What a great bible study today!

What a great bible study today! Ask yourself what is God’s will for your life? Most of you have believed it is everything you are doing that basically doesn’t fall into a sin category; after all, what is wrong with having fun or working hard? Without bringing to the table some deep theological stuff with this simple thought God wants every human to come to Jesus. Now with that said, how is that going to happen? That my friend is EXACTLY the answer to the question! EVERYBODY has got a responsibility placed on their heads as the salt and light of this world. Jesus did his job and then he gave us ours! It is not for Jesus to save his creation but that his creation believe and trust in him by the word of God and he is not an enabler to “just save us” by “snapping his fingers” or by “just saying the words”! He demands that we labor at being the salt and light. So many have the ideology that God just does the saving; well, did he save all the people from the flood? No! Why? Because he said you must accept by faith the same as Noah! End of story on that point! So, why should we encourage our children to have more children? Because it is the ONLY WAY TO DO THE WORK God has called his people to do!

We are called to continue the bloodline!

The bloodline of the adopted!!!!!!!

God says nobody knows the day he shall return, but there is a great sign everyone misses; it is the actions of countries, nations, states, cities, and families failing to recognize that the light on the hill getting dimmer from their actions or lack of action in continuing the bloodline!!

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Melchizedek University
