Do you know the story of “doubting Thomas”? Who came up with the coined title “Doubting Thomas”? Why? Did he doubt? What does the scripture say? Abraham said his wife was his sister”! She actually was his sister; but, you have to read more that ONE SENTENCE to figure out the truth! Peter was walking on the water and began to sink as his “doubt” entered his mind. The synergy principle of understanding the “spiritual discernment” of this parable was thrown IN THE DITCH with the coined phrase “doubting Thomas”!
Before giving the scripture to the story we need to read James.
James 1:4-8: “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let, not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
James 1:4-8 KJV
The literal word “doubt” is not used; however, “wavering” is meant as “doubting”! So, James says DO NOT DOUBT!! Then he says if the disciple, Thomas, had doubted he would have been a “double minded man unstable in ALL his ways”! WOW! THE CATHOLICS HAVE THIS DISCIPLE AS “SAINT THOMAS” and silently the double-minded man!!!! SO DOES every other religious denomination!
If you hand the Bible to an atheist or agnostic and he reads John 20:24-31: (“But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples, therefore, said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name”) what would thee LOST GUY WITHOUT a Godly spiritual ability get from that story?
The Bible says in Isaiah 55:11 that his word returns not void! So, that guy hears God and is called to be saved and accept Jesus’ sacrifice! But, God does NOT give him the secrets to “unveil” the Godly spiritual meaning of ANY SCRIPTURE!
John 20:24-31 KJV
To “spiritually engage” with God you have TO USE A GODLY SPIRIT! Atheist, agnostics, or any other false religious believing person will fail at understanding this parable. But, the preachers just keep telling us what they see in the “CLEARTEXT” of the scripture: “Thomas will not believe (that word “believe” ALWAYS MAKES Thomas “LOST” in a commanding deductive interpreting manner) UNLESS he…..”!
The disciple or apostle Thomas had previously sat at Jesus’ Passover feast and only Judas was called out as the unbeliever! So did Jesus lie? Did Jesus misjudge all the other apostles’ heart in excepting him as their Lord? If you call Jesus God, then you should agree Jesus 100% knew each heart of each of the 12 apostles at the Passover and they ALL BUT JUDAS were saved at that time for sure! When Thomas sees Jesus die did he lose his salvation? Did Thomas get saved again? Did Thomas get saved after he put his fingers in Jesus’ holes from the crucifixion? The past theologians DID NOT engage the spirit to come up with what the atheist understood, “Thomas doubted”!
Before explaining what the “Spirit of God” told me when hearing the typical discernment about this parable from a preacher in church last week understand EVERYONE WHO becomes washed in the blood of Jesus at least once doubted and possibly will many times before dying. However, NOBODY can be redeemed by the blood of Jesus without 100% faithfully accepting Jesus’ work of salvation by the cross without their heart being “reborn and from the truth of God” and continuing TO FIGHT THE FALSE statements from Satan, the world and the flesh that very often “seems to be easier to believe” than accepting the truth and wisdom from God. Adam and Eve had nothing but WISDOM before “KNOWLEDGE”! IF Adam needed to solve the toughest Calculus problem he did not need to eat from the Tree of Knowledge or go to school in order to “learn” what he had already been given (access to all knowledge just by asking).
If you read that closely you would have picked up on “the flesh” application of “doubts”; NOT THE SPIRIT!
“NOT THE SPIRIT” ( that means the heart!)! Jesus says come to him as little children! Baby Christians MUST WORK AT PUTTING ON ARMOR! MEN are not reborn “AS SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST” like a Goliath killing David! A 50-year-old man is as “FLESHLY WEAK” as a 7-year-old child accepting Christ! Sanctification comes “BY SPIRITUAL GROWTH – working”!!!!! A Christian must pray, sing, and read scripture! That Christian must “LEARN” (work in knowledge due to the lazy attitude of just eating his way to a decorate degree in any field of study). A Christian “MUST ASK GOD FOR WISDOM” to discern or be able to walk into the innermost part of the temple where the “blinders” (veils) have been lifted for their access to the heavenly secrets (Hebrews 5)!
When a person gives his life freely to Jesus as their Lord and Savior they are set free from the bondage that Satan has had them from since birth! That person’s SPIRIT is reborn! They figuratively in spirit BECOME A NEW PERSON (because the “HEART OF MAN HAS DIRECTIONS BEING GIVEN BY A NEW FATHER WHO LOVES HIM WITH TRUTH). BUT, nobody gets a NEW FLESH, until the passing of this first!!! Your old flesh must be taught new ways, new behaviors, new ways to think and respond to life issues! All are “as babies” in the knowledge of the truth (Bible). Nobody is born with a doctorate in Bible theology! So, everyday Christians have to read and learn to kill off the “KNOWLEDGE”, which is foolish flesh thinking! Scripture gives you spiritual wisdom that supersedes “man’s book sense”! It is what is called “faith”! Even atheists and agnostics have “faith” in every aspect of their lives. They have and use “faith” (unwitnessed “alleged facts” or witnessed “alleged facts”) in science, history, math or even the denial of God! WITHOUT “FAITH” their teacher, book, or another informational resource which gave them “their flesh learned knowledge” is a foundation of sand because it HAS NO WISDOM! Today, just one example of a field of knowledge in the sciences has changed with the proof that wood being petrified does NOT TAKE MILLIONS of years! That science “fact” was in my science books!
Each apostle experienced a “flesh episode” during their life with Jesus! The anti-Jesus/God disciple named Judas had a “flesh experience”! Thomas is a disciple being used as a vessel in the autobiography of Jesus to tell a very, very important fact ABOUT JESUS! The stories describing ” Doubting Thomas” ALL FOCUS on Thomas the doubter! THE STORY IS NOT ABOUT HIM!!!!!!!! When a person receives the gospel truth about President George Washington crossing the Delaware River in pursuit of winning a battle every person must ACCEPT THE HISTORY WRITER or writers’ story or testimony as FACT! Must each person travel back in time to witness the event to make the event in question true? What makes any event true? As I stated earlier, even agnostics and atheists “accept 99.999% of all information” as facts on the basis of OTHER PEOPLES TESTIMONY, no matter the subject!
Jesus used Thomas to CODIFY ONE MOST IMPORTANT FACT ABOUT HIMSELF! Jesus used Thomas, a 100% believer that Jesus was God and who he said he was, TO NARRATE the “FLESH DOUBTING ideology” of EVERY HUMAN BEING to the “POSITIVE PROOF” FLESH WITNESSING Apostle to END ALL DOUBT OF JESUS, “the GOD IN FLESH”, NOT BEING BOUND BY THE GRAVE!!!!!!!!!
SAINT Thomas should be nicknamed as the ” POSITIVE PROOF APOSTLE” that Jesus was God in flesh and rose from the grave because he witnessed it “first hand” and “lastly his side”. Jesus, in the end, used Thomas again by narrating through him that ALL MANKIND NEEDS TO ACCEPT BY “UNWAVERING (James 1:6) SPIRITUAL FAITH that Jesus is LORD OF ALL! For it is better for a man to believe by faith than have to convince his cursed lying flesh the truth by the demonstration that the disciple Thomas has now testified FOR ALL TO END ALL “FLESHLY DOUBT”!!!!!!