Are you reading the bible with this main focus:
1. How can I get JESUS out of what I just read?
2. Did I recognize the figurative language ( if there was some) and see the spiritual message ( meaning )?
Example of figurative language:
“mountain” can mean “really big pile of dirt” which SPIRITUALLY means really big pile of “FLESH”. There is no way a lost person can see this. However, read more of my posts and you will understand.
Another example: Did you get the moral of the biblical story as a lost person understands it or as a child of “Your Father”? See the stories and parables are kinda like the cliche: “you can’t see the forest for the trees”. You got the moral of the lession from the story about sewing seed on 3 different types of soil, but you really can’t explain it as a christian in how you have seen it first hand in your life as it would require witnessing possibly to many people before grasping the spiritual understanding.