Jonah does not want to go to Nineveh, and now he has been taken there. He hated the idea of giving these Ninevites the key to heaven! Why? They hated him (Jews)! What about Jonah himself? I can say by the words in scripture that the Ninevites were so evil against the Jews you could in today’s view consider them like Nazi’s as for how they treated the Jews. They loved killing the Jews. When Jonah walked up to the city gates, it is recorded that Jews were shish kabobed upon the gates! Why would Jonah want them in heaven? There is no reason! However, Jonah recognized that one single reason named Jesus as the one who saved him equally. Jonah may not have been a murderer, an idolater or a heathen but in the midst of death, he saw how Jesus saved his soul from hell and recognized again his soul’s commitment to sharing the truth as a prophet to whoever it is required. But, Jonah holds the keys and the knowledge of God’s grace, thru Christ, and the knowledge of God’s fury for heathens like he had just witnessed to. He knows about the Israelites who turned on God right after crossing the Red Sea (they died). He knows the results of Noah’s sons as soon as they got off the boat (cursed from their idolatry). He knows about the sons of Aaron (they died by fire). He knows about the fire that rains down from God (Sodom & Gomorrah killed by fire)! The Ninevites know about this same fire! Why do they put ashes on themselves? Why do they put on sackcloths? They understand why a temple priest dresses like he does (God will kill him coming before the throne without wearing protection representing humility of a simple man before his creator)! Jonah thinks he could witness it again and pray that it happens just as soon as he sees the very first glance of false repentance. So, he goes to catch them in the act (3:9; 4:5). Unfortunately for Jonah (4:1,3) Jesus stands in front of the fire and quenched the flame of anger and righteousness with mercy and more righteousness. Unfortunately for Jonah (4:1,3) the Jews are not going to be the only ones in heaven as now God has decided to let heathens (Gentiles- first temptation of Christ) in also. Unfortunately for Jonah (4:1,3) the Gentiles turn and profess Christ (3:4 this is a PROFOUND BLARING PROPHECY FULLFILLED IN THE 40 DAYS TO COME) as their savior (the sacrifice they choose to present before the angry God El) (3:10).
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