I just “scripturally and historically” explained the “mark in their hands” and “in their forehead” in Revelations 12…

I just “scripturally and historically” explained the “mark in their hands” and “in their forehead” in Revelations 12; but, that doesn’t seem like enough for the results of brainwashing by our preachers, the doctorate multi-million dollar book sellers, and our beloved Sunday school and small group teachers who positively and lovingly taught us the “END TIMES THEORY” WAS REAL! 


BECAUSE THEIR BRAINS GO RIGHT BACK TO REVELATIONS 4, where Satan started the brainwashing!

Let me honestly ask you a serious question: how many of you have been raised from the dead?

If you want honest, and a truthful “spiritual lesson” about Revelations 4 then answer the question!

Write the question on a piece of paper and then write your answer. You will need to refer to it several times!

Do you pray and ask God for anything?

Do you call yourself a Christian?

Are you a preacher who teaches God hears prayers?

Do you teach children to put their hands together and bow their heads to talk to the King of kings and Lord of lords?

Have you ever recieved an answer back from God?

Do you testify to others that God lives you and them and has the power to heal?

I could and should ask 1,000 ( the number used in scripture by the O.T. folks to mean googleplex of “their time period”) because if you have a tiny shred of belief in the demonic “end times” doctrines of men you NEED DE-BRAINWASHING!

THERE IS A PREACHER who said he went on a church seminary retreat to get some Godly “refreashment” from other peers and guest speakers that would “strengthen them and give them some very needed motivational support”. During his time they had time to participate in extracurricular activities like bike riding, hiking, basketball, and fishing. It was a week long seminar that he said he really was glad he got to attend. During one of his extracurriculars times he fished on one of the ponds on the property. He caught a few fish worth frying up and actually go to do. He said that time alone brought back memories of him and his dad when he was a kid. While fishing the weather couldn’t have been better and he got to reminisce about all the great fishing and hunting with his dad and brothers while young. He also remembered how his dad would just talk to God with them in the boat as if he were right there with them. His dad would look in the sky and thank him for the time and the fish they caught. He even remembered how on those hot days when they did not catch anything his dad would look up and thank God outloud to impress upon him and his brothers God was looking down on them and loved them! This preacher just kept smiling while telling me those stories about his dad teaching him about God up in heaven. Then he said he had an amazing fish mounted on his wall from his seminary retreat fishing trip. He told me it was a huge bass and everytime he looks at it it reminds him of his father up in heaven. He said he immediately looks up to thank God about giving him such a loving dad and prayerful “refreshment about God” during that retreat. He looked at me and said “let’s pray and thank him for something”. So he got on his knees and I did also, and we prayed together. While he was praying he asked God not to kill him again and I gripped the arm of the chair I was holding in dumbfounded shock! It was the craziest start to any prayer I had and still today have ever heard! He said, “God please don’t kill me again. I know you are up there in heaven and you have answered my prayers ma y times. I have seen your glorious creations and the some of the your miraculous chambers”. I stopped him right there. I said, “what do you mean by all that?”

He wasn’t even crying as he started to explain. I wanted to cry; but, I was still in a shock. He told me while fishing at the retreat that he feel asleep while fishing. He then woke up in the hospital about 7 hours after. He was told some of his other preacher friends found him in the water and he was dark blue. He was dead! The doctors told him he had been dead probably about 4 hours before they found him. Then he said when they found him there was this giant bass fish on his fishing pole that he must have realed in close to the bank because one of his preacher friends put it in his cooler. He told me that he remembered falling asleep and then it was as if he was floating off to heaven and looking down on himself. He remembered as he floated up to heaven that the fish somehow yanked his pole and made him fall over in the pond just enough to have his head underwater while the rest of his body was on the side of the bank. He did not remember dealing in the fish. But, as he floated off to heaven he saw a bright light and heard voices. He enters a huge building unlike he has ever seen on earth and he saw very strange creatures and unbelievable beautiful music with singing. He said it had to have been loud because he could hear it inside the building but he knew it was coming from far, far away. He starts telling me about how he knew he had seen God and Angel’s. Then a whole bunch more crazy stuff! He got to the end, as my mouth continued to just stay open, and I had to swallow when he told me that I couldn’t tell anybody else what he was about to tell me. I asked, “why?”

He said “you will understand after I tell you”, so I agreed. He proceeds to tell me that he knows God never hears his prayers after that retreat and that is why he quit the church. I said, “what!?”

He said he saw God with his own eyes, but, he knows God has to kill you in order for a person to “go up and talk to God”. He said, here! He shoves a Bible in front of me. I looked down and he had highlighted Revelations 4:

“After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.”

Revelation 4:1 ESV


He looks at me and stares directly into my eyes and says: ” YOU CAN NOT GO UP TO HEAVEN AND HEAR GOD WITHOUT BEING DEAD!”








Then I gave him all kinds of scripture!

I told him he might have seen God; but, if he ever told my wife and kids that story I might punch him in the mouth!

Keep you lies to yourself!

If anybody is a Christian Jesus tore the veil and has direct access to “THE THRONE ROOM OF GOD”! I said you should highlight the next verse in Revelations 4 which was verse 4:

“At once I was in the Spirit, and behold, a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the throne.”

Revelation 4:2 ESV


I said, God has given the Holy Spirit since day one from the fall of man to intercede with man’s bablings because a veil was put over our eyes!!!!

We were denied direct access to the throne room because we stunk! When I pray I know I have the Holy Spirit in me and he reveals everything from heaven! Some people limit themselves because they “LISTEN TO SATAN”! I stick my head in the Bible as 1 Perer 1:10-12 and Isaiah 55:1-6 ( which says “SEEK HIM”, “COME”, “listen diligently to me”) AND I HEAR GOD ALIVE IN THIS STINKING FLESH! BUT, if you are unrighteous as the wicked YOU WILL NOT SEE OR HEAR GOD AS IT CONTINUES YOU SAY:

Isaiah 55: 7-8

“let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord , that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord .”

Isaiah 55:7-8

Why would adopt a child or rescue his sheep and tell him “his ways are higher than theirs”? Satan would tell them that! Preachers tell their visitors and members to study, pray and listen and THEN TURN AROUND AND SAY A VERSE CLEARLY ADDRESSED TO THE WICKED that is also intended for his children is


So, look at the question I asked you to write down: 

” How many of you have been raised from the dead?”

Well, you are a liar OR YOU HAD BETTER THINK “IN THE SPIRIT” ( Not, not, not literally!!)

Why in GEHENNA do people take Revelations 4 and turn it into a ABSOLUTE LITERAL, NON-SPIRITUAL, DYNAMIC MEANS OF THE ONLY POSSIBLE WAY TO TALK TO GOD??????????


I can prove it with many, many stories!!

I hope you do not ask for them!

Show your intelligence for getting de-brainwashed and STICK YOUR HEAD IN THE BIBLE AND DO WHAT ISAIAH 55 DOES SAY!! HE WAITS TO HEAR YOU, hopefully before it “is too late”!

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Melchizedek University
