Sins of ignorance toward God.
We are given forgiveness not based upon confession but the SHED BLOOD OF JESUS!
WHY? ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF HOLINESS, SACRIFICES, AND RETRIBUTION MUST BE MET! What can you give the “owner” that made the rules for recompense/restoration?
God demands restoration for stealing. So, you once were taught to repay100% of anything you stole from someone. Then there is an additional 1/5th (20 percent) extra for the harm for restitution ( in a court of law it is called “punitive damages” Lev. 6:1-5). Have you not been preached to about your tithe? Every time I hear about an offering it is taught WRONG!
GOD is not like what many kings on earth that demand the best food, the best clothes, cars, pretty women, sex, tigers for pets, huge houses, hundreds of workers to do their chores or any other of those things! IN FACT, GOD DID AND DOES ALL THE WORK HIMSELF! HE NEEDS NOBODY! HE ASKS OF NOTHING FROM ANYBODY! YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, GIVEN TO YOU BY HIM, TO CALL HIM A LIAR, EVIL WICKED, STUPID AND FAKE. YOU ARE GIVEN THOSE ABILITIES BECAUSE HE CREATED YOU TO HAVE THEM. What you do not have is what many lie about; that is the ability to somehow to travel in time and claim you have more authority than him as if you created him. Can you imagine going to court and telling the judge, as a youth, that you are actually the parent of your parents because you say so!? You can not change time! You are a being AFTER the foundation was formed. The one who designed and poured the foundation of the universe cannot be told he got it wrong, even if you somehow proved it was! It would be more your fault to not have prevented it from being done wrong since you are so capable and wise and able to do better!
GOD IS THE OWNER OF THE FOUNDATION, like that of a house. He by every right is entitled to enjoy his foundation and anything built upon it. If you don’t like it, get off his property. That is what a title and ownership give a person, not to forget he built it by himself! If you do not like God and his rules THEN STOP “TRESPASSING” ON HIS PROPERTY!
GOD from the beginning had a sign about trespassing on his property. “NO TRESPASS”!
I have been hunting when I lost the boundary lines. Ignorance doesn’t matter. I must get a map, GPS, a guide or something to stay on the property I have permission. When you step onto someone else’s property you are under the law and obligation to THEIR RULES. GOD OCCUPIES LAND THAT HAS NO DODOO (this dynamic word is used, to sum up all filth, all unrighteousness, any person who is lost is like a brier or thorn -part of the curse Hebrews 6:6)! IT IS COMPLETELY HOLY! NO BIRDS OR ANIMALS CRAP ON IT. NO HUMANS CRAP ON IT OR CUSS, OR DRANK LIQUOR, OR WATCH DIRTY MOVIES, OR COMMIT ANY OTHER IMMORAL ACT ON IT! YOU SHOW UP ON HIS LAND AND EVERY ALARM IN THE UNIVERSE GOES OFF AND SAYS YOU ARE GUILTY WHETHER YOU KNEW IT OR NOT! If you are so smart then you should have stayed outside his boundaries!
Now guess what the consequences of trespass are when doo doo is found on his land? It gets removed and burned in the trash pile so it never contaminates anything, not even the dirt! Adam and Eve sinned and immediately found themselves trespassing in the Garden of Eden. Alarms went off and they ran to hide. It did not work, they got caught. Jesus shows up to give them a LAW ABIDING PASS! IT TOOK JESUS TO BUY THAT TRESPASS FOR “THOSE WANTING” TO BE ON THE PROPERTY AND ALSO FOR THOSE WHO JUST WANT TO GET BACK OFF WITHOUT “GOING TO PRISON”. Jesus went before the owner and PAID FOR THE FINE AND THE PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF TRESPASSING ON HIS PROPERTY. [ God sees an illegal visitor on his property as many other people do. When a person is hunting and steps foot off the legal boundary onto his, it is like taking his hunting away because you are now taking what is his. Hunting is not just taking an animal for food or a trophy but thousands of dollars are spent just for the peace, relaxation, and pleasure to go into the forest and watch for the opportunity that the OWNER GETS TO CHOOSE! Trespassers TAKE AWAY THAT PLEASURE, OPPORTUNITY, AND RIGHT OF THE OWNER. TRESSPASSERS CAN SCARE OFF ANIMALS THAT would have been on the owners land had not the person wondered onto his and made them hide. God sees humans as like the animals; not to be killed and eaten but like the Shepard looking for his lost sheep. God looks at all those animals like children he is trying to get to come home where it is safe. But, it an evil murderer was to wander onto his property, those children will run and hide and potentially not been seen by God. God wants his land to be free of wickedness! God wants to use his property for his purposes. God wants what is DUE HIM! IF GOD ENJOYS FELLOWSHIPPING WITH HIS CHILDREN ON SAFE AND DOO DOO FREE DIRT; TOO BAD FOR YOU IF YOU DO NOT AGREE!!!
Jesus bought a pass and Jesus had to pay not only what was due for the rights of being there but also a 20% punitive damage fee (he did not commit the crime or sin but stepped on the property ” as though he was representing ME AND YOU -called “imputed” or represented like a lawyer). Where is this taught in tithing? A thief on the cross asked for forgiveness and could not get down to earn the money required to pay back the owner from whom he stole from. He sure as heck did not have the time or the ability to earn an extra 20% for the price of the punitive damages! HOWEVER, JESUS SAID YOU SHALL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE, TODAY!!!
God SOLD ALL HIS PROPERTY TO JESUS! Jesus PAID 120%! GOD MADE A PROFIT (another way of saying “more” [ more glory, more precious use, more thankfulness, more joy, more, more, and lots MORE] FROM JESUS (Jesus is God but his character and second person “in flesh form” makes everything more valuable, more righteous, more real as a human [” in our image”], more precious, more Holy, more perfect)! Romans 5:9 “Much more”…..; verse 10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, “much more”, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
Romans 5:10 KJV
15…” much more” the grace of God…..!
It says right there in verse 10 that those who do not want to be on the property were saved (does “saved” have to mean salvation?). Jesus stood before God with his blood ALREADY SHED (think of Marty McFly again showtime traveled back) before God in “the heat of the day” and “cooled the day” (God’s just anger of having been robbed of his perfect glory) with his imputed place of Adam & Eve ( so verse 10 sys God reconciled Adam & Eve (this was impossible if Jesus had not time traveled which is a word picture for you to COMPLETELY MAKE JESUS A GOD, not a man who has not been born, and recognize the verse is now literal!). And then after God made them clothes (temporary reconciliation) Jesus vanishes to the time of the death of Adam & Eve and appears again as God fulfilling the full reconciliation of his blood BY HIS LIFE (this means because he has the POWER OVER DEATH) gives also life to HIS CHILDREN that have been temporarily reconciled to permanent reconciliation WITH LIFE OVER DEATH ALSO! Israelites many times when 6 million of them died! He left a remnant for them to multiply again and thus it means a physical NOT SPIRITUAL) by Jesus BUT MUCH MORE HAPPINESS AND GLORY TO JESUS FOR SAVING (here is the spiritual; nobody is literally “saved” from death as all must die; when reading scripture it is imperative to see the “LAYERS” [hidden meaning that only the saved can discern verses the obvious “genius” interpretation every common lost guy can figure out] as you read scripture ) THOSE WHO WANT TO BE BACK HOME!!!!