I hope you read the last post first. If not, read it real quick and then come back to this. I tried to add a paragraph; but, it seems once many people have read the post, Facebook will not let “edits” posts due to a “change in what they did not (like)” I suppose? So, when you see spelling errors or sentence structure mistakes, Facebook doesn’t let me reproof a 1 am post or a middle of lunch rushed message the next morning or hours later. I just post the rough draft anyway; so I don’t lose my thoughts God gives me to share.
Looking at the wilderness scene with Jesus and Satan reveals a huge example of the 1 Cor. (Carnal- “SS” discernment) discernment OR the Spiritual with Spiritual discernment of the same event:
1. Satan tempted Jesus to feed his flesh
(Carnal discernment):
Changing “stones” -literal rocks
Into “bread”- literal food to eat because his flesh is hungry.
Ok. Great! Every human, including the atheist, could read that temptation and say, “I UNDERSTAND THAT”! Jesus was tempted to do a miracle that only “God” could supposedly do; but, due to him being supposedly a human, man equal to other men with fleshly needs or desires to control, he does not change the rocks into food which was by eshewing evil. This, he overcame the temptation and DID NOT SIN.
The parable reveals Jesus is telling us Satan tempted him to eat; but, he stayed focus on his mission which was saving souls!! Satan introduced the idea to Jesus in the wilderness to turn all the Gentiles (stones) into everlasting children (what the bread Jesus offers gives) by just snapping his fingers or speaking them into the kingdom ( called Calvinism or the “Plan of Thanos” [a Marvel copyrighted character]!).
The Bible says his word goes out and returns not void! So, the word is always true! The Christian says “JESUS IS GOOD, HE DID NOT SIN AND YOU SHOULD ACCEPT HIS PLAN OF SALVATION”. THUS, the Christian did get something and he praised Jesus; and the lost guy got the exact same interpretation and either did ask for forgiveness or rejected it!
That is what is called the “CARNAL” INTERPRETATION!!!!
( MOUNT SINIA)! Moses went up to the mountain and GOD SPOKE TO HIM. Moses came down the mountain and gave the people ( a mixed believing group) the message God gave Moses. Did they hear exactly what God told Moses? How? They did not see God as Moses did. Is not a picture with a thousand words? Do people communicate with facial expressions? Was the relationship between God and Moses the same as with Moses and the people? Personal relationships speak VOLUMES of communication even if nothing said verbally! The glow on Moses was from the communication between Moses and God.
So who got the message from God?
Would you not have to agree, BOTH?
Wouldn’t you have to agree, YES?
BUT, did Abraham lie about his wife being his sister? NO. BUT, King Abimelech did NOT GET THE SPIRITUAL MESSAGE!!!
Did King Abimelech benefit from Moses telling him that his wife was his sister?
You bet!!!! His “SS” rear end did NOT DIE!!! God gave his idolatry worshipping butt the blessing of a “spiritual warning” that he would not have gotten from any of those FALSE GODS!!!! But, everybody who explains what happens somehow turns into King Abimelech was WARNED TO NOT HAVE SEX WITH ABRAHAM’S WIFE! [ there is that quintessential carnal message even Christians come up with which is WRONG!]. GOD gave Abimelech the 7 point message from Abraham’s testimony about his wife: Abimelech you could have already have died and gone to hell. But, due to God’s MERCY and love for the lost God has let you live in a very “chosen position of authority” to see the ONE TRUE GOD for YOUR BENEFIT AND ALL THOSE HE(you) INFLUENCES!!
Move your mind virtually to see another side of the gospel. I am an Architect and it took years to finish that degree because there are pages and pages of different drawings and different points of knowledge needed for each page that must be provided to “see and understand” a simple construction project ( site, floor, 4 or 5,6,8 or more elevation drawings, electrical, mechanical, specialty drawings needed for extra in-depth technical and critical design and building requirements. Sometimes even an added scaled model of the project- KINDA LIKE JESUS COMING IN THE FLESH- HE IS THE WHOLE PICTURE OF GOD THE FATHER, YAHWEH AND THE HOLY SPIRIT COMBINED INTO ONE MODEL!)
LISTEN!!!: God allowed Abimelech a chance to GAIN EVERYTHING!!!!
You can not “see” that different if you don’t look with a parable to see spiritual stuff about the spiritual stuff!
He chooses!!!
He chooses death!!!
Some say he chose not to sleep with
Sarah because he was predestined; what idiots!!! I mean that sincerely!! That is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit to tell any person God “DISHED OUT HELL AS A MUST HAVE SOVEREIGN WILL OF A LOVING GOD WHO WAS RIDICULED AS A DEVIL, BEAT TO A SINGLE LAST PULSE, MENTALLY DESTROYED DUE TO WITNESSING HIS CHILDREN (the first group called the Jews) ACCEPT SATAN AS THEIR FATHER INSTEAD OF HIM, AND THEN CRUCIFIED ON THE CROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I SINCERELY think Calvinism is the cruelest DEMONIC FALSE PROPHET TEACHING ON THE PLANET!!!!!!!!!! (and Dispensationalism has it as a part of its doctrine)!!!!!!!!
“He chooses” idolatry!!!
“He chooses” judgment!!
“He rejected” GRACE ( the Holy Spirit)!!
“He chooses” blasphemy of the Holy Spirit!!
“He chooses” judgment right then!!!!
“He” could have gained EVERYTHING ( that means on earth and in heaven) but he LOST IT ALL ( physical and spiritual)!!! Now, virtually look at Adam and his story. Do you see similarities? You should.
If, he lived another 100 years his chance of salvation WAS ZERO from that moment forward! ( another story to explain with scripture; which is another reason to stop being “SS” with your thinking your neighbor could be witnessed to tomorrow as if you knew God’s clock on their head!)
GOD has allowed you a “special mercy chance” to:
1. GET ON YOUR KNEES and BOW YOUR HEAD ( because you STINK!!!!!)!!!!!!
3. ACCEPT THIS GOD OVER THE ONE you currently worship. His chance to be RE-BORN! HIS CHANCE TO BE FREED FROM THE BONDAGE OF SLAVERY UNDER SATAN; in exchange for becoming a bondservant (actually interpreted as “SLAVE” also- so if you dare call a “Slave owner a RACIST AND EVIL, you call God one ALSO!!!!!) [ It is strange to have real knowledge, called the truth and wisdom from God, to get a completely different perspective of what is called black or white to be put into the light and end up with very dark green and ivory/off-white] of the True God who PAID FOR HIS RELEASE OUT OF SLAVERY!!!!!! To add to the ” RACIST RANTING IGNORANCE: GOD SAYS YOUR BODY AIN’T YOURS!!!!!!! PUT THAT IN PERSPECTIVE!!!! 1 Cor. 6:19-20. Your body is an occupied dwelling of the Holy Spirit and your stinky flesh stays there in the hopes of God being able to sanctify you and reward you before he discards that carcass! It would be better to conclude you as a Christian are holding God hostage with your carcass when you do something sinful and dishonoring to Him!!!
4. Become a bond-servant to Jesus and persuade all those people he rules into accepting Jesus ( Yahweh) as the same as a “reasonable penance” for NOT DYING ETERNALLY!!!!!!
5. Become baptized in the birth water of the SPIRITUAL MOTHER ( a figurative representation of being born from Jesus the second Adam instead of being born from the first Adam who passed along the curse of death from sin).
6. Live the remaining part of your life praising and fulfilling a Godly prophecy instead of the Demonic prophecy that he was born to and “Choose to continue”! When a man goes to prison and Jesus walks inside the jailhouse handing out keys to open the doors to freedom; only an insane fool would blame Jesus for NOT unlocking the door and going free!!!!! God purchased the keys with his life!!!!! God became the owner of EVERY PERSON IN BONDAGE!!!!!! GOD hands out the keys to every human!!!!!
God owns the jailhouse and is the Warden of the universe!!!!! God owns the land the jail sits upon and the country the land belongs to as well as the entire universe the planet rotates inside!!!! The only action/or work required IS BY SPEAKING “YES” to GOD’S OFFER OF FREEDOM!
IT IS SO IRONIC, speaking is how God created everything and he calls it to work. But, foolish BIBLE SCHOLARS can NOT CALL SPEAKING A WORK because it would go against their agendas of preaching false doctrines Calvinism and Dispensationalism!!!!!!!!
7. LIVE by faith instead of “SS” (LIES FROM the Tree of Knowledge- it literally sounds like an ongoing black-shirted demonic society providing protection, from freedom and life [GOD]- have you read or seen this before??? Current events and like recent current events DECLARE prophetic typology!!!! As in the Old Testament still happening today!!! Gosh, I hope if you don’t understand this parable or analogy you will research this!)
What prophet in the Old Testament lived by “blind” faith? How does a “PROPHET” ACT ON “FAITH”? That prophet is no prophet!! That guy might be a Christian with the gift of prophecy, as it says, but a BABY SUCKING MILK can only look at a car! God gives Ferraris to every believer ( the gifts of the Holy Spirit- it might apply to only one of them or all of them); but, HE DOES NOT give every Gift holder the keys to drive that gift( as I said this explanation might apply to just the gift of prophecy, or the gift of charity, or any other one or ALL at a time)!!!!!!!
So, to SUM UP, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:11 KJV
God’s word
1. ALWAYS TESTIFIES TO THE LOST TO BE SAVED (ROMANS 1; REV. 22:17; Ephesians 1:5; and many more)!
“Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,”
Ephesians 1:5 KJV
God’s plan for each of his creation, human and angel, were to be saved by like manner! When God told Abraham to have Sarah tell Pharaoh that she was his sister it was simply a way for God to slam the plan of salvation at his feet!!!!
Gen. 12:13. Now, where do I get that? Because the Bible is about Jesus. The Bible is about Jesus saving souls! The Bible tells us he has one mission! Then the Bible says he TELLS Pharoah himself Sarah is Abraham’s wife ( Gen 12:18). So what? Well, it isn’t a big plan of salvation unless you happen to be a King who has people worship false gods or become slaughtered and giant idols and burning sacrifices to them all while praying to them AND NEVER HEARING A “peep”. All of a sudden, GOD SAYS “SS” Pharaoh, listen up. You have prayed, worshipped, killed, burnt sacrifices and built enormous idols to false gods and you have never gotten any, anything, zero attention from any of them. But, you are ABOUT TO EXPERIENCE MY WRATH FOR ALL OF THAT WITH THE ADDITION AS PROOF TO ABRAHAM’S GOD you don’t mess with his WIFE! DO YOU HEAR ME? Pharaoh HEARD HIM LOUD AND CLEAR BUT REJECTED WHAT HE OFFERED other than the mercy of life ” if he let Sarah and Abraham go! Then Pharaoh, the fool, offered up sacrifices to Yahweh as a mercy sacrifice to think him for life ( earthly ) by paying Abraham’s God. In those days, if you had sex with a prostitute at the temple it was considered as having sex with the god (idol) in front of you. If you gave a gift to a person claiming Yahweh and you had just got WARNED LITERALLY BY THAT GOD, a person could only give that God money thru the vehicle of a human who worshipped him. Abraham was standing in front of him!! God’s plan worked! God offered Pharoah life of both physical and eternal, simply in a nut-shell. Pharaoh accepted the physical only and got it! For ANYBODY to say GOD DID NOT OFFER LIFE ETERNAL should bow their head, repent and seek diligently the scriptures!!! Look up every verse that talks about adoption. Look up every Greek word that was “hen” or “charis” and related to “chario”. Look up “eklektos” which the Messiah himself is said to be!
Look up “Behar” and “Behir”; which means God chooses who he will for the special tasks he needs to be done; as a matter of fact, the example and use of the word is in the story of Moses (Numbers)where fake God worshippers are fooling and being stumbling blocks for the glory of God! God is watching these trained Wizards deceive everybody from knowing who is speaking the truth and actually the High Priest being spoken to from God!
( I use biblical inductive reasoning such as born from the tribe of Levi; born in the same line as Aaron the high priest; the sons of Korah lived to write songs and they are presented in Psalms 42-49; 84, 85, 87, 88; Korah is bald-headed, Korah told all the people at Mount Sanai that every person “WAS HOLY”!!! LISTEN! Korah, this false teacher who exalted himself for the purpose of Satan told every Israelite at the bottom of the mountain MOSES WAS A FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YEA! IT IS almost comical to think that the ” theologian scholars and religious teachers of TODAY” have gotten away with shoving “chosen” down our throats to be meant as “saved souls before the foundation of the universe” when in black and white or color you can see the entire story of “BAM”; “SLAP”; “POW” in the book of Numbers 16 where God is MAD AS HECK! The biggest “SLAP” to you if you believe in the Calvinist theology is God “CHOOSES” ONLY FROM THE LEVITES!!!!!! I CAN NOT EVEN STOP LAUGHING AT THIS NEW REVELATION I myself missed this whole time I have written, argued, and testified how SS and ungodly Calvinism is. God did not “choose” people ( Israelites- which we are told) ( or Gentiles- we are told on the Rebel Reformers side- called Protestants) for SALVATION; HE HAD TO SHOW THE PEOPLE WHICH TEMPLE WORKER OR PRIEST WAS A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See normally, everybody goes to the temple and asks the priests to askGod to show who is lying! Well, this situation involved the priests going to the people and trying to get them to answer who was lying. Well, they can’t! Questions of a spiritual nature always goes up, NOT DOWN( get the prophetic typology?)! God has to become the literal Highest Priests to prove which High Priest is lying about being a High Priest. So, the famous word gets injected by God of “him choosing whom he will choose”! God says I will show you the heart of each of these men tomorrow. Nothing happened in the foundation of the universe with this word, these men or anything else resembling this story about Priests lying and deceiving like Satan in the flesh! God tells Moses what to tell Korah and the people! Then God says to the people ” THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MY DECISIONS! I, GOD, WILL DECIDE! I, GOD, THE HIGHEST PRIEST WILL CHOOSE AND PROVE THEIR WICKEDNESS OR RIGHTEOUSNESS! I AM GOING TO MAKE THESE FAKERS WALK OVER TO ONE SIDE BY MY HAND ALONE!!!!! THE RIGHTEOUS MEN WILL WALK TO THE OTHER SIDE BY MY HAND ALONE! NOBODY IS GOING TO DO ANYTHING! I AM GOING TO MAKE ALL OF THEM DO AS I ALONE TELL THEM AND THEY SHALL!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE NEXT MORNING, PEOPLE DIE (250 fakers!!!!!) AND PEOPLE LIVE (Moses is chosen by God to be their LEADER ( NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYBODY’S SALVATION!!!!)!
Each person, not the firstborn inheritance ideology, would choose to speak praise and glorify the true creator and become “adopted” children. Story after story was told in prophetic typologies, like Jacob the second born to Esau, and Joseph the seventh son to his father of seven other brothers. Each human and angel only had or has to trust the truth of Jesus as their redeeming God for anyone’s sin to fulfill the predestined plan of salvation ( The free choice, not the deciding will of God to have everyone).
HE HAS BEEN GIVEN one or many gifts of the Holy Spirit; but, why would anybody believe a guy who just got saved would have the faith or strength of the most of the Holy Spirit to raise the dead or walk on water? It is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! WHY? BECAUSE the curse from Adam’s sin was “to have to work”! That curse applies to a person’s growth or sanctification with God!! Kindergarten to receiving a doctorate is A HUGE WORK! GET TO WORK!!
SO, the Christian REPEATS “HEARING” OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER THE SAME MESSAGE as those seven points, the lost guy received. Did you catch the Christians “repeats hearing”? That actually is like an “Oxymoron” thing to say. A person hearing does not do the talking, but Jesus is in them now. So, Jesus just keeps repeating to his empty ( Biblically SS flesh he occupies) self as like someone hearing themselves! This is what Hebrews 5 is explaining! The plan of salvation, the plan of salvation, the plan of salvation. Ok, so you are now a milk drinker ( saved as like a babe). So,
2 Peter says, “And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;”
2 Peter 1:5 KJV. If you just sit in the pew you get what is feed to you with a spoon. If you study, or I should say “If you roll up the parable as Job or the Wizard to seek spiritual discernments you will be doing as “diligence” is meant to mean. “Roll up your parable” and look into heaven. Hint: close your eyes and hold the parable up to the part of your body that “sees the hidden things” ( your heart-spirit inside you).
“Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have a need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have to need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.”
Hebrews 5:11-13 KJV
This kind of Christian is NOT GETTING OLDER ( growing Spiritually).
#2. Second Christian is verse 14:
“But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”
Hebrews 5:14 KJV
This Christian might start driving!!! Yeah!!!!!!
He might have wrecks, but he is sitting behind the wheel! One or more of his gifts is literally becoming more tangible! The intangible becomes visible, tangible, active, REAL IN THEIR LIVES!
THE milk changes to meat! What a prophetic typological narration for a man! Man eating stuff equivalent to milk ( called plants – yes vegetarianism) moving to meat when Noah got off the boat. The entire age of man is even progressing spiritually thru typology as man should drink milk when first saved ( like the big boat ride) to eating meat ( when man has had plenty of time and experience with God “to move to the bigger and better things offered from heaven ( Noah’s new land was like heaven to come as he was the only one with his family to live thru DEATH!). Yeah, FOR THE MEAT PLAN! ( Heb. 5:14)
This is a LOT of information and it actually seems to have gotten off track from ” who gave Adam clothes”; but, God was revealing so much as I was writing that I believe it is so related and you will understand if you diligently keep following.
The title is “who gives Adam clothes?”. You have now heard the gospel taught so contrary to what you have heard in the past that this truth is going to be a planet-sized 💣(bomb) compared to those eye-openers. Jesus was literally the one who clothed Adam! Jesus wasn’t born. Jesus can’t be the one. It was God, so you can agree to just agree so that “semantics” doesn’t enter the conversation, one might say and has. But, it was not just “God” ( as you would be referring to “God the Father” in the Old Testament) and that would be short of the whole truth of scripture because the entire Bible is about specifically “THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD”! The Bible is not about God-the-Father of the “Only Begotten Son”, nor the Holy Spirit ( the third person of the Trinity God). Jesus explains that he is the Only Person or thing that can “Cool the Wrath” of God the Gather! That is a divine spiritual representation of two distinct persons of the Trinity theology. Jesus comes and the day became “COOL” it says, says, God!
“And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.”
Genesis 3:8 KJV
When did the Garden ever get Hot?
Was there a change in temperature as though the sun became as blistering as a summer day to a worker picking weeds or fruit? There had not been sin, work or any curse introduced yet! For it to get Hot is only an expression of discomfort outside of heaven or a figurative language for the spiritual aspect of the conversation in scripture.
Jesus walking is not God “casting hell and brimstone”! God ( the first person of the Trinity) is spirit and does not make noises like that of flesh! Noises are intentional when God makes them; they are not the sounds of a God acting as a sly fox! Jesus would clearly be the meaning when called “Lord”. Then Adam and Eve “hid themselves” ( their flesh) as another indication that the one whom they had walked with previously was “robed” and the Lord was now revealed to be clothed and they were not! See, the Tree of Knowledge was the gateway of SS; not Truth and wisdom and virtue. I believe Adam and Eve looked at their flesh with their “Virtue now missing as compared to their Lord”. They, 3 seconds ago, had virtue; yet, no clothes! The Lord, 3 seconds before they ate the fruit had never been recognized by them as being clothed. But, they change was not the Lord; but the change came from them looking at themselves compared to something ( the best inductive answer would be the Lord clothed as in scripture has always presented him and ” garments themselves as figurative “righteousness”). Gen. 3:7-10,21; Exodus 24; Psalm 132:9; Isaiah 61:10; Zechariah 3:3-4; Like 15:11-32; Matthew 22:1-14; John 19: 23-24; Luke 24:49; 1 Cor. 15:53-55; 2 Cor. 2:3-4; Gal.3:27; Revelations 7: 9, 13-14; Rev. 16:15
Scripture clearly points out “nakedness” constitutes “spiritual sin” and in holiness. The next major point is scripture ONLY POINTS TO JESUS AS “having clothes” because it is noted that the Son of God is the part of the Trinity “clothed in righteousness”. Jeremiah 23:6 “In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE Lord OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Jeremiah 23:6 KJV
It is only Jesus who is praised by God as having righteousness to save or cloth another by imputing righteousness!
Adam and Eve hid themselves because they “SAW with their flesh” what became missing! What they did not understand was Jesus sees everyone as “clothed” who believes and accepts his righteousness (his blood sacrifice). They were righteous without clothes and without sin. They just did not get the concept of sin except they “RECOGNIZED GOD WOULD BE DISPLEASED WITH THIER SPIRITUAL STATE”! SO, they went to solve their own spiritual state with physical things! It did or never does work!
NOW, you know why all the other paths of information God took me to was for the benefit of seeing SS lies Satan has brainwashed us with. The truth is spiritual with spiritual gives spiritual stuff!