Take situation in life and remember the moral or hard lesson you learned from it? You might have partied hard and got drunk. But the drinking lead to the wreck. The wreck lead to the grounding. The wreck and the damages lead to getting a job and having to pay for the drinking. The job lead to working longer because your insurance went up and that lasted three years. That job lead to meeting the love of your life and thus a child was born all from getting drunk. Many times that situation has the same ingredients but not th÷ “same order”! Things not only “lead to other events”( some times referred to as cause and effect circumstances); but, many times events “reveal moral standards” that that help change the “PERSPECTIVE OF WHAT NOT OR TO DO DIFFERENT” if the situation ever unfolds again.
Abraham was credited “faith” by his response to a situation. God did NOT make Abraham respond the way he wanted him to. God did not say I want you to leave the land of your father, Terra, and then send nuclear bombs to all the surrounding areas giving him no choice. Persuasion is NOT COERCION!! So many theologians have changed the gospel of salvation from “persuasion into coercion”! How! The church in general since “Constantine the Great” in 323 AD characterized his battle victory with the enemy a “FAVOR” from the God of David. He worshipped several gods; but, choose to put a symbol on the warriors shields depicting a symbol of the God of Yahweh. Had he lost what would have happened? It seems dangerous territory to tell a different tale of fate since it did not happen. It also is dangerous to tell a tale of fate from a skewed “perspective”! So, let’s jump back real quick to Abraham. Abraham like Constatine the Great are meet by “WORLDLY SWORDS” with their men’s life on the line. Constantine needs a victory for praise, food, life, success in his emporium and other things. Do you see anything else with his battle? Can you put that battle on the diagram? You better!!! It didn’t happen because the gods needed glory. It didn’t happen because Yahweh needed glory! Life happens due to all kinds of reasons. However, NOTHING HAPPENS THAT IS NOT ON BOTH OF THOSE LINES OF DISCERNMENT with the reality of “cause and effect”. Many theologians hate this cliche because it is scriptuarally true that what a human can “cause” would not have an “effect on Yahweh”! But, foolishness or Demonic discernment twists that understanding to say “causes and effects” DO NOT ALL GO ON THE “HIGHER ANALYTICAL ORDER GRAPH”, such as buying groceries, or brushing your teeth, or putting gas in your car. EVERYTHING IS A HIGHER AND LOWER ORDER! THERE IS ALWAYS A DUAL perspective of the same cause and effect! Read the story about Abraham winning his battle and Methuselah meets him with “bread and wine” at the same time the other King ( narrating Satan) meets him and gives him “a different offer” that he refuses to take!!! Most people reading the story look at that “cause and effect” as a simple act of Abraham’s “FLESH” being tempted. Thus, he choose the food for nourishment. That is NOT THE Higher and Lower Level proper analysis. You can keep ALL OF THAT discernment on the “LOWER LEVEL”. This is hard to explain so I will give you the PTN of the same situation in the future! Bam! That becomes the Higher Level parallel reflection of the lower level story you just read about with Abraham. Why? It is Jesus that gets hit with God and Satan in the wilderness also. Satan tempts Jesus with food which is “PHYSICAL”( the lower level cause and effect of anything). What is the spiritual? Read Matt. 4:3-4, where Satan tempts Jesus with the stones to be turned into bread. [[[Keep thinking about Abraham the lower level versus the higher level. ]]]]
Jesus said no to the bread. Abraham said yes to the bread and wine!!!! This is complicated so stay focused! Both are tempted with hunger so you would probably think it is all on the same analytic line of comparison. It isn’t and it is. See Abraham is a lower level representation of Yahweh himself! So that makes him a lower level God to represent to man the PTN nature, characteristics, promises, power, stature, holiness and more “AS GOD”. BUT, he is NOT GOD! So, for there to be a PTN there must be a higher level reflection of the same thing or cause and effect. JESUS is that HIGHER LEVEL EVERYTHING. Jesus, TURNS DOWN THE FOOD!!!!!! WHY? Because he is the HIGHER LEVEL OF THE PERPETUAL END! JESUS DOES NOT NEED FOOD, because he represents the “SPIRITUAL SIDE” of the diagram ( upper level)! What does Jesus say? Does he tell Satan he does not want the bread? No. Does he tall Satan he does not need the bread? No! Does Jesus tell Satan the stones need to get up and turn themselves into bread for him? No. What does Jesus respond? Jesus responds with NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PHYSICAL!!!!! WHY DOES EVERY PREACHER SAY JESUS RESISTED THE TEMPTATION FOR FOOD? READ THAT AGAIN….. “Jesus responds with nothing to do with his physical flesh not needing the bread!!!” Abraham TOOK THE BREAD AND WINE!! So, if Abraham was doing the righteous thing why is his response on the lower level- physical aspect side? Jesus responds WITH SPIRITUAL ASPECTS!!!!!!!
JESUS DID NOT ( NOT- NOT, NOT, NOT,NOT, NOT) respond by beating g Satan by refusing to eat!!!!! Jesus could have eaten the stones “AS BREAD” JUST LIKE ABRAHAM & DAVID ate the show bread DID WITHOUT DYING OR SINNING!!!!!!!!! THE TEMPTATION WAS NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT ABOUT EATING!!!!!!!!!
BECAUSE THE PTN everybody ignores in the O.T. is Jesus has everybody veiled about al l the truths regarding many things like the plan of salvation for the Gentiles, the divine temple of God only being a temporary building and will become a human body, the second Adam to come will not come by the blood of Eber, or Abraham or David, or Mary but God, and the priest for all humans to worship will not succeed from from sinners; but Jesus will be the high priest from a successor who is sinless, has “no father” who has “no mother” who comes from a “Higher Order/Level” of authority!!! Jesus could have eaten the bread the rocks the trees the scorpions or anything else he desired to eat. Jesus did NOT COME TO CONQUER THE FLESH WITH FLESH!! That is the story you always get on the “lower order” of cause and effect! Jesus came to CONQUER THE SPIRITUAL WITH SPIRT!!!!!!!!!!! SO, WHAT WAS THE TEMPTATION IN THE WILDERNESS? Abraham conquered the temptation of flesh with spirit! Jesus conquered the temptation of spirit with HIGHER SPIRIT!! Jesus was tempted by Satan to save a soul!!!!!!!! For the simple reason the world was COMPLETELY AT THE EXACT SAME PLACE AS BEFORE NOAH’S FLOOD ALL OVER AGAIN!!! THE so-called “Isrealites” ( the people who are constantly called choosen would have prevented the crucifixion of Christ, THEY HATED YAHWEH AND STILL DO!) are basically understood to be the ONLY LIVING SOULS SAVED! BUT THAT IS A LIE UNLESS YOU THROW AWAY THE WHOLE BIBLE INCLUDING THE TORRAH!! The Torrah is filled with PTN about the plan of salvation to the STONES!!!!!! BUT, IT WAS HIDDEN!!!!!!!!!
GOD STOOD THERE WHILE SATAN TEMPTED JESUS TO find somebody on the planet to make his future crucifixion worthy of sacrifice!!! There WAS NOBODY!!!!!!!! [ as a culture- not a small stupid scale of analyzing it down to numbers like Noah. As it goes on the planet God’s people were THE ISREALITES! THEY NOW WERE REVEALED BY GOD TO SATAN AS HATING HIM!!! THE ISREALITES KNEW THIS AND REACTED TO JESUS AS SUCH!! THEY just fortunately did not get the “MEANING OF CHOOSEN AND PREDESTINED” CORRECTLY!!!! GOD CHOOSE AND PREDESTINED A MEN WOULD HAVE GRACE AND MERCY[ read Jonah- the Jew that hated stones! – AND THE JEW FORCED [not really but persuaded greatly] to GIVE THE GOSPEL TO THE STONES ( just like the stones that killed the Jew named Stephen!!! Kinda ironic when you finally grasp the JEWS HATED JEWS and used the “really choosen people-the stones” to deliver judgement on their own heads!!!). Stephen recieved UNRIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT as another PTN of the things to ECHO the foolishness and totally confusion the Jews had about the HIGHER ORDER of things! This is why Saul who recognizes this Higher and Lower Order just like the diagram describes( Yes Saul, the one called Paul incorrectly) says in Romans 8:1-11! Then Saul describes in GENTILE WORDS ( who is now Paul – which was not a name change but his dual name in a Higher Order -a Gentile stone called a Roman) he had great sorrow because his STUPID JEWISH BROTHERS HAVE BEEN WORSHIPPING GOD, making sacrifices to Yahweh once upon a time, saw the miracles, had been given the word denied to the Gentile stones, seen grace abundantly, saved from God’s mighty wrath, witnessed judgement to the idolaters, released from bondage, all the things laid at their feet for salvation BUT SPIT IN GOD’S FACE! Saul saw every brother hating like Jonah! Yet, God did not unveil them as God did Jonah! God did not unveil his brothers as God did Saul! Why? Saul SAW SOMETHING! SAUL SAW GOD TAKE HIS FINGER ON THE HIGHER ORDER OF ALL THINGS AND GO BACKWARDS IN TIME ,Which requires man to take his finger and go to the RIGHT INTO ETERNITY AND ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE BEGINING OF TIME. Saul predestined people for salvation that his brothers HATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus was tempted to change the “STONES” into ‘”SAVED PEOPLE” by the snap of his fingers. Yes!! Read Jesus response! “And the tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.” But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'”
Matthew 4:3-4 ESV
It takes PTN, the parable to look into the spirit of God and understand!
The bread was everlasting life. Read the lower level of Abraham again. Look at the graph! Look what was offered Abraham by Melchesidec. Satan said, turn the Gentiles into an everlasting culture! Satan said, Jesus you have no children on the planet! They ARE ALL MINE! JESUS learned temptation LIKE ABRAHAM but on a HIGHER LEVEL!! Jesus was sinless in being tempted by spiritual things ( more important things) than food! Jesus resisted what he CAN DO!! JESUS CAN MAKE ROBOTS!! BUT, HE DOESNT!! JESUS can like Thanos snap his fingers BUT EVEN IDIOTS RECOGNIZED THANOS WAS HATED BY BOTH SIDES WHEN HE CHOOSE FOR EVEN THE EVIL PEOPLE!
JESUS SAYS SATAN ” STAND AND WATCH SALVATION RING” Jesus is “THE ROCK OF OUR SALVATION”! But, why did he tell Peter he was the Rock? Because Peter represented the unveiling to all the Gentiles exactly what he tells Satan! “They must live by the word”!!!!!!!!!
Salvation comes from the word of God!
Salvation comes to all cultures!!!
Salvation must be preached!!
Salvation is like manna, a gift from heaven
Salvation must be handed out like the leaves the disciples divided over and over in their baskets; passing the gospel they were given to continue the miracle!
Salvation is not an inheritance to the first born, but to the second or third or seventh like David.
Salvation comes from adaption.
Salvation comes from the promises of God fulfilled by the only begotten son of God.
Salvation is perpetual unlike all things on earth.
Salvation is of a Higher Order than life in this physical world.
Salvation is by persuasion with truth NOT COERCION!!
Salvation is like light that Christian’s must allow themselves to be used as lighthouses.
Salvation is like salt that flavors and never looses its character.
Salvation can be recieved but not thru the lower level of the law.
Salvation is a grafting from a “physical begining” into a birth of a “perpetual begining with no begining or end”.
Salvation becomes a battle with your flesh!
Salvation is in the Bible from Genesis to Revelations with ONE IDEA, ONE PLAN, ONE GOD, ONE ORDER, ONE TIME FRAME.
Salvation has not changed since Genesis!
Salvation is grace from Jesus; and that grace is the Holy Spirit!
Salvation is given and can not be given WITHOUT A PERSON “GIVING IT TO ANOTHER”!
Salvation is greater than saving a life; salvation simply prevents death!
Salvation is a work of Jesus that perpetually puts his children at work for him.
Salvation has rewards, it is Jesus!!
Salvation is unbelievable as Saul put it; it comes to to the hated, worthless, sinful, non-deserving folks that everybody will hate after recieving it!
Salvation is not by snapping fingers; but, it takes truth that destroys lies. Satan works hard at confusing the simple and complicated. Satan uses the gospel to even confuse! But, what he can not do is let the one thing that beats him every time, which is the weakness of flesh the God uses also to Trump with BETTER SUPERNATURAL IMPLANTED DESIRES, THE GOSPEL FROM EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER CREATED, AND MAN’S tendencies to fail, like Rahab! Your flaws are weaknesses that can be used for the better! See, that is what Saul (Paul) tries to explain about the Pharaoh who hated Yahweh. God didn’t let Moses come during the time of the first Pharaoh because he changed and worshipped Yahweh. But, Saul describes the hating Yahweh Pharaoh as like Rehab. Rehab lied. Why? She was a daughter of Satan. Regan’s flaw was her flesh was weak, like most of ours. God used her flaw to protect his servants and give God glory. Moses encountered a Pharaoh who also had flaws and it was used to protect, secure, supply, and make a permanent record of what God promises to anyone who obeys( SALVATION!)!