One Chosen Seed

God created Adam; one man started the whole tree! From that man came out from “HIS RIBS” (very masculine form of the word and thought) a woman (very feminine word and thought). The two began procreation from the SEED of the man. That seed (singular) produced another like being and his name was called Abel. Another being, called a son, was born and his name was called Cain.

This stage of mankind was the absolute first stage of two (2) different kinds of people groups! There was a people group of “obedient” (sinful but God worshipping) and “disobedient” (hated God- God rejectors)! This seems SO ELEMENTARY to most; but, when you do NOT get these few chapters correctly discerned you will NEVER GET MANY FALSE PROPHET TEACHINGS BROUGHT INTO THE LIGHT! How do you have this wrong? You have been taught like all of us to see Genesis in a whole with the rest of the Bible in a “CHRONOLOGICAL WAY”! 



You read the story of Adam and Eve and them having their first two sons as a typical historical ancestry tree of yourself coming about seven thousand years later. Only because you have probably written the date on many checks and planned events for most of your life according to dates do you recognize Jesus came about 2,018 years ago. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT MAKES YOUR BRAIN READ SCRIPTURE BY THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE INSTEAD TROUGH AND BY THE HOLY SPIRIT!

LISTEN! The Tree of Knowledge is NOT the Holy Spirit! So, when was Jesus in Adam and Eve, plus their two sons’ life?

You read the story of Genesis “knowing” Jesus came almost 4, 000 years later. This is where YOU ATE THE APPLE ALSO! Jesus DID NOT COME 4,000 years later! Jesus STOOD IN THE GARDEN!


NOW, where was Jesus in the Garden of Eden? Think about the title of this message. Who is the first seed? 

Colossians 1:15″Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature.”

Colossians 1:15 KJV

You read it and still not grasp it!

If you have ever believed “predestination”, “dispensationalism”,

 “Calvinism”, or thought the word chosen described “saved people” you DID NOT TAKE THIS VERSE AS TRUTH! YOU INSTANTLY MAKE JESUS A MAN AND NOT GOD! YOU MAKE JESUS A MAN BORN FROM GOD; BUT, DO NOT APPLY HOLY OMNIPOTENCE OR OMNIPRESENCE! Jesus was there in the Garden! Adam and Eve would have been KILLED HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR JESUS! Otherwise, you create a WHOLE DIFFERENT RELIGION that says “most people need Jesus” but some get inside heaven and escape God’s HOLY ACCOUNTABILITY by some other means!!!! Please tell me by what?

Everybody before the Bible storybook crucifixion of Jesus died and entered heaven only because they accepted the blood of Jesus as their blood sacrifice that single-handedly was required to “COOL” (metaphor for “JESUS”- have you ever seen somebody who has the ability to calm another person as that person was about to explode) the “HEAT” ( which is a metaphor meaning wrath like a fire and brimstone gives) of a RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENTAL GOD CREATOR!

Read that whole section again before going further. If you do not agree; then close your Bible and go see a preacher and get your salvation experience straight. If he says this is wrong; LEAVE THAT CHURCH!

SO, Jesus is “THE SEED”!


ADAM is the father of all SEED!

Then Noah’s seed leads to procreating a 7th generation later grandson named Abram. 

Abram was a Noahite or/and Adamite!

Abram became a different race due to his turning from the idolatry of his father, Terra, to Elohim. Elohim changed his name to Abraham; AND ALSO created NEW RACES (incorrect word- but it is so commonly used I use it just to keep you on track with the message; even though it should be said correctly as “culture group”). Abraham became the ONLY OBEDIENT seed like back at the time of Abel. The other “races” were like Cain, disobedient God haters or rebellious culture groups! 

Abraham had many wives and from his seeds came many sons and daughters. BUT, ABRAHAM HAD ONE SEED ALSO!

How could he have many seeds and one(1) single seed at the same time?

Because the scripture you read means different things! Both being true, yet different story subjects! “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.”

Galatians 3:16 KJV

Again the Bible is about ONE (1) SEED! You and I, and all the other people that have ever taken a single breath of oxygen came from Adam. However, the scripture of singular seed is a prophecy about one seed or the fulfilling story about the same single “ONE” SEED!

How does all this relate to false teachings?

Simple, friend. “And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. And he believed in the Lord, and he counted it to him for righteousness.

Genesis 15:5-6 KJV

God told Abraham that all the people in ” his culture group” would be as many as the stars! That has NOTHING TO DO WITH “SALVATION”! Abraham was leading a new culture group away from all of the other humans due to Abraham’s faith ( not another human’s belief, or relationship with God or any other god- the time of the Tower of Babel proving everybody hated God except this one man- again already like Noah!)! All the people with “coneheads” ( just a word picture to describe what a Jew looked like for this message) would pick up their belongings and move to the dessert! How many people that followed Abraham believed Elohim was the only God? You can be absolutely sure that it was NOT EVERY HUMAN( remember this fact- not every conehead is a God worshiper)! God promised Abraham a HUGE MAGNIFICENT MIRACLE WOULD TAKE PLACE FROM HIS “SEED” (singular)! What? That his heir down his genetic tree line would birth Jesus. The entire Old Testament prophecy of Jesus (the “COOL” est guy) would bring every human the needed forgiveness or final sacrifice that the first guy (Adam) made such a horrible repetitious religious event come to an end. 

During the Old Testament (the bigger Bible story), after the one book, Bible story called Genesis can be seen as a Genetic Tree of Ancestry. Adam and Eve’s tree produced a whole bunch of human fruit. You can narrow down the entire human race into just an ancestry tree of different individuals, like Abraham. On Abraham’s tree, you would see Jesus! Yes! It would be down many branches linked to Jacob and David? But, if you read the first part of this message twice and grasped the truth you could go back to every person before Abram’s ancestry tree and find Jesus also. Where would he be? Scripture says Jesus is the ROOT OF EVERY TREE! Abram’s tree has Jesus hanging on it and also at the bottom. David’s ancestry tree has Jesus on it and also at the bottom, the ROOT (Rev. 22:16)! 

Now I must show you another picture! I just created an ancestry tree with Jesus as the root! I did that for you to comprehend the fact that Jesus is the God that created every man, lost or saved. But now, I want you to see a tree that also has Satan as the root and Jesus as the root. The reason makes a picture that Jesus describes as those people who are Christians and preachers have been teaching this word picture WRONG! WE have been taught that Jesus, “as the root” starts with Abraham at the top of the tree AND THAT IS SO VERY WRONG!


ADAM, the man that first procreated and has grandchildren of every culture group that followed the after the top branch of his first son Abel, is a part of the human ancestry of the Christian lineage! See, the JEWS put Abraham on top of the tree! Why? Many reasons! More than I have time to explain and prove! Adam IS AT THE TOP! REV. 5:9″And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;

Revelation 5:9 KJV

Every person on this tree that has the “Root of Jesus” is from the “Sheep Tree”! A tree that produces sheep is either grown from a limb that is from the root of Jesus or a limb that is grafted onto the stalk of the root of Jesus. All the fruit (baby sheep) come off this kind of tree called a “Sheep tree”! If you are hanging on the tree that has “Cain” at the very top you have Satan at the root and are witnessing “goats” being produced. This the “Goat tree”! You might think this is frankly so stupidity elementary; but, why then do you believe something so stupid as JEWS who believed in Jesus are not on either the ” Sheep Tree” or the “Goat Tree”? See there is a “religion” made that claims Jews do not hang on a tree with the Root of Jesus! This religion has Abraham as the ROOT! THIS RELIGION makes a person a “sheep” ( ancestor) both physically and spiritually no matter who or what they worship! They become AN AUTOMATIC BLOOD HEIR OF ABRAHAM FROM THE ROOT UP! THIS ABRAHAM ROOT DOES NOT INCLUDE A SINGLE GENTILE EITHER! Gentiles CAN NOT be grafted onto this tree! This tree is ABSOLUTELY AN ANCESTRY TREE OF

[[[JUST JEWS]]]]!

READ THIS AGAIN: This tree is an ancestry tree of completely and

[[[[ONLY JEWS ]]]]]



 100% OF JEWS can only be on this tree!

Millions listen to David Jeremiah and “SWALLOW the knowledge” he picks off his tree and you make sauce, cookies, cakes, pies, charity deserts, drinks, wines everything you can possible consume; the more the happier people become! Sounds like the typical flesh enjoying what is meant TO KILL YOU!


 Why? Because an idiot made it up and it has become accepted because of laziness and “SWALLOWED KNOWLEDGE” ( just like when Adam & Eve got smarter in the Garden!)!

Dispensationalism and any small piece of Calvinism came from the “JEW (ABRAHAM) TREE!

See back about 5,000 years ago the Prophets ran ALL THE CHURCHES! That evolved into an advanced man thinking ideology, about 1,000 years later, of where more friends could become like prophets ( close to God and with status- as a sinful man sees it) with Sadducees and Pharisees (This all started with Abraham as Aaron was the first High Priest”). That ideology evolved into, about another 2,500 years later ( after the death of Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem ) with the Christendom churches. The first Christendom church is that of Antioch, which Peter wrote to (Acts 11:19-26). As the languages of the early apostles translated evolved from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to others as it moved into all of Asia and Europe; the “root” of Christendom changed to “Catholic” because it means “UNIVERSAL” Christendom. People obviously looked at the “Universal” Christendom religion as coming from Rome where the Roman Caesar Nero tried to eradicate all the original Christ followers and certifiable documents of a man actually know as the “True Son of God” ( Nero was also known as the “son of his father” whom claimed himself as the living God to be worshipped)!

This, the Roman Catholic Church has Saint Peter as the original founding father and “true church”( even though scripture holds individuals as the church and not any lead theological group in particular). All this history and recognition of “roots” should codify your twenty-first century out of touch understanding of where these theologians who built the first universities became the world influencers of not only all of higher education in general. The Catholic Church is the only organization on the planet that took pennies from the coffers of every sector of the planet! These universities were owned, built, run and “maintained” (disciplined) by the “Catholics”. See you today have never recognized the word “catholic” meant “Christian”; because if you are a Baptist, Church of Christ, Presbyterian, or are from another protestant faith you do not see yourself as a “Catholic”( equal in all manner of thinking to the word: Christian)! You see yourself as a very different Christian which actually is preceded by the word for example

“Baptist”. Now a Baptist and a Catholic are very different! So much so that on average you would not believe that your pastor went to a “Catholic” seminary school. But, if you understand how 500-year-old “Christian university” ideologies have slide straight into ALL THE UNIVERSITIES you would then be dumbfounded! This is the case! How?

Catholic, not universal “catholic” ideology was taught to the Reformers! Reformers broke off from the “Catholic” Roman Catholic founders with confused but different ideologies. As these guys who were the “scholars of our pastors” ( they quote them all the time: Scofield, Calvin, Martin, Darby, Erwin, etc.) tried to “MAKE A DIFFERENT WAY. They rocked the boat more when they got off the ship to their new destinations like the U.S. than when sailing to those new places to start their own money making university or fame! 

Now imagine these guys trying to figure big preacher convention a way to explain what I just did without the word pictures of the trees. These guys sat down at a table with

 “Universal Judeo-Christian beliefs” but ENORMOUS PRIDES AND HUGE DIFFERENT OPINIONS AS WELL AS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT RELIGOUS BELIEFS IN GENERAL ( does a Jew believe what Paul and Peter believed?). No! But, they sure included them and every other religion at their giant pastor convention! They had in common several things: the greatest was they ALL STUDIED IN AN EXPOSITORY WAY!



That table of “good intentions” also had a huge 6th course desert of mercy, compassion and fluffy white “elect” served on top. Think of Calvin and Servetus in 1553 arguing over who was right when it came to “once saved always saved”! Calvin killed A LOT OF PEOPLE! THIS PREACHER WENT OUT HUNTING DOWN THOSE WHO OPPOSED HIS THEOLOGY! So if you’re ” Baptist” you should be killed according to Calvin; but, instead, you have preached the doctrine of Calvin! The worst part about this historical fact you probably do not understand either doctrine as both are wrong based upon the men who determined why using expository explanations! 

Why was his mind like it was? First, you must look at history. The year 1553 is only 53 years past a 1000 year period called the medieval period! Have you ever studied the medieval period? Do you all of a sudden justify his actions? I hope not! But, the history and the society of his immediate parents and grandparents were extremely forefront to every human on the planet! There is so much to discuss about these guys in the Renaissance era. Remember the desert that they each sat down to eat at the “Feast of Tolerance” was pride? It just coincidently is the definition of Renaissance! Many shorten the definition of “renaissance” to rebirth. But, it is the new birth of what which matters? Do you know? What was truly born out of this period I believe is best called “The Black Death”! During this period the ideology of “HUMANISM” DEVELOPED AND SWEPT THE PLANET literally, physically and spiritually! People literally went from a society for 6,000 years worshipping a “Supernatural” being of some kind to a society driven to a “SELF WORTHY” ideology! Think about this brainstorming idea: if everybody is “good” that is bad what sets people apart? If I am not a Jew hanging on the “Jew Ancestorial Tree”, what makes me as “good as them”? Well, being born saved sure is the answer, which THEY CAME UP WITH! All this took place during the HUMANISTIC and Black Death era! 

So basically 200 years went by and Bam! The “Great Awakening” out of the non-supernatural recognition occurred! 

How more ironic, literally “MORONIC”, these great theologians come to realize God again but the church adopts their visions, dreams and “new Bible” discernments from two damned witches! Literally, two witches! (Word picture): “Right out of the medieval ages that died of Black Death awoke to have their demonic dreams transcripted by the “great Edwin Ervin”! This guy now becomes more famous than any horrible Renaissance theologian because Mary Cambell and Marth MacDonald’s demonic dreams BECOMES THE THEOLOGY CALLED DISPENSATIONALISM!!!!!!!!!!


WAKE UP!!!!!

When God uses the word “Isreal” it can mean literally the nation, the “cultural group”, the “mixed group(lost and saved) of one single culture that followed after the God Abraham worshipped”, and like a 21st century logo the group known to have been freed from Egypt from 400 years of slavery that you and others still recognize as the society that believes in a supernatural God that created all mankind! Read the story about a man called Jacob who represents in a theological way the story of Isreal.

When God uses the word ” chosen” it refers to? Read the verse then discern. For example 1 1 Peter 2:9: “And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

1 Peter 2:8-9 KJV

This verse modified the “cultural lost and saved Israelites” as a logo in general of people; everyone else on the planet DENIED ELOHIM. So, it makes it easy to see a “conehead”, as #thosepeople. Not Israelites who still worshipped fake gods. But, when a Chinese guy say a “conehead” from 100 yards he saw God’ protection, not the IQ or internal heart of that individual!

Peter continues to use words that require the synergy of scripture and history awareness. 1 Peter 2:4″To who coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious.”

1 Peter 2:4 KJV

It is completely ignorant and inductive reasoning to believe Peter is addressing only Jews. Peter uses the word “aliens” which is commonly understood as people living “outside” their homeland. Another point is Peter is addressing Christians or believers in Christ that may be Jew or Gentile because these people are from Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Pontus, and Bithynia all Roman Providence. The actual fact of Egypt, Judea, Samaria, and Edom were the recognized “Jewish” providences of Rome. These people “may have been just Jews who escaped Roman persecution (in lieu of 1:17); but, that is a huge assumption to think only Jews here have accepted Christ after Jesus’ death and resurrection! This understanding that the word “chosen” is definitely not just converted Jews but Gentiles and several different metaphors in this chapter are being used. This brings us to Romans 11:11-24 & Galatians 3:28-29. Paul tells the Gentiles they are grafted into the Tree with the root of Jesus. They are the part of the remnant (the very few Jews that accepted Jesus from the literal bloodline of Abraham) woven into the whole fabric which Christ clothed his children in. An “Israelite indeed” is not a bloodline thing; it is not an inheritance thing; it is not a preborn thing; it is a living will acceptable to his service and a personal relationship as a son or daughter to the Father of Creation thing.

We live in the 21st century studying demonic “great awakenings”!

Edwin Ervin studied the “universal humanistic theology” and added his name with a GIANT FLAMING TORCH to ONLY “PROVE the Jew Ancestorial Tree with 7 detailed points to blow you away!

Did you listen to that last statement?

I bet not! Dispensationalism literally DOES NOT INCLUDE JEWS!!! WHY? THE EXACT SAME REASON THE LAST

“great humanistic zombies” declared that Calvin had to be right! Now, it double trumps any reason of scripture! It is like the opposite of Jesus’ quoting that it is blasphemy to call the witness of God (The Holy Spirit) a liar. Now, theologians call it blasphemy to call the 2 witches (witnessed by Edwin Ervin) a liar about the plan of salvation being “BY INHERITANCE”! BOTH, CALVINISM AND THE WITNESS (Dispensationalism) claim Jesus’ BLOOD WAS WORTHLESS!!!!!!!!!!

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Melchizedek University
