Revelations 14

Let’s get this straight! Revelations like the entire Bible speaks Hebrew translated into Greek and then into Latin and into further English and other languages. That is NOT hermeneutics!
There are two kinds of discernments:
1. Genius hermeneutics.
2. Fisherman hermeneutics.
We got taught in the class called”hermeneutics”, which was in seminary school, the “genius version of “how to discern” scripture. But, it only gave you important knowledge that is needed. The problem is there was NO SMOKE INVOLVED!
See smoke is the language spirits hear.
We should have been taught spirit discern a spirit; and I guarantee you that you can actually skip the genius step.
“Then I saw the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him were 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.”
Revelation 14:1 NLT
What is smoke? Smoke is this: “Lamb” is an animal says the genius; and the spirit says the “L” amb is God ( spiritual).
The genius says “Mount Zion” is a mountain where God meet Moses. The smoke says Mount Zion “is where God is”!
The genius says 144,000 is a ” literal specific number”. The smoke says you should have used some of the expensive college education you paid for in hermeneutics class to recognize what the early Hebrews used called gematria! After using that information you would have found the smoke is riddled with a language gematria math equation. It is the summation by “understanding” NOT by literal adding, subtracting, or multiplying. The number 7 is generally understood as the “perfect” number of the number representing “completeness” and “holiness”. The number 12 is found unique with Hebrews in the sons of Jacob or the numbers of tribes of Israelites. The number 1,000 is the colossal big number the Hebrews saw as ” too big for my comprehension”. Now the tricky part of that number is not one ( again the literal part but the word part) which is “thousand”. So, John uses 12 to bring the attention to Jesus’ complete family! He uses 12-thousand of each of the tribes descendants which gives you 12 thousand times 12 sons which becomes an infinite number of “ISRAELITES INDEED FROM JACOB”!
NOW, the last part of that verse would give the geniuses “written on their foreheads” tattoos, or maybe silicon chips ( which would really be stupid as the Hebrews who first read it would never possibly understand!). And the “mark in their” hand would also be a “tattoo or crazy silicon chip”. But, the smoke would have you see ” AS A HEBREW” a pocket full of “marks in hour hand” all the time called money and the “mark on their foreheads” should take you as a current-day Jew of that time when slaves were marked, people slave or NOT also marked their God on their foreheads! Look at the Hindu! That is where they brought that practice from!
If that interpretation does NOT satisfy you then read the answer literally in scripture:
Rev. 7: 4-9:
“And I heard how many were marked with the seal of God—144,000 were sealed from all the tribes of Israel: from Judah 12,000 from Reuben 12,000 from Gad 12,000 from Asher 12,000 from Naphtali 12,000 from Manasseh 12,000 from Simeon 12,000 from Levi 12,000 from Issachar 12,000 from Zebulun 12,000 from Joseph 12,000 from Benjamin 12,000 After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands.
Revelation 7:4-9 NLT

How much plainer in Fishermen’s smoke language does it need go be? I can add more scriptures to support it! You just can NOT find any that dispute it.

Next, is the whole chapter of Revelations 14 telling you who John is referring to in the first part of the chapter? Now, stay focused as to whom he is clearly talking about!

To also clear up why I used the word “smoke” is because in verse 14:11 it literally suggests “the cries, sounds, words, and screams of the lost going to hell “rise up as smoke”. It is also true of Christians praying, singing, and fellowshipping that theirs also goes up as smoke like in the temples God insisted that the incense NEVER burn out as representing his children calling him.

The “smoke” also represented what God could smell. He could smell sin. He could smell sweet obedience. He could smell the sacrifices offered for sins and the father calf on the alter would please him. Smoke offers flavor like old hickory or cherry on the bbq grill. Smoke offered communication like that of the Indians.

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Melchizedek University
