Jonah in chapter 1 saves the lost Ninevites with the keys of heaven.
Chapter 2, Jonah cries to God while dead! The bible says the lost die but the saved in Christ never die! Abel’s blood cried out to God. Jesus told the thief that accepted him as his Lord, “Today you shall be with me in paradise.” Jonah was NOT IN HELL even though that is literally the word used in the KJV (Jonah 2:2). The figurative language is describing the depths the whale was probably traveling for 3 days ( way down there). Jonah was a prophet and he knew his vow of proclaiming the gospel to save others was his duty. Satan had no influence on Jonah’s soul and when he became separated from his flesh he recognized God as the God who saved his soul inside of a filthy rag (from corruption verse 2:6). God then raised him from the dead to save the souls willing and able to accept his son as Lord ( just like the story to come from Christ).