Does God Get Pissed?

No! Yes, he does! No, he does not! Yes, he does! This battle of truth can go on with two people for a long time; because both are true. However, it is like a man looking at a car to buy with a typical woman. The woman sees new paint, beautiful color of choice, a lovey soft new leather interior, no scratches, that new car smell, plenty of room for her friends and shopping, and all the other things needed to qualify the vehicle as super wonderful and great. But, the man sees oil UNDER the car and needs to look no more!

It is the perspective of the person and not the truth that may be considered! Two people that love each other, great teammates, and truly living to help each other can completely be in complete disagreement if THEY DO NOT LOOK AT THE SAME THING!

“And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he delivered them into the hand of Hazael king of Syria, and into the hand of Ben–hadad the son of Hazael, all their days.”

2 Kings 13:3 KJV

Now read verse 2:

“And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, and followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which made Israel to sin; he departed not therefrom.”

2 Kings 13:2 KJV

Do you see the person first or just the response? When does God see a saved person as guilty? When does God see a lost man as guilty?

Does a saved man see God as loving? Why? He could only do so by looking under the car and seeing more than the other person.

Does a lost man see God as loving? No! He must recognize he is a wretched sinner NEEDING GOD’S AVAILABLE FORGIVENESS IF HE WILL ACCEPT HIM AS DADDY! When you did something disobedient as a child did you not get spanked? God says he corrects his children because he loves them. God does not correct the lost. They do see him as angry! The lost is his enemy. He came and died for his enemies that they would be saved; but, that gift is not forced upon them against their free will! You can buy that beautiful cr for $30,000.00 that will go down the street and the transmission fall out and the motor lock up if you wish. It is always your choice.

If you are a Christian you will eventually come to know that Jesus stood at the foundation during the planning stages and was there before Adam and Eve sinned. It is the only thing that kept God from being angry (word picture). It is a word picture not to confuse the idea that sin is not evil or completely fine because “if God doesn’t get angry” that could be considered as permission. 

Jesus demonstrates many times he is not angry and gives grace from Genesis to Revelations! Yes, “the GRACE PERIOD” known as the sixth dispensation is NOT number six!

It is actually number 1 and every number after that! Moses even demonstrated that through his (PTN) in his life. The reason Moses and Aaron did not go across the Jordan River into the land flowing with milk and honey is because God wanted the people to see Jesus would take the wrath for his children and forgiveness required a demonstration of sin has consequences! 

Another great example of “GRACE” during Genesis is the ability to go straight to God instead of through Priests. 

Imagine yourself in Kindergarten again. Did you recognize calculus or chemistry or biology during that grade? No. Well think of it as a veil over your eyes; because all of those more difficult studies existed when you were in Kindergarten but you just could not see the complexities of them at that time. As you progressed through school you discovered more of “what was there all along but just could not see”. Some students were determined to never see those things and refused to work through the processes of learning from God instead of swallowing information as if it were as eating a fruit from a tree in Genesis as the first time (but last). Can you imagine how fat Adam would be if every time he got confused about something like electricity or thermal dynamics he just walked over to the Tree of Knowledge and ate his way into understanding? That is really what happened in the beginning and God thankfully for us took that fruit away! Maybe it was the potato that grew on that tree instead of the apple! (Theological joke!).

God used Moses and Aaron to demonstrate that the High Priest represented “GRACE” long before the “time period of grace” came according to the Dispensationalists! Moses was told to hold “THE ROD”, not his rod, but the rod of Aaron! Aaron’s rod was not dead like Moses’! Aaron had a dead rod living with blooms, flowers and Almond fruit literally living on it! Moses was told to SPEAK AS CHRIST (YAHWEH) standing in front of them (the living rod was Christ)! He disobeyed and hit Christ (who was also represented by “THE ROCK”) twice! Christ was beaten and died in our place and did not, nor will ever, need to be struck again! Jesus was there with MOSES and represented in so many ways! The Israelites drank bitter water and then by Christ alone drank sweet water from the rock and not by the hand of any man (1 Cor. 10:11)!

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Melchizedek University
