, and submission to his MASTER AND LORD known as the “Good sheep SHEPHERD!
HOPEFULLY ( by the grace of the Holy Spirit Hebrews 5) you also have learned not only what PTN is by GOD’s WORD both in the living form ( the Old Testament) and the written form ( the New Testament with the stories told and recorded for the scrolls of the O.T.) and the written. Most assuredly you have been given a TOUR TO THE THRONE ROOM OF GOD WHERE JESUS SITS! YOU HAVE NOT ONLY NOW HAVE SEEN A REVELATION OF JESUS LIKE JOHN IN REVELATIONS IS EXPLAINING; BUT, have eaten at God’s banquet table the meat of scripture which is a must for spiritual growth and being able to discern the living actions of others as they testify in action of Jesus or Satan. It is the “learning”, the sufferings of Christ ( like being persecuted as a Godly believer of the Most High God like Daniel) that is required by God for not the sake of “just suffering” but to LIVE FROM THE OTHER SIDE AS A FULLY “LEARNED” CAPABLE child to look at fire, death, torture, evil and KNOW FROM FAITH BUT AN ACT OF FAITH nothing STOPS A CHILD OF GOD with his signet ring of salvation! The first born was a boy who usually was a “brat” like the oldest of the Prodical Son story. The first is what ends up going last! The sons of God get their inheritance not by blood but by ADOPTION or the FATHER’S BLESSING OF “TITLE” (like that of Joseph, his 11th)! A sheep is a sheep. A Jew and a Gentile are sheep. But, sheep are not sheep unless the listen and follow Jesus, PERIOD!
EVERY ACT ( the word I used as a figurative term for a book in the Bible) had a clear and concise application of the prophecies of Jesus coming to save either before, during or after he arrived on earth. All the folks since Adam & Eve either trusted by faith that the stories ( PTN’s) would come true, were true during Jesus’ life, or were true in the past ( as you and I must take in faith as true).
Here are some more PTN’s of the story of Daniel 6. Search the story now and look FOR JESUS, NOT DANIEL!!
Start part 4 of 4 next.