Drawn by Bill Moyer This is the best diagram to sum up the Bible with all the teachings of Christian genealogy…

Drawn by Bill Moyer.

This is the best diagram to sum up the Bible with all the teachings of Christian genealogy,  the plan of salvation,  the (PTN) prophetic typological narrations of the Old Testament teachings leading straight to the Holy Spirit ( which did start in Genesis; but, due to man needing a complicated explanation without books God had to give man PTN’s which took time.  God did NOT CHANGE as the doctrine of dispensation teaches; man had veils from the onset of eating the Tree of Knowledge and God had to keep A SECRET FROM MAN TO SAVE HIM.  Jesus said if the Jews had known about the crucifixion they would have stopped it!!!  The “GREAT MYSTERY” was only revealed by the HOLY SPIRIT thru PTN to the prophets by the spiritual understanding OF THE LAW!  This diagram on the “BOTTOM PHYSICAL SIDE” of the spiritual battle plan of God ( here explained on the diagram) IS WHY THE JEWS STILL REJECT GOD!!!  IT ALSO SHOWS all religious beliefs supporting the “PHYSICAL” ASPECTS OF IDOLATRY!!

SATAN ATTACKED THE BOTTOM PLAN BEGINING WITH ABEL!  Scripture says God’s wrath will be GIVEN TO EVERY HUMAN ON THAT TEAM!!  THIS ALSO EXPLAINS LUKE 12!  A man can go to heaven with absolutely NO SIN.  As he reaches his end he will be judged by God.  Jesus says he can forgive the guy for denying him!!!!!! He has always endured the plan of salvation on the the lower level, “physical aspect” for his eternal life; but, never being taken off by the blood of Jesus keeps you stuck on that plan!  When he meets God Jesus will have NO sin laid at his feet, if he could maintain sinlessness; however, the HOLY SPIRIT WILL RIGHTLY “IMPUTE” THE SINS OF THE MURDER OF ABEL AND EVERY LIVING PERSON KILLED ON THE UPPER GRAPH [ the whole PTN of the temporary blood sacrifice in the OT]!!!!   You can not analyze a single word, phrase, sentence, topic, parable, book or Godly doctrine righteously without understanding this diagram!!  It is so TRUE!!!  EVERY question about your life and mine has to line up with the top to have a “PERPETUAL ENDING IN HEAVEN”!  THERE WAS NO BEGINING OR ENDING TO US!  However, we are human making us ONLY HUMAN!  JESUS IS GOD WHO HAD NO BEGINING AS HE IS  AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN SPIRIT!   Stop putting a physical begining on Jesus!  He did not come from that order!  We came from the physical order( lower diagram) but the transfiguration or grafting God explains is BEING ADOPTED INTO THE UPPER CHART, THE UPPER ORDER OF ALL THINGS, THE UPPER GENEALOGY, THE PERPETUAL ORDER OF LIFE!!  Death is living with the “lower order” OF ALL UNDERSTANDING!  Take the doctrine of the “Priesthood” where do you end up following after the priesthood of ABRAHAM and Moses!??? Jesus says THEY DO NOT KNOW GOD, ALL OF GOD [“God the Father, God the Son, or the Holy Spirit].  You can NOT KNOW “the ways of God if you narrate your life “after the Law”, or any other man as Jesus is the only man on the “UPPER ORDER OF THE HIGH PRIEST REQUIRED BY THE PTN IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN!  Jesus was THERE!  JESUS EXPLAINED IT TO MEN AND THE HEAVENS [all the Angels- read Revelations 12]!  Jesus could not unveil all this wisdom to man and the Angel’s EXCEPT TO THOSE THRU THE SPIRIT AS HE CHOOSES- read Hebrews!  It is finished!!  The explanations are FINISHED!! THE LAW IS FINISHED!! THE HARVEST IS ALL THAT IS LEFT!  Either gather your family on the boat or you will be held accountable for drowning in your idolatry! )

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Melchizedek University
