God told Moses he had heard “his people cry to him”.
Who are those people? If you study your Bible with expository teaching you get
“Israelites”. Really? They all DIED!
Yes, Israelites crossed the Jordan; but, my statement is still correct. How?
Well, read and tell me how you can include Levites who could not marry and have children or possess the land? How do you include Moses, Joshua, and Caleb when Moses did not cross and Joshua and Caleb were Gentiles. Who were the Israelites that crossed? They consisted of NO ONE who God would call as CHRISTIANS! THEY WERE NOT CHOSEN”! THEY WERE NOT Israelites! These humans were the sons and daughters to all the unbelievers (people being called Israelites as though that word means: Jews or Hebrews who are saved- which it does NOT). These people were all under the age of twenty! This, God held their guilty parents responsible for the God of their parents! In other words, if you are a parent and do not take your kids to a church that worships Jesus, or a church that does worship a God different from Jesus YOU ARE GUILTY LIKE THOSE GOD HAD JUDGEMENT EXECUTED ON THEM (death and a second death)! These children were left without their parents and grandparents, AS MERCY! WHY?
Two reasons why: 1. So that the LOST children would be influenced by their new step-fathers named Joshua and Caleb. 2. God had a “trademark” stamped on these children (a word picture like a logo or “made by” tag known to all the other humans on earth). These children could turn around and start worshipping whomever they pleased; they were not forced to worship Elohim (the Trinity Jewish and Gentile God). These children were not considered saved as demonstrated by God with having their parents and grandparents killed! These children would not be known by their individual names but as a group by others on the planet as “those Hebrew God people”( that is the logo or in other words “Israelites”- if I could draw something here, I would, to reiterate in picture form a “LOGO”). God made these children learn (think forward to Jesus saying he learned obedience to God, the spirit El). These children would be given grace and mercy to learn obedience BY AN ENSAMPLE! JOSHUA AND CALEB would be teaching them and these children would have to deal with ONLY PRIESTS assigned by Elohim, not any false god priests.
Do you know any parents that say or said, I will let my own kids decide? Well, you decided all right. You decided possibly their judgment! It is such HERESY to hear people say that Hitler could have had a “chosen” child (a predestined baby that would worship God, a different god than the one Hitler worshipped)! Where would that child “learn” about Jesus? How much of that child’s life would be in a heathen or demonic environment? How could a child crawl out of a pit that reaches hell? That child would have no tools, rope or hope ( word picture of real access to Christ or the Holy Spirit for climbing out). Jesus doesn’t “just save”! Jesus supplied what is necessary to escape hell, just like in the Garden of Eden. Jesus teaches and answers the call from those that call on him. Hitler children would have been taught to call of Satan! Jesus does not answer those calls/prayers!
The true meaning of “Isrealites” is any person who worships Jesus! An Isrealite is born lost (chosen to be born lost! Because his parents, all the way back to Adam and Eve) and must be shown were the “keys to the gates of hell” (word of God) can be used to escape hell.