Jonah (part 4 of 4), a type of Christ.
” This is no Fishy Story!”

Jonah, a prophetic type of Christ to come, has now witnessed all of these wicked Ninevites get salvation! Gosh chapter 4 gets crazy with typology (what Saul/Paul calls symbolism). So, his Jewish flesh is HACKED! Then he just screams, I told you, you would do that! I told you you were merciful! I told you you would save them; but, you gave me the keys to the gates of heaven (look in Genesis to see where the gate into it is placed- “the east side”) and I am still going to guard the gates with my authority given me by you! What is there guarding the gates of heaven? An angel with a flaming sword. Who would the angel stop? Many would come to “presseth their way back in”! All those that lived in Sodom were referred to as living on the “east side” (huge symbolism)! What was the booth for? God told the Isrealites (who were so easily turned cry babies after just being saved) he would kill all of them if one single tear was made in morning the death of Aaron’s sons). His expectations was SUPER HIGH! He knew God would ALSO TURN back like times past if those wicked people messed up like he had seen many times in the past when God gave mercy to wicked folks ( who happened to be his Jewish forefathers). So he gathered some corn and started roasting it (just figuatively).

Look at this closely: Jesus prepared a covering over Jonah! What kind of covering does Jonah need? A gourd? No! A figurative savior, a gourd, came and overshadowed him (giving him protection) in the story. What is next seems to go all the way back to Genesis. If you set your mind to him on the east side of heaven with a heat coming at him from that direction you can find yourself in Genesis, Corinthians and Revelations. A mighty heat would encompass that angel’s sword. When entering heaven you should be able to recall all of your works being tested by FIRE! Jesus was seen as though he had “polished brass” feet. When you get to heaven do you expect the pearly gates unguarded? So, what is your pass going to look like? Could it actually be your “LITERAL FAITH ACHIEVED ON EARTH”? The angel says , “Enter” ( with this giant swinging flaming sword). Would you not have a testing right then and there with FIRE? I can only imagine the swinging ability of this angel. Only four Angel’s are required to hold all the winds of the earth. I can imagine one can make an easy giant firenado! There 6,000 souls are saved by Jonah! But, the hot wind and flames of a consuming fire shall test all works of all men (1 Cor. 3:13). Revelations reminds me of Christ coming out of the east also WITH JUDGEMENT! Revelations 22:12 & Rom. 14:12-13 reminds us it is Jesus who gives us the keys but he comes to condemn and reward with fire! Rev. 19:11-16 ; Rev. 6:2; and Jesus returns out of the east on a white horse with eyes like a flame of fire. Judgement is right there were Jonah sits like a bright unbeatable sun.

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Melchizedek University
