Here is a Bible study. Try answering these with scripture!
1. Can you ask God the Father to show you the holes in his hands or his side like the disciple Thomas?
2. Who would you be standing in front of?
( write down your answer- it will matter)
3. Can you ask Jesus if he was talking to Moses when he saw the burning bush? Who was it?
4. Can you ask the Holy Spirit who his mother or father is ( Jesus is said to have a father)?
5. Was the Holy Spirit from the bloodline of David?
6. Who was at the foundation of the universe?
( are you writing your answers down?)
7. If you are standing before Jesus and he asks you who he is would you say, God? The Son? Jesus? The Holy Spirit? Or someone else like Allah?
8. Would you dare ask Jesus where God is? If you pursue asking Jesus to show you his father what will he say?
9. When you get saved from the bondage of Satan, his lost ownership of you becomes the new ownership of whom?
10. Did God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit die on the cross?
11. Can you pray to God the Father, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?
12. Was God the Father created?
13. Was Jesus created? What year did he first show up to humans or angels?
14. Has Jesus ever been subjected to your world as fully a man?
15. If Jesus was a man like you and I, was he proving his birth made him a human, or his suffering, or his death, or his companionship with the disciples? God has nothing to prove to man no more than does any parent need to prove anything to their child whom was procreated that they stand over. God said He came to do his will. His will was to provide what nothing else could do. After completing His will God left earth to sit back on his throne that he came from in the beginning. Man has the choice to accept or deny anything or everything except his judgement. So, again, what did Jesus the human do?
16. If you say, God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit are you referring to all of them as one entity? Or as one in spirit? Or are they truly separate but being just totally in agreement with each other in all things?
17. When you address God can you address someone other than Jesus to get to God?
18. When people of other religions talk to God who translates their thoughts and words into the spiritual conversation to that god?
19. Who was talking out of the donkey?
These questions are very important if you are reading scripture, claim Jesus is your Lord or God, and if you believe the Holy Spirit is a real part of the deity of God; especially if you want God to hear your prayers.
There is a huge difference in understanding the God of the Bible with how you answer these questions in the relationship to you with God. The God in the Bible is referred to as a triune God, versus a Oneness God, or versus a God of having many different avenues into his kingdom in the afterlife and the realm of all spiritual beings. This world has yet to see a human born from a giraffe, or a rock, or an automobile; in like manner all those in the spiritual world go into it from the design and ruler of that realm like of this earth before birth of either. We don’t decide the rules of entrance but we can decide if we want to follow the guidelines for passage into the next. God made the rules and every so often some human comes along to introduce a different set of entry guidelines. Would it not be more intelligent during this person’s bazaar ability to change the past before his existence to just simply make his own place for such rules? Why do they always insist on changing God’s? These Biblical questions should get you stimulated to search for the Godly answers so you can better know him and his rules in his kingdom; or just tell people about your heaven you built without calling God a liar about his.