Who do you know that can just “snap their fingers” at their kids or their friend’s, or their employees and immediately they do what they were told? Is that cruel and an unusual expectation from anybody? Does society treat those DEMANDING people with respect or PURE FEAR? Be honest with the question: do you like people snapping their fingers at you? Or, do you think that would be acceptable at work, in public or at church?
Why don’t many people believe that God does that? They have put their faith in the ideology that God is so demanding, so above every human with his omniscient knowledge, his unacceptable Holiness to filth from humans’ wicked and immoral actions that God refuses to give the man the ABSOLUTE FINAL CHOICE to accept his orders or ignore his orders. God said he made us in his image. That does not mean equal. But, God creating man as a human and not as a God did not mean he created us in the opposite ideology of being as robots. God did give us “like characteristics”. God breathes oxygen. That single “like image” would make his statement true in relation to “our likeness with him”. There are many more “like characteristics”. God came to this earth and made choices. He grew up as a child and had to endure the horrible everyday life (a child’s perspective) of saying, “yes ma’am” or “no ma’am”. Jesus had to continue daily making choices. Each time he choose it was either righteous or wicked. We were created in THAT EXACT MANNER! Did you know that those who do not except the “theory of creation” and thus left with the only other theory of “Darwin’s Evolution” accept the ideology that humans have an ability to morally choose that animals do not have? The choice is a characteristic that all humans have agreed to understand that we have for what is thought to be either “right” or “wrong” with laws or principles of “acceptable principles” established by somebody (but never the “somebody” being themselves).
“Morality” is not understood as an evolved process. Yet, mankind continually tries to change the “acceptable principles” according to the ways of each generation’s “own thinking or liking”. The most important reality to life is all societies have RULES, REGULATIONS, STANDARDS, LAWS, and POLICIES for living among other people with circumstances or unfavorable consequences if not followed.
Animals do not have such things! Live or die is the basic rule, period. Hurting the feelings of another in the jungle is NOT recognized even on a “more complex live or die animal network” like that of ranking within animal packs.
The fascinating story in the Bible about Jesus’ parable of the fig tree brings “HUMAN FREE CHOICE” to the center of MAN’S MORAL JUNGLE! To understand this parable I believe you need to recognize some very important aspects about morality which animals can NOT. Morality is NOT a pecking order like in wolves. When one wolf waits his turn to eat, that is NOT A “SHARING OPPORTUNITY”! That animal has again exercised an “animal instinct” of survival! A human, a child, may witness the act and think it “looked friendly”; but, that is simply a word in a human’s brain that the animal does NOT share in common with the person. Emotions are “perceptions” as one person might feel “sorrow” for wrecking their car where another person might feel “happiness” that that person “deserved destruction” based upon the road rage which led to the same wreck.
God gave each individual the ability to experience events with a much more complicated process of being able to experience life than animals. Then each person even farther was given more “like characteristics” to be able to experience life as “an individual” being fully able to survive the wild WITHOUT the need of “packs” with other humans. The TRUE AND MOST FASCINATING LIFE EXPERIENCE is the gift of being able to experience life with a “spiritual pack”. Animals do not live in the world of both physical and spiritual at the same time. Humans have been given the ability to actually communicate with “an outside world”! People cannot read anything about history of any culture group that has ever existed that did not believe in some form the reality of man’s existence outside their own physical body. Every religion, except agnostics, believe in some life after death; or a combination of others living beings co-existing in the universe with humans.
This brings me to “SNAPPING”! There are dictators, and kings on earth presently and in the past, that ordered humans to do things with the snap of their fingers. That ideology conveys the absolute “do or die” mindset. Nobody has been recorded in the history of enjoying that lifestyle. When prisoners or slaves escaped they were relieved of not having a choice and looked forward to living, unlike an animal! God DOES NOT snap his fingers at mankind! God has that ability; but, if you want to jump off a 1,000-foot cliff to your death then you can choose to do so. If you want to be independent of his love you can absolutely deny him or curse his existence. The man has typically found the world often dishes out extreme climate situations making it harder to survive without “a pack mentality”. Men have formed groups to share in helping like animals to survive hardships in the world of the jungle. But, as the quality of life improvements have come about the ability for groups to become smaller has increased. It is now to a point where man can have enough resources to completely live independently of even a helpmate. All of these social advantages or disadvantages result from “freedom of choice”. Love can NOT EXIST WITHOUT FREEDOM!
What did Jesus do on earth?
Did he come to prove himself as a “special chosen” human?
Did he come to live for a short time ( about 33 years) and heal some people of diseases but let all the other humans since the beginning of the world suffer?
Did Jesus come to get murdered for being nice?
Did Jesus come to earn a popularity contest and prove nobody who would ever live would have a name as popular as his?
The Bible says Jesus came to do “THE” work.
(John 6:38; John 6:29)!
I tell you the truth if you believe Jesus snaps his fingers for results you do NOT UNDERSTAND the simplest principles of the work of God!
Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
John 6:27-29 KJV
Every preacher who believes Jesus is God should drop John 3:16 and “START”, with this passage, their message of how to accept Christ. Jesus did not come to prove BUT BY GRACE HE DID COME TO PERSUADE! JESUS PROMISES BEFORE the foundation. Jesus PROMISED AFTER the foundation. Jesus makes more promises TO THOSE IN THE BEGINNING in the Garden. Jesus makes more promises to all of the descendants of Adam & Eve. Then Jesus makes more promises to Noah and all of his descendants up to the times of Joseph and Mary! Jesus then comes to PERSUADE the people, starting with “HIS grandchildren” from Abram (Abraham) to come back as “their” grandfather once left his earthly farther. Why? Nobody on the planet but Abraham’s grandchildren knew Abraham. If Jesus walked to say China and asked a little kid about his great, great grandfather, would that child know about Abraham? Nothing! Nothing! Nothing at all! Those kids had stories told to them about their grandfather who worshipped their God(s)!
Let me repeat that, “ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!”
Thus, Jesus told the disciples to tell “HIS” GRANDCHILDREN FIRST ( these Jews were Jesus’ grandchildren because Abraham turned from Terrah (his earthly biological father) who worshipped false gods ( the part of the human I talked about above being so different than that of animals). Jesus ADOPTED ABRAM as HIS SON (Abram’s higher more complicated and eternal part of his body called the spirit) and made him HIS ( once God adopts an earthly body by the submissive process of what is called “faith” but not without a work, God has the ability as God the creator to take both that person’s soul and flesh and blood to a permanent living state of being like at was in the beginning with Adam). God promised Abram that he would make his name great! Well, guess what? The Jews knew Abraham but not the Abraham Jesus knew! What proves that? The Jews reject Jesus; but, Abram DID NOT REJECT JESUS (Acts 13:32)! THAT GIVES YOU TWO (2) COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MEN! Which one do you think Jesus wants to be recognized?
Genesis 22:17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The seed in heaven!
The seeds adopted!!!!!
The “seed” (singular) of Abraham. Gal. 3:16.
The nation (Isreal)! The nation includes at that time Jesus rejectors, but a few who can be persuaded to “follow after him and BECOME FISHERS OF MEN”!
Jesus could only have partially fulfilled honoring his grandchildren if Jesus had told the disciples to go and tell all the idol worshippers what this man (Abraham) had done that THEY DID NOT KNOW!
What a true honor for a distant relative to receive all from the works of a forefather! JONATHON WAS ONLY REMEMBERED DUE TO “Mephibosheth”! The Jews were chosen due to obedience, but NOT AS A WHOLE!!!!
Mephibosheth said he was like a DOG!!! He was NOT WORTHY!!!
(Just like Jacob chose Joseph over Rueben, the firstborn)
NOT BY ANYTHING Mephibosheth had done, like being blood kin, BUT because people would simply RECOGNIZE JONATHON because of the only word picture David could bring forward in the minds of people. It was SIMPLICITY OF THE STUPID, that made Mephibosheth honorable in the sight of the King. Jesus marked the Jews honorable due to the SIMPLICITY OF THE STUPID; when actually the rest of the world ignores that they are actually JESUS REJECTORS called “chosen” or saved. The adopted or “chosen” all through the Bible were actually non-QUALIFIED OF BEING THAT “special person”, like Jacob, or Joseph (actually 11th son), or the Prodigal Son, or Moses or David the son of a Moabite, or any other Gentile that has NO INHERITANCE RIGHTS AS A JEW. BUT, the Gentiles can be adopted as full Israelites indeed as “seed” of Abraham!!!
This leads me to the discussion of prophecy. Prophecy is your ability to see a current event and realistically relate it to the word of God!! If you don’t see current events in your life and around the world then I suggest you check out your salvation! God says if you know him you will understand!!! It is meant for you to understand!! Isaiah 55:1-8! It is ONLY the lost that can not or will never understand! There is a temporary boundary upon the many righteous to NOT BE ABLE to understand; but, if they were to adhere to
verse 2: “Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.”
Isaiah 55:2 KJV, you to shall hear the Holy Spirit and become FAT in the spirit! But, no spiritual diabetes! Yea, Jesus!!!
It isn’t like knowledge from the Tree of Knowledge. It isn’t like going to seminary school! It is like THE VEIL LIFTED FROM YOUR EYES (like Saul)! It is WISDOM, given by God! Pray for wisdom and you shall receive.
It is truly a gift! But, you have to seek it!!
Preachers constantly tell people to pray and become saved. Then “Shazam! They are told they are saved because they have faith and asked God for forgiveness! How is it possible that same person is after 2 years, or 50 years in the church still dumb as a rock about ALL SPIRITUAL MATTERS!?
THE MAN HANGING ON THE CROSS testified of SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT when the idiot next to him DID NOT!
I can not find scripture to say a saved man will be as dumb as the thief on the cross! But, if that man lives 50 years as “a Christian” and can only discern events like the thief, that is in scripture (Hebrews 5:12). I tell you the truth Jesus came to demonstrate “work”! Jesus came and fulfilled “the work” which we can not do! But, you are a FOOL if you think you humanoid are not commanded “to work” when Jesus demonstrated “like work”! Yes, Jesus did the work of offering himself as our sacrifice. But, since the beginning, man has been required as an obedient act of worship “to work in like manner” FOR THE FATHER’S GLORY!!!!!! THIS IS THE PARABLE OF THE FIG TREE!!!!!!!!!!!! The honor will come to those like Abraham who worked for “the father in faith”!
Abraham proved his faith by picking up and running away from the lies of what wealth and inheritance could give!!!!!!! God said you shall not receive God’s kingdom by your father (Terrah); but, only by the Father that I will send (Jesus)! Jesus will become the father that gives bread to ALL and sweet water to ALL that come before him “like in the days of Moses in the wilderness”!!!!!!
THERE IS ALWAYS A SIGN OF FRUIT ON A FRUIT TREE! Or is there? What is to blame when there is NOT? (remember these questions with everything above)!
Luke 13:6-9. (Note: there are three (3) parables Jesus tells about ” HARVESTING”!)
MOST, get the moral of these stories as “repentance is necessary” and Jesus is letting the Jews have more time! However, repentance is a great moral and absolute important part of salvation I have found no one mentions “Jews don’t need more time” with Isaiah’s alleged prophecy of a 7 year tribulation period ” called EXTRA SPECIAL TIME FOR REPENTANCE”! That moral lesson completely destroys Dispensationalism!!!!!!
Next, MOST, interpret the vineyard owner as God and the fruit as saved people. Ok, it is great to recognize God in the parable because he always is a character in type of each parable. But, what is the parable really about. Why doesn’t God SNAP HIS FINGERS? SO MANY SWEAR that God saves people by snapping his fingers before they are created! Well, you can never ever understand the SPIRITUAL MESSAGE with that garbage! Jesus TELLS THE OWNER OF THE FIG TREE HE (the human, with no name) he can HAVE MORE TIME! GOD, EXPLICITLY SAYS THE AXE IS ALREADY AT THE ROOT OF THE TREE! IS GOD STUPID OR REALLY NON-OMNIPOTENT??
Why would God have decided to chop the tree down and change his mind?
Scripture says God does NOT CHANGE HIS MIND!
If you go along with most interpretations you agree to many, many inductive and conflicting conclusions with many others such as Dispensationalism “as a fact”! So, you can not be right on several conflicting ideologies that cross each other with false conclusions. Which is wrong? You would have to agree something is wrong!!! So, which one or ones?
What if I showed you ALL OF THEM!
1st. JESUS IS NOT GIVING JEWS MORE TIME like in the ideology of Dispensationalism (maybe 8,649 years from the time of this parable)!
2nd. Jesus is trying to teach the GARDENER (who is a man — NOT GOD– which most interpreters claim the gardener is God!) a SPIRITUAL LESSON (remember a Spiritual lesson is higher than a moral lesson).
3rd. God DOES NOT CHANGE HIS MIND! So, the statement of the axe “already at the root” is FIGURATIVE to emphasize the strong urgency that the gardener needs to see (not possibly 8,649 years from his immediately being told literally to take “ONE YEAR MORE” by Jesus- you should look up the timeline of this literal historical event in accordance to Jesus’ crucifixion-it fits).
4th. The fig tree is so symbolic of the Tree of Life (which I have not heard; but, I can agree it doesn’t matter and it can give some really good typology analogies of the spirit talking). The Tree of Life is a great way to recognize “ONLY SAVED PEOPLE”. (so keep that thought)
5th. The dresser is a guy who prunes grape vines in a very particular and trained way that makes the grape vine produce in the best manner possible. The dresser knows and makes the decision to prune or to uproot the whole plant so that the resources the earth has can be used for successful uses and not simply be wasted (the dresser is God [Jesus standing in front of them] in this parable; even the vineyard owner addresses him AS LORD (meaning Father or Daddy or in Hebrew: Yahweh)!!– here is where the whole discernment once again is skewed by seminary semantics which gives the Jews an escape or twisted interpretation so not to conflict with Calvinism or Dispensationalism!). [ I am going to add this explanation as it is probably very difficult to get if you believe Dispensationalism– The Dispensationalist and Jew and any protector of the men selling Dispensationalism in their books HAD BETTER interpret this parable as God is the vineyard owner and Jesus is the dresser. It literally creates two different gods! It makes Jesus a “SUPER GREAT MIRACLE WORKER AND STORYTELLER” BUT NOT (NOT) GOD!!!!!!
6th. If the parable is to teach the vineyard owner, which is not God here, it is a story showing “STRONG AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY” given to the vineyard owner “like in the previous parable”! Remember God gives us the keys to loose those on this earth and leave bound on this earth! Matt. 16:19! This is in agreement with other scripture! But, God as the vineyard owner is not. God (Jesus) is the vinedresser! That is a huge difference in the “moral” and spiritual message!
7th. The very next parable (demon possessed woman) is very, very different than the fruitless fig tree. However, it only seems such as many ignore the truth it is another parable to ADD TO THE SAME SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT JESUS IS ATTEMPTING TO TEACH in the fig tree parable.
8th. The next parable about a woman bound by a demon actually pounds the truth into the correct lesson to be learned about fruitless trees! Jesus says you Pharisee, chief of the humanoids, why would GOD NOT SAVE A SOUL FROM HELL ON SUNDAY?????????
Humanoid: of course, they are dumbfounded and run off to tell everybody about aliens on earth, global warming and the end of life on earth in 12 years due to goat farting!
God told the parable about a man who thought (has the heart and spiritual desire) the fig tree (Spiritual life- Tree of Life) was capable of producing fruit (having little figs like more little figs or children); but, the vineyard owner claimed it was just having a hard time (it wasn’t its’ fault- the fig tree is the Jews rejecting Jesus)- like that of the demon-possessed woman- so he frees the demon so she can have “a free will”). God said if you think you can get that dummy (lost Jew)to wake up to reality (understand the truth by your WORK OF PERSUASION) then he would give him one year to “PERSUADE THE LOST GUY INTO SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE” (If Dispensationalism or Calvinism is FACT, Jesus lied to the vineyard! He also told three (3) parables FOR NOTHING! I SAY, CALVINISM AND DISPENSATIONALISM ARE THE LIES!!!! If the fig tree was saved before the foundation; then he would have to the vineyard owner “his work” was NOT NEEDED! OR, if God had predetermined the fig tree was to never be saved before the foundation then he would have also said the efforts for a year are A WASTE!!!! NONE OF THOSE THINGS DID JESUS SAY OR DO! JESUS told the harvester of the figs he had responsibility and the right heart “TO WORK” at convincing the fig tree to produce (get saved). But, God also said, He would not be blamed for the fruitless ground (as he was in complete charge like that of casting out the demon from the woman). God told the vineyard he would prove he was NOT TO BLAME FOR A MAN GOING TO HELL BECAUSE THE SAME DIRT COULD PRODUCE A WORTHY FIG TREE THAT WOULD PRODUCE FRUIT! NOW, THE SCARY RESPONSIBILITY! God was tired of the chief humanoid cursing him by blaming his LOST SOUL ON GOD HIMSELF. SO, God slams the Jew with favoritism (mercy- by his implying love for a person is more important than their hypocritical love they show for animals on the Sabbath) by choosing to save a Jewish woman (daughter of Abraham) from a true spiritual force “THAT THEY COULD NOT DO”! JESUS, isn’t freeing a woman of a demon because she was lost and being sentenced to hell by a predestined act; but, she was being freed of a spiritual power that the “CHEIF HUMANOID” OF ALL PHARISEES would recognize as a DIVINE ACT OF GOD (like God turning over Nebuchadnezzar for only a certain length of time for his benefit as well as God’s)! They absolutely recognized it because the next verse says, “all his adversaries were ashamed…”! Jesus told the vineyard owner and the Pharisees it was not forever (actually a very short time of patience – here only 4 years — not 5,890 years as Dispensationalism has) that the VINEYARD OWNER would have to get ” SAVE THE TREE WITH PLOWING THE “GOOD SOIL” (God’s word of truth) TO HELP THE FIG TREE LIVE!
Jesus ALLOWED AN EXTRA YEAR like that of NOAH!!!!!! God gave Noah about 55 extra years to PERSUADE THE HUMANOIDS INTO THE BOAT! Jesus gives this man one! Man has been given the responsibility to work the soil, build the boat, make the brass snake upon the pole, write the gospels and TELL THE GOOD NEWS! THE TREE OF LIFE is not to be looked at; but, harvested and eaten!
The word is to be sown and the seed is to be harvested! You and I ARE GOING TO ACCOUNT FOR OUR HARVEST!!!!!