Who would take Algebra before basic math?
What about Calculus before Trigonometry?
What about Calculus 2 before
Calculus 1?
The same answer would be nobody.
But, can a person in the field of medicine hire a mathimatician to solve a very difficult Calculus 2 problem and yet he himself not have ever taken Algebra? Yes. So, just because you or I may not be educated enough to know the answer or understand how to solve such a hard problem does not mean the SOLUTION and ABILITY of someone else can not either.
When we read the Bible we should recognize the whole Bible is about Jesus.
Let’s say: 1. Pre-Jesus.
2. Jesus is born.
3. Jesus grows up.
4. Jesus becomes a sacrifice himself to many as a blood offering in substitution of an animal sacrifice.
5. Jesus’s sacrifice is recognized by the Gentiles as fulfilling the Old Testament prophecy in the parts of the autobiography or Pre-Jesus part of the Bible. The Isrealites rejected Jesus as the one coming that was mentioned in the Old Testament prophecies.
6. Jesus rises from the sacrifice (crucifixion) and sits on the throne of God and declares “it is finished”.
7. We are left as harvesters to gather the crop that the disciples have planted and plant seed in addition in case there is more time of harvesting in later times.
8. Jesus is part of the Trinity; but, the Bible was written to give sole attention to the ” Son of God” who was given full authority over the 3 fold Triune God ( the Creator God).
9. <<<<<<IMPORTANT>>>>>:
JESUS lays out all the stories about himself, starting at Geneisis (creation), so that we can understand more about him and his deity as like understanding Calculus! In other words, in the beginning there was Calculus 3. But, he did not introduce or “focus” on that part of math (the part of his deity known as the Holy Spirt) in order to better teach us simpler math first. In the beginning, math was super complicated. It needed Calculus 7 and 9 students. But, he reserved that to some special people. He gave all people basic math teachings but the complicated stuff he gave to prophets, kings, and judges. Jesus “focused” on his Pre-Jesus aspect as a “God the Father” Holy judging God that would blast sin and wickedness to ashes. This first part of his autobiography set the introduction to a “FEAR GOD” FIRST PRECIDENT (mother bear)!
10. THEN after you “fear God” then you are introduced to another part of his characteristic which makes him look more like a hen guarding her eggs. Hens are pretty vulnerable helpless prey that will sacrifice themselves to save their young. Jesus continues his story with grand stories to describe the kind of person he is going to be. There are many descriptions of his characteristics. He describes a beautiful baby story about his earthly mom and dad, including barely escaping the wrath of a king trying to kill their son. He then has a short childhood and short adulthood. All of this brings about his asention into heaven as The King of ALL KINGDOMS!
Lastly he talks about Calculs 3. How smart would it have been to talk about Calculus 3 before talking about the creation of math? Pretty dumb! It says the Holy Spirit was there BEFORE CREATION! YET, JESUS TELLS US THAT HE MUST GO, “BEFORE” THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN COME!
That WAS NOT true!!!!
Repeat: That is NOT true! “SORTA”! Remember when Abram said that his wife was his sister. It was “sorta” true.
How come he says that?
Because he is teaching us a HUGE FORMULA THAT REQUIRES the basic math understanding, and Calculus 1! The Holy Spirit is hard stuff to digest!!!!! You could NOT handle Calculus 3 without understanding all the other math FIRST!
Jesus get crucified on a cross as a scapegoat for a murder named Barabas. This execution is a horrible display of Roman and Jewish culture regarding the barbaric value of life and the religious practices of the times! It is so bad, if Jesus didn’t have this “great mystery” planned that would change the world it would have ended again as in the days of Noah!
This HUGE CATASTROPHIC CONDITION of mankind’s SPIRITUAL relationship with God the creator (the Messiah) is due in part to spiritual ignorance kept from them! It actually turns out to be the boot to Satan’s butt and GRACE to the living world that wants to live!
Jesus has seen Satan and all his wicked schemes and plotting to get mankind to the Genesis 6:6 condition twice! Jesus however, has seen all of this from heaven since the begining of time! Thank you Jesus Satan was given a limited amount of knowledge like what he forced upon mankind at the “Tree of Knowledge”! Satan tried stopping Jesus from becoming a sacrifice for their souls the entire approximately 4,500 years since the first Garden scene. But, Jesus gave the super hard math to just priests, prophets, and righteous Kings. Each of these gave individuals private math lessons who came seeking to understand more of the complex math. The “great mystery” involved Jesus (completely independently upon him- and not “God the Father”- this is another reason why the “Triune God” is a very, very important issue to understand) so they could have given away their “hidden super power math powers”(like a super hero ability) if they wanted!
Footnote: what you are going to see is this “super knowledge” ( or super hard math knowledge) will give super powers to people like it did the priests, prophets and righteous Kings of the O.T.) which is actually about the Holy Spirit has a “special process of how to understand AND HOW TO USE”. SO, the whole time the Old Testament priests, prophets and righteous Kings “were allowed to have and use this super power math stuff ( the Holy Spirit) they were NEVER GIVEN THE EXTRA “MAGIC WORDS” TO BE ABLE TO GIVE TO OTHERS EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO. THIS IS WHY THEY ALL WISHED FOR THE DAY OF OUR LIFETIME!! THEY ALL WERE SORTA JEALOUS OF WHAT WE WOULD BE GIVEN THAT THEY WERE NOT! YET, THEY HAD IT AND AT THE SAME TIME THEY DID NOT (they had to have the Holy Spirit to be redeemed but, they were not given full access (as the priests had to go through a demonstration phase for the future church priests)!
SO, Jesus (The full authority of ALL OF GOD, the Creator God) comes to the earth and “finishes” the ENTIRE redemption plan of salvation for any man willing to accept his offering for our sins [called imputed forgiveness- which must be done in the flesh; it can not be performed by God in heaven before he comes as a living Son of Man](which is by a blood sacrifice and adoption; not of inheritance or the blood of animals -which was accepted in the Old Testament times only as a temporary representation of the final lamb[figurative for Jesus] to be killed) What also happens is the “boot plan”!
So, back to this new surprise to Satan, heaven and all of earth with this “great mystery” being revealed by Jesus in the flesh and the “boot plan” for Satan, which he had NO IDEA was going to happen. Jesus dies and is buried in the ground. Jesus is raised from the dead by God (which Jesus actually is himself) and ascends to heaven! Here is PART OF THE “BOOT PLAN”! Jesus and the obedient Angel’s ( those that had faith like that of men on earth since creation of Jesus being the fulfilled prophecy of God coming to take the throne based upon all the rules of heaven for anyone to become the King of Kings) waged war and Satan and his angelic followers were permanently cast out of heaven for ever! They end up going to earth and still reside until the final “Great White Throne Judgement”! Also, Satan had no idea the “boot plan” involved Jesus releasing HIMSELF IN A MANIFESTED WAY THAT HAD NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE! JESUS TOLD THE WORLD AND THE ALL THE HEAVENS, AS HE SAT ON THE THRONE OF GOD NOW, THAT ALL THE PAST PRIESTS, PROPHETS AND JUDGES ARE NOW REPLACED BY individual peasant priests who would be all the members of his “CHURCH ARMY”! JESUS WAS WARING UP AS THE ISREALITES WANTED A MESSIAH TO DO; BUT, THEY WANTED ONE TO ONLY SIDE WITH THEM. JESUS CHOSE THE GENTILES INSTEAD because they rejected him and the adoption plan of salvation. Jesus’s church army “EACH became embodied by and with the HOLY SPIRIT” like only before few priests, prophets, and judges (P.P.J.) were. Satan’s war didn’t stop in heaven as he had free reign before Christ. The Holy Spirit is handing out weapons to fight the spirit world when mankind did not have any before. The O.T. people had to rely on the P.P.J. for all their battles! Jesus declared the Gentiles would number up as never thought of! The few “boots” became millions and now possibly billions as time continues to have the harvesting of Christian’s recieving the Holy Spirit with gifts that only he can offer TO FIGHT THE WICKED SPIRITUAL BEINGS, THE BAD INFLUENCES OF THE WORLD AND THE FLESH THAT SO CONSUMED MANKIND BEFORE NOAH, AT JESUS’ TIME, AND EVEN NOW. Christian’s have a bigger role in this world that they did not have before! Christian’s are independently suppose to ARM UP AS A RIGHTEOUS WARRIOR( think about the suit of armor, the O.T. folks did not have the sword of truth as we do. That one piece of armor alone has changed the entire spiritual battleground!). Ephesians 6: 10-18 describes several pieces of armor. The P.P.J.’s were the Old Testament warriors and even though each believer of the “Messiah to come” as their Lord did not have the armor we are given in the New Testament. Prayers were heard by individuals; but, they WERE NOT TOLD EXPLICITLY THEY HAD BECOME THE PRIESTS OF THE BODY OF THE CHURCH!
This theological ideology was part of the Reformation theology that Martin Luther and William Tyndall in 1502 declared as like throwing gasoline on the entire Catholic foundation! 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light”. Revelations 5:10 says, “And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.”
The Prodestant theology has a foundation that literally SMASHES THE ENTIRE CATHOLIC’S determined stronghold to keep all the “rituals, false doctrines to confuse such as Calvinism and Dispensationalism [both being piers to the Catholic’s theological foundation) and thumb suppressing ideology over every “wannabe Christ follower”!!
SATAN is getting the boot; but, he has literally got the churches ( Catholic and Prodestant believing and teaching lies) giving the NEW “(p)RIESTS AND (k)INGS” OF HEAVEN on earth the boot!
It is a huge fight!
The Holy Spirit has got to recognized in spirit and heard with spiritual ears or you remain a spectator in the war; at best a redeemed man like the thief on the cross! It is not that man can save “with a work”, which has become the stupid statement of uneducated Bible teachers; but, man can save with the Holy Spirit in him! We are empowered with the word of God like never before. Your feet can become FIRM, not based upon what we can do, BUT THE TRUTH OF JESUS HAS BEEN FULLY WITNESSED, TESTIFIED OF, AND DOCUMENTED FOR OUR GOOD. Jesus did not come to prove but demonstrate as the one who can teach us all and anything we should need for “standing firm”! Remember the Garden of Gethsemane? They laid down instead of “standing”! Paul tells us to “be strong in the Lord”. For what or why? Predestination is absolutely insane if you read the Bible! The Bible does not become a tool to learn how to witness; but, a joke filled with babblings from disciples who are trying to waste our time when “it is all a part of his plan and we can do nothing”! The Old Testament is filled with lessons and especially the New Testament. Isaiah 40:31 says, “….the Lord shall renew your strength.” What a babbling and joke if God has simply made predestined robots to do his will! Discern this passage: “Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.”
Ephesians 6:24 KJV
I keep hearing from the Prodestant theologians that “GRACE” IS FROM GOD and it either before the foundation which sanctified you before you were born OR it is the “work” of Jesus that we can not do! HOWEVER, both of those common definitions DO NOT explain the meaning of those verses! THE approximately 250 years of Dispensationalism becomes ashes with the real meanings to those scriptures; because “GRACE” IS MEANT LITERALLY AGAIN AS THE HOLY SPIRIT HIMSELF, and is described as a being who is looking at “WORKS OF A MAN” being tested of his faith in Jesus alone! Try that before you are born; or the Jew who denies Jesus as Lord!
The Holy Spirit tells us to “stand and GUARD”! We, the new church, are not to be offensively marching toward Satan; but, we must “PROTECT” each other by reassuring our faith with one another and picking each other up when we stumble. Cattle kill those who fall, but a standing man has a chance to watch, dart and dodge. Jesus says, Be strong “IN” the Lord; NOT “OF” the Lord! If we were born saved ( redeemed with out faith) we would be “OF THE LORD”! There is no way to argue out of that! But, God tells us to be strong “In” the Lord! Being “In” requires us 100% to take action BEFORE THE HOLY SPIRIT DECLARES a man worthy! “Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.”
1 Corinthians 4:1 KJV
God is omniscient and sovereign! But, someone who tells God he has to do something BEFORE US is twisting and declaring God’s will at their time instead of his! God says work or dont eat!
God also says work your spirit as like your flesh or dont eat of the bread of life as well!
A person who does not recognize the Holy Spirit with these ideologies as shown from scripture has NO USE OF 80% OF THE NEW TESTAMENT! YOU CANT DO ANYTHING WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT but just say, “it’s a part of God the Trinity”. The BIBLE IS LOADED WITH VERSES THAT APPLY ONLY TO A PERSON DOING WORKS OF THE SPIRIT IN THE SPIRIT”!