Milk versus meat in scripture?

God tells us that milk and meat, are figurative forms of describing “spiritual bread” is based upon THREE THINGS:

1. BOTH milk and meat are TRUTH!

What is truth expressed as “MILK”?

Milk is exactly what you should recognize as an “INFANTS” source of “LIFE”. An infant can NOT or should NOT eat meat. Think of a the reasons such as an infant needing to grow in the begining first by getting as many antibodies from the mother. The mother needs and can provide the initial NUTRIENTS for growing and becoming stronger. An infant’s digestive system is not ready for the stronger and more complicated processing of changing meat into nutrients. So, like real food, milk is being used as a figurative representation of a “BABY CHRISTIAN” NO MATTER WHAT THE REAL AGE. 

Now, how many new Christian’s need to eat milk their entire lives?

What makes a baby grow to be able to digest meat? Does a baby just go from milk to meat? Or does a baby usually take pre-chewed food or blended food, or maybe even pureed food? A baby Christian needs to have a person, like a mother, father, pastor, sunday school teacher, mature Christian friend chew the word and give the new Christian discerning help in understanding how to recieve “toucher, harder to digest, harder to understand scripture, in order to grow to swallowing and digesting meat.



A Christian IS NEVER TO BE TOLD by some other Christian, YOU CAN NOT HAVE THE TRUTH! 


A Christian who declares another Christian is NOT educated enough, have the right degrees, fits the right narrative, have the correct position in church, any other “doctrine of men” negating a child of God any right and privilege of heaven is BEING EVIL!



The greatest problem it seems with talking to people on this subject is the constant disregard, or just simple pride of Biblical twisting by semantics, to divert or fail in basic hermeneutics of scripture. For example, the word “Christian” is not in the Bible; yet, a person looking for an example of a “Christian” with regard to this truth study would THROW AWAY the word usage of “HIGH PRIEST”! WHY? I believe because so much is drilled in their head from their infancy to adult good as wrong theology to begin with. A HELL BOUND HUMAN becomes a “HIGH PRIEST” at their birth of salvation! Yet, when reading the Bible most “Christians” have been taught a “High Priest” is their pastor! That simple incorrect hermeneutics via semantic twisting of many words and stories has caused a GIGANTIC HARM IN THE ENTIRE THEOLOGICAL UNIVERSE! A “High Priest” is NOT a graduate of seminary school. A High Priest is NOT just a preacher! A High Priest is NOT somebody with a lot of “KNOWLEDGE”!

What is a “HIGH PRIEST”?

1. A “Christian”.

2. A person who has been grafted into the genealogy after Abraham.

3. A person who has been adopted by Jesus, their new father ( as their old one was the Devil), and given ALL AUTHORITY FROM GOD, not any man!

4. A person who sought TRUTH, and recieved the Holy Spirit by his faith.

5. A person who is told by God TO SEEK WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE BY A NEW ORDER- not by the same Tree of Knowledge which actually is by “doctrines of men” ( like degrees), but by the Order of Melchezidec – wisdom first, the Holy Spirit teaching truth about the nuggets of truth in the “doctrines of men” or getting a college degree and being shown Truth ( nuggets)by God that some did reveal in school and many that were not revealed in school. The false teachings can very well help a person learn; BUT, NOT UNLESS YOUR EYES HAVE BEEN SHOWN THE TRUTH!

[Proverbs 4:6-7] [Matt. 6:33] What good is al gore the knowledge of science every college has to offer if you let their doctrine of creation over ride the truth that God did not create it? You would be better off as a first grader or bottle feeder in the ways of science! God, never says do not become intelligent in the field of science; but, you would be better off if you did not if you don’t fear God first and account all to his credit!

6. A High Priest is a person by the order of God to point out to anybody FALSE characterizations of God, false statements of scripture, false semantics, false discernments, false Christian’s, false aspects of the Holy Spirit, and false teachings of any kind! Yet, it will take someone older than an infant to do that! [2Timothy 3:16]

7. A person who does not start as a “High Priest” at their death on earth and enters heaven; BUT, IMMEDIATELY UPON SALVATION!

8. A person is EXPECTED by God to grow with time on earth. Sanctification requires time and comes with THE EATING ( growth) OF TRUTH. No one can grow who is denied food!!!!!!

9. A “High Priest” is not sinless! Every High Priest offered up sacrifices for his own sins and Jesus was required to offer himself to all that were “High Priests in the O.T.”.

10. A “High Priests” will make mistakes. As the priest consumes more bread so will he become fat in the word!

[ Duet. 32:15- Moses speaks to Isreal and Joshua and tells them Jeshurun grew fat with literal bread ( and bad spiritual fat from Satan’s food- yes Satan feeds the flesh of the lost and Christians; but, it seems as though one can fall away from being saved; but, the truth is a man who has hungered for the truth been given the bread of life can continue to feed his flesh also and be overcome. I am not saying losing salvation. But, this topic is very hard to grasp if you do not recognize the first factors of the false teachings of the doctrines of men who brainwash the ideology in Christians that a person can become saved without the work of faith! A Christian must work out sanctification and work at eschewing evil all their lives! It is God that knows the heart of man. It is a strong man feed by the meat in the gospel that eschews evil, not with milk! It is a Christian from the growth of the strong word that produces fruit of the Holy Spirit, not from milk! Milk is the food recieved from your first love of what Christ offers; salvation. The first love is usually in your adolescence of your life. If a person has a PhD. and at the age of 50, they would still be an infant in the spiritual realm! That person would even need to grow from infancy to adulthood in regard to the WORD.), kicked and turned away from God. Moses was using the PTN of how Isreal, the previous Isrealites under Abraham, worshiped God and sought after him and the Truth like Joshua;, but, Isreal now is like Jeshurun who has turned to the fat ( the lies, the spiritual food of the flesh) and will go to hell. Moses warns them they NEED THE WORD, THE MEAT TO KEEP FROM TURNING AWAY AS ISREAL DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It should be seen that milk saves; but, meat sanctifies and assures one and marks them for others that they are saved.

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Melchizedek University
