Dispensationalism is based upon 2 witches dreams…

Dispensationalism is based upon 2 witches dreams.  Primarily the whole demonic idea of the “Tribulation” period or “7 years”! 

It is all fabricated CRAP!

It was used to tie the “Catholics”, the new Prodestants ( Catholic REBELS – called the Reformers) and the Jews together under “ONE GOD” (NOT JESUS) but “God the Father” of the Bible. 


1. Everybody worships “God the Father” just like in the first 5 books of the Old Testament.

2. The Jews have to get there because the Bible explicitly says “they are choosen”.  So, now with Dispensationalism ” choosen” means “PREDESTINED” ( but it really means predestined by inheritance according to JEWS & Catholics says Constantine the Great and the begining of Catholoism!  To hell with the Gentiles say the Jews because Christianity of scripture teaches nothing BUT ADOPTION THRU JESUS as the ENTIRE STORY OF JACOB blessing the younger instead of the older like the Prodigal Son, the children of Abraham, and many other prophetic parables that teach the birth of the 1st father is not the Father of life, which requires a re-birth!  Then many other parables that teach the same theology like the attitude of Jonah; all the stories of the stones [Gentiles] turning to bread[eternal life]- How many stories are needed to see the blood of your earthly father which is physical in nature is NOT A SPIRITUALLY PASSED DOWN TRAIT!).  But, the Catholics will confuse everybody, so no worries.

3. The Catholics will worship “God the Father” and Jesus. So, they are in.

But they will keep some of the old “God the Father” worshipping rituals because it keeps the “Priests” in the church just like the Jews!  The Jews say, “YES”!  We like that support. Now the Christian’s go to church and worship looking like Jews!( Satan says GREAT!  -Super confusion and The Highest Priests of all, Jesus, is left on the streets).

4.Now, the REBELS: You get to add this 7 year BULL CRAP TO Y’ALL’S Bible stories to codify #1,2&3!  The 7 years of “TRIBULATION” raptures you guys to heaven; so now everybody gets to go!  It won’t matter what is going on  with all the people on earth because all you Catholic REBELS are in heaven feeling pretty good about yourselves.  (We will confuse the “Hell in y’all” with worshipping Jesus but also “PREDESTINATION” not as a Jew but as a Gentile).  So, those that think they are worshipping Jesus “or whoever”(literally!- because the Mormons get thrown in there also) were predestined and IDIOT REBELS will not know any better!

Problem solved!  Salvation for everybody and the Catholic Priests are still running the show because we will be the “owners of the DOCTRINE”, the Universities, and funding all the professors wallet on the ENTIRE PLANET ( later in 300 to 400 years they might not recognize we are running a “Baptist church but we will because all the Baptist will be under 1 Cor. 3:1!  They are going to steal all of our coffers and when they get to heaven they will be “COLOSSALLY BROKE”!  THOSE FOLKS will never be able to unscramble the twisted definitions “OF OUR DOCTRINE”- NEVER!)

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Melchizedek University
