Jesus Blazes to Our Rescue without a Fire and Grills without Fire also!

Have you read the Old Testament? Are you sacrificing animals? Why not?

What did the Priest do with all the sacrifices? What we’re the incense?

What are burnt offerings? 

There are several stories about Jesus in the Old Testament that we’re given to the people as prophetic theological narrations due to no books, no phones, no satellite or radios, no real communication processes other than “storytelling”! The stories in the Old Testament were real on TWO levels. They were real-life experiences; but, they were ALSO SCRIPTURE( when a man told his family about a God story he was reading scripture).

Look at the story of Abraham taking Isaac to be offered as a “BURNT OFFERING”! Did Abraham build a cross? No! He built a pile of wood to set his animal sacrifice on the fire! Why? Why did it have to burn!? Did God allow Isaac to be burned? God provided an animal as a replacement on a ” lower-level” representation of what was to come. God used the smell as a “SYMBOL OF SATISFACTION” (sanctification )FOR A FUTURE SACRIFICE! SEE the word picture! The animal has flesh and God is spirit! Have you ever watched any Cowboy movies with Indians? They would burn stuff and yell and dance and chant running around the fire. The smoke was to send that “stuff” on the fire LITERALLY INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD. 

The “smoke” meant “TRANSFORMATION”!

A human believed “the spirit” he was chanting would come and receive his gift and would know what the gift was “DUE TO THE SMELL”! Do you grill out on your patio? The flesh of an animal has to be transformed into different media to enter into the spirit world. The Priest also knew that speaking had to be transformed into a different media also; so the incense we’re burned as a “language transformation”.

I can tell the difference between a hot dog and a steak. I can tell the difference between hamburgers or skunk being grilled! Well, have you ever bought ground chuck instead of the cheaper beef and bit on a tiny piece of bone in the hamburger? Had that “better beef” been burnt you could absolutely know God could smell that tiny bone as if biting on it with his spiritual (whole being-with teeth) senses! What most people do NOT understand is God was using the “PROCESSES OF BURNT OFFERINGS” as teaching classes for us to understand the TRINITY! It was NOT for us to recognize just the first person of God! Let’s refresh what I just told you. That small piece of bone in ground chuck could have been smelled by God the Father ( the first person of the Trinity) AS IF BITTEN! HOW? Because EVERYTHING in the BIBLE is about you LEARNING ABOUT THE COMPLETE GOD, not just a part of God! You are being taught that God can smell that bone as though he BIT that BECAUSE HE DOES HAVE TEETH( so in the Old Testament you would be learning in stages about the different aspects of Jesus; NOT about the whole nature of the other two parts of the Trinity)! You must LEARN ABOUT THE FULL MEASURE OF GOD IN FLESH! Jesus said if you know him you would learn about the others and it doesn’t work the other way!). So, the burning and the smelling and the “transformation” is part of the sacrifice process. What happens when the Priest with grilling the animal inside the alter? Two things: 1. His bell didn’t ring any longer on his garment ( a sign he messed up and died).


Together, the blood, the meat and part of the fat of the animal and incense, were away God taught us how to see a BAD THING (SIN) could be purified ( like the process also used in smelting gold or silver) and turned in to a “PURIFIED” BETTER and “TRANSFORMED” Holy Spirited manner. This teaching was a “lower-level” manner of “transformation” as like flesh to spirit. This teaching was MAINLY for the purposes of SCRIPTURE in a storytelling manner for the “higher-level” transformation which would become SPIRIT TO SPIRIT. 

Jesus came as the FULLNESS OF GOD! Jesus came as the “Father”, as the “Only-begotten Son”, and “The Holy Spirit”! Jesus was offered up as the sacrifice! Jesus was NOT BURNED! Jesus who is SPIRIT did NOT need to be “TRANSFORMED to Spirit”! Jesus represents the “Higher-level” of the transformation of spirit to spirit BY RESURRECTION!


IF a “Christian” dies by any means, cancer, old age, car wreck, disease, anything, our death will be revenge by Jesus due to Satan and his followers as a team making us sacrifices of the heathen to false gods (or basically all in the same to Satan)! Cain killed Able after refusing to offer a sacrifice to Jesus and offered up Able to himself as though he was God in charge! No man could ever have accomplished life without sinning, other than Jesus; but, it was never the position of MAN on the “lower-level” to take anything and attempt to purify it himself (especially sin)! Death of any kind is due to sin and man has no part in giving life or taking it. The Lord did not even like sacrifices because “MAN THAUGHT SO MANY TIMES HE WAS THE SOURCE OF THE TRANSFORMATION BY HIS WORK”. Sacrifices, as God called them ritual, were merely teaching lessons about Jesus! Jesus gives all life and Jesus RESTORES AND TRANSFORMS what EVIL destroys! 

Any Denial of Jesus, the Full Trinity of God, is like a man trying to purify a skunk into something worthy for themselves in the spiritual world and then finding out it isn’t fit to eat there either!


If a person burns anything as a sacrifice he would need to get on his knees!!!! The story of Jephthah sacrificing his daughter is NOT killing her as a burnt offering!!! He was appointed by God, worshipped God and was a prophetic theological narration of this story about offerings. If you inductively claim he burned his daughter you had better find the verse where God killed him instantly like Aaron’s sons!!! He did NOT offer her. If you want to see those offered up to the wrong God, you will find them burning in hell. Satan is the one who torches! Jesus has the Holy Spirit that came and replaced the rituals of torching! The Holy Spirit acts as the incense and as the grill master for sweet smells! Once a person is saved the Holy Spirit impregnated us like the sweetest “MARINATING” possible! How does a child of God remain sweet-smelling to God? The Holy Spirit, Jesus, living inside us as the salt, as the light, as the essence of Christ himself. We are to prophetically narrate in type as Christ till we are fully transformed “as ONE with Christ or “married” as ONE in the spirit with Jesus!

WE WILL, however, BE TRANSFORMED from spirit to spirit by RESURRECTION!

The Bible is ONLY about Jesus. Jesus is the only way (John 14)!

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Melchizedek University
