How to solve racism:

The question presented was whether I thought Trump was a “racist”? 


Racist like God! God said all “races” are heathen except the Israelites ( during Abraham’s day). But, “race” is an evolutionary term; which was invented by Charles Darwin when he claimed the “black slaves” being bought in Africa from other black tribes were part of the “chimpanzee species” and were evolving into the human “white races”. When Abraham followed Elohim into the dessert to forsake the false gods the heathen were worshipping God caused ALL the people to become different looking and speak different languages. EVERY HUMAN ( of one species) became different looking and different speaking which scattered to different areas to feel safer from the chaos that just “MIRACULOUSLY” took place. See HATRED STARTED with EVERY HUMAN hating GOD WORSHIPPERS( known now as Jews). Prejudice in it’s TRUTHFUL DEFINITION means any “race that HATES GOD’S PEOPLE”! NOW, ignorance of biology, Darwin’s evolution, God’s creation, the history of mankind, and pure evil feeding lost people hear the word and agree with all the other TRULY GOD HATING heathen to accuse others of HATE! SO, I hate what God hates; and everyday I try harder to get closer and more like Jesus ( who hates idolators)! The easiest way to become a NON-RACIST is start loving Jesus! If the world wants to get rid of ” racism” then there is two choices: 1. Get rid of Trump and anybody who likes him, and probably anybody who just you hate like him


2. All the God-haters love him and recognize he created all humans the same and created “races” for the love, protection and mercy of not having to kill all the God haters like due to the flood!

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Melchizedek University
