Fluffing the pillow?

Have you read the story of Moses? Do you remember him bringing the 10 commandments back down the mountain? There are so many deeper stories wrapped inside this event; but, most readers assumed, by unbelievers and Christians, the fact the hand written law by God was the law first given to man! Every resource I have found addresses the Ten Commandments (Law of God) and the Law of Moses, only. There was another!

Imagine you are a nurse and have gone to school 4 years and graduated with a BA degree in nursing. It was hard and it involved a lot of study and clinical practice. You then got a job at a local hospital and have worked for 25 years and have received many outstanding rewards for your professionalism and continuing education certifications. One day a doctor walked into your patient’s room and asked you to “fluff the pillow” for your patient. This doctor is recognized as extremely smart and caring with an extra attention for bed side manners. You, however, are very dumbfounded when he says, “let me give you a demonstration!”. You are thinking how in the world and why in heck is he being so condescending? Immediately, your mouth is stuck wide open as he says, ” would you like me to show you again?”.

Did you need 4 years of school? Did you really need 25 years of experience to understand “hospital pillow fluffing”? I am willing to bet 100% of all BA nursing graduates in the world could do that job COMPLETELY WITHOUT a demonstration! So, what purpose is the doctor’s demonstration for such an elementary and frankly manine task? If you could take the doctor as being like Jesus with a completely honest, genuine and loving heart the demonstration would still be confusing. However, let’s throw in the scenario 50 other newly orientees and 5 relatives watching the scene unfold. How about now? At least now there is the possibility of this story having a different reason of why he had to demonstrate fluffing a pillow to a nurse. Maybe it is for the onlookers? It is the same task but the moral of the story changes. The only reason a person sees this story as probably ridiculous is because I made the ” doc’s orders” so simple a monkey could do it. What if I made his orders very complicated? Then you would say the demonstration was “neccasary”! Well, when God gave Adam the law it was a very parallel like doc’s orders with simple understanding! God told Adam all the law and Adam knew exactly what he meant WITHOUT a “demonstration”! How dumb would Adam be if God “had to demonstrate” NOT EATING THE FRUIT from the Tree of Knowledge?

Now we have to back up a little in time. Before the 1st day was the word; and with the word was a set of blueprints of construction of man. God said or drew a very complicated set of plans consisting of man’s organs, functions, his complicated inner spiritual design and even individual characteristic traits. The blueprints included anything and everything from flesh to spirit that Adam would need. It also had on one of the pages the explanation of how the DNA would transfer complex coded information from him to his children. If you go farther into the blueprints you would find stuff relating to physcology, sociology, and even coded DNR informational design specs. All of these drawings were for just Adam; but it’s complexity and individuality covered any byproduct through procreation with Eve. The interesting page of the blueprints that very few have ever noticed is the blueprint relating to the heart organ. There are two (2) pages concerning the heart. One page is very detailed medical science junk. The other page is spiritual. It is completely spiritual and it is unbelievable what most have never seen in the “detail” drawing. This detail heart drawing refers to a lot of scripture about the heart; but the least noticed is where it says man has a “STONE” for a heart! What? Yes, the bible says Adam will have children and their hearts will be literally stones! How can that be? I have studied enough science, biology and have plenty of family members as doctors and nurses to know our hearts are not made out of stone! The only possible way to understand the blueprints and the truth in them is through “blueprint reading school”!

This senior level class of scripture terminology and discernment is a higher level of understanding than what freshmen can understand. This class explains the

“prophetic typology” of a man’s heart before the foundation. God said that man would “pass down” not only hair, size, looks, and other physical traits but the inner intangible or spiritual traits! Adam and Eve were once perfect and all of their procreation would have been perfect as well had they not sinned. But, after the sin, Adam and Eve’s children did not become frogs or humans with wings. The DNA, DNR AND spiritual aspects also were passed down in like manner. This reftence to a stony heart is proof. But, many men believe in the false news that the information on Adam’s heart that was written did not get passed down. That is a LIE! Abel and Cain not only got two arms and two legs but the law written on their heart. When Abel and Cain looked at the Garden of Eden from outside the gate did God come demonstrate it again? Did Adam or Eve demonstrate it again? Abel and Cain ABSOLUTELY KNEW AS GOOD as if God had told them face to face. As a matter of fact when Adam told them it says in scripture that their father giving them instructions was “as if it was God”!

Now the parable of the doctor telling a nurse to ” fluff a pillow” would be like the same as God having to tell Abel or Cain the condescending statement of “do not eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge”! First lesson in law school is recognizing God started the law. Second, the law only consisted of two (2): 1. Obey me 2. Disobey and die. Literally that was it! Everything else becomes what is known as ” interpretations” of those two laws. Without going deeper down that rabbit hole you must recognize God had written those two (2) laws VERY CLEARLY! WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT?
Because Satan has been hell bent in teaching thousands upon thousands that man can not know God without being saved first; but it is a LIE! FAST FORWARDING through that crude is the ONLY WAY TO SEE the bible explode with this teaching and thousands more!

So, let’s say you just hurdles that hundred foot (100′) vertical jump and see and want more revelation.

God wrote the law ON EVER HUMAN’S HEART!

God told Moses he was going to be “like God” to Aaron! That is called a “type” of God (the anti-type in typology 101). Moses went up the mountain and brought back the law that God had already written on man’s heart and made it into ten (10) interpretations (judge clarifications). The “doc’s” instructions were so simple as “fluffing a pillow” all the people had to do was stand on one side or the other from the instructions they received from the True Doctor. Those that “disobeyed” DIED! Those that “obeyed” LIVED! Every person since their birth knew of God and knew of their “father’s wrong doing with God (Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.

Matthew 12:33 KJV

https://bible.com/bible/1/mat.12.33.KJV)! Some choose God right there when Moses ” told them to choose” as their statement faith and accepting Him as their final Lord and Savior! They once were ALL LOST; but, now some choose to be forgiven! Then Moses led them to offer a sacrifice. Jesus offered the sacrifice on the mountain and even let many see Jesus’ feet. Moses brought all of God to them (The whole Trinity is right there at the mountain in the O.T.)! All the people received the word of God out of Moses’ mouth and some literally “stepped forward to the receiving end of what faith gives us when we do the same”! When the same people had been snake bit the doc had shown them who was God; but many rejected what their eyes had shown them as the truth about God (it would be completely insane to think that people who looked upon a bronze snake on a pole only saw healing as if metal had super natural powers verses God demonstrating his super natural “LIFE GIVING” promises to anyone “who obeyed”!
Ezekiel prophicied of Christ saving the lost born with a stoney (Gentiles) heart [ another huge paper to write about this so exciting]! For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.

Ezekiel 36:24

https://bible.com/bible/1/ezk.36.24-28.KJV (flesh meant -saved from the death and totally able to experience what was designed on those blueprints)

There is ABSOLUTELY NO PROPHET WHO was prophesying of a “literal stony heart” nor was this prophet a false prophet; yet Calvinism with just 2 points of the 5 makes God a liar in most of scripture by choosing those whom he would give salvation before birth! Romans does not say you are predestined for salvation before birth; oh, excuse me yes it does but you twisted the anamorphism Saul uses to describe what is so hard to explain in “his words as an educated Roman soldier and bible scholar as well as a Jew! You have to get chapter 7 in your heart, mind and spirit as a brother that truly considered himself so unworthy of Jesus’ grace and mercy he compares himself to the most wicked King he knew (maybe the Pharaoh King of Egypt with Moses or the greatest wicked achieving King of Babalonia that conquered Egypt and then turned to God after throwing three men in the fiery furnace)!

The more God reveals his word the more I share regardless of what others think. It drives me crazy to know so many people that have placed themselves in a ditch with the entire CALVINISTIC VIEW. The reason that this learning partially drives me at full throttle is that Paul wrote from 8 to 13 books in the bible and you can not possibly understand them with missing the greatest point of his life change while thinking like a Calvinist! So you now have up to 13 books of the N.T. in the ditch with you. You take Genesis, Exudus, Lev., Ezekiel, Daniel, Psalms, Ruth, so many O.T. books and prophecies that explain and interconnect “just like your 5 points” only in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MANNER making those books in the ditch also! You take those 5 points and link everything to the whole bible as it actually should be. It is all due to the entire bible being a book about God (the whole Trinity God) that created, loves, gives mercy, direction, peace, hope and life! You take all the scriptures and discern them through a liar, named Satan, you have all that interconnected SCRIPTURE WRONG! Surely you would find that a big, big deal?

Saul explains in his personal testimony the love, peace, hope and life that Jesus has given him and you must totally erase the “real personal relationship” understanding between a man who was “like Pharaoh” (Hitler, or a Ninevite) and try to pull Godly understanding out from “his heart” WITHOUT real typological genre, history, personal experience as a man guilty by his own free will to kill Christians, figurative language, satire, cultural and sociological discernment, prophetic O.T. relational connections and total scriptural synergy with all the other writers including God himself as the inspired voice verses Satan’s voice! You are in a huge DITCH!

SCROLL back up to the verses in Ezekiel and read it. Read James 1; the crown of life by many Doctorial theologist keep preaching a tangible crown will be your reward. THEY ARE ALL WRONG! The crown of Life is LIFE ITSELF (JESUS)! That is one single verse in the entire book and I promise you the whole book is hidden with prophetic typology that is completely different than what any lost genus would interpret those chapters to mean!

The Holy Spirit wants you and desires for you to see the hidden gospel Jesus said they can not hear. Jesus wants you to get off the milk!

The banquet table is loaded with filet mignon (Hebrews 5)!

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Melchizedek University
