“Get Scripturally Real” #2:

The Good Samaritan bible story has continually been discerned incorrectly in church but not outside the Christian faith. 

What does that mean? 

The disciples told Jesus they did not understand their meanings.  Then they asked Jesus to explain them.  Jesus said it is not for the lost to understand them.

 What did he say? 

Does a basketball coach tell his players what defense, offense, and plays to run?  Does he send his clipboard down to the opposing team and tell them the same information?  Why not? 

Look at the typical interpretation of the parable about the Good Samaritan. Usually, you find the majority agreeing that the Samaritan was the neighbor-loving enough to help a stranger in need.  The man in the ditch needed help and theology begins with the discussion of why were the other two men not helping a neighbor out (the stranger in the ditch).

Everybody should have enough love and compassion FOR THE Good SAMARITAN!  (That is what you could call the good-world view.Haven’t you ever seen an atheist explain a moral ideology?  How many atheist or agnostics could you find that would agree a child molester should be in prison or a murderer should also?  Where do they get moral ideology?  Read the bible about parables!)

Isn’t that a great moral lesson to teach anybody?    Sure it is! 

So couldn’t the lost people get that same moral lesson the saved just got?

Does that not ring a bell???

Ding, ding, ding!!

Jesus just told you the meanings ARE NOT THE SAME!!!!

  Here is a parable to explain:  If Jesus were coaching a  basketball team and he told his players to run a #3 (a special post up play).  Should Jesus tell the other team also? 

Jesus said they have ears to hear and eyes to see but they do not hear or see.  How can that be?

#1.  I want you to understand the very first concept of the Bible again:

 The bible is about Jesus; it is written to you as an opposing player to be persuaded (or drafted lets to say) to his team or simply to his players in order for them to experience the winning rewards that give God the coach (creator) glory.

The typical interpretation of the Good Samaritan has some “nobody” as “good”.  The two other men ignore the poor man in the ditch?  They are mentioned as having characteristics that “should know better” and are being hypocritical of their religion by not helping.

The guy in the ditch is typically recognized as just being “a neighbor” needing help (lost or saved).   I have heard several say we should be LIKE THE GOOD SAMARITAN and help him out of the ditch and BRING HIM to church!

So how in the world is Jesus in that story? 

So far he IS NOT! 

DO YOU KNOW HOW TO SEE JESUS IN THAT STORY?  (Say what you want but to be like Mr. Franklin Graham is horrible!  Our entire life we may look up to an “upright human” as a pier, role model, etc.; but, God says look to Jesus and be like him.  If Mr. Franklin Graham is being Godly who should you see IN HIM?  Jesus AND ONLY JESUS!  We, Christians are vessels, we are NOT TO GLORIFY THE VESSEL!)

You are only left with interpreting it the same way the lost guy does!

You have to interpret it by showing love and compassion to your neighbor, which would be a great example for you to follow. 


 So in your very best discernment, you make the Good Samaritan a “type” of Jesus.

What about a “BEST” interpretation?  Where you can literally make a character in the story Jesus literally?!?

  Could there be one?

What if the guy in the ditch is Jesus?

Do you know that story?

That character has no real story other than getting best up, stripped, robbed, left for dead, picked up and cared for.  That couldn’t be it. 

Not only is that crazy, I am going to literally put you in the story to make sense of it!  Then you will have a piece of your veil removed.  Hopefully, you will see clearly the love of God who is the KING OF KINGS, THE ONLY GOOD, THE LAMB, THE LION, THE NAZARENE WHO IS A NOBODY WHO THE WORLD DID (AND STILL DOESN’T) NOT RECOGNIZE, THE ONE FROM BETHLEHEM!

IF YOU ARE SAVED HERE IS YOUR INTERPRETATION OF GOD (what our coach wants you to hear and see):

#2.  How do the Bereans interpret scripture?

Hint #3: Synergy of scripture.

Hint#4: Typology principle.

Hint #5: Literal principle.

Hint #6: Illumination principle.

Hint #7: Historical principle.  It all adds up to “L.I.G.H.T.S.” (Hank Hanegraaff’s Hankronym in “Reading the Bible for All It’s Worth”).

I want you to imagine yourself in a closet reading this parable.  If you had “lights” you could see so much better than you ever have seen before!


Lights are like givens in a geometry problem to help you get the answer.  But, the more information you have in the beginning, the fewer unknowns you have to solve making it so much better and easier.

[The disciples did not understand-Matt. 13:10-17; Luke 8:9-15]

[ The Lord said the lost cannot understand in the O.T. also: Isaiah 8:7-9

Hebrews 3:10]

But the Lord told tells his children the first rule of discernment for the saved in  Hebrews 6:3

Then after that rule the saved are to learn the absolute deepest thoughts and plans of God the Father: Psalms 103:7; Psalms 25:4; Psalms 86:11;

Isaiah 2:3; Psalms 25:9; 1 Cor. 2:6; Eph. 3:19; Eph. 4:17-18; Eph. 6:21-24; Eph. 1:17-19; 2 Peter 3:18; Matt. 1:25; John 7:17; 1 John 3:2; Phil. 3:10;

2 Cor. 3:18- consider wisdom, knowledge and the close relationship to Jesus as the veil over our face that has many layers.  At the beginning of your Christianity, your veil is as dark as a welder’s helmet.  You can barely see the light of Jesus.  But as your wisdom and knowledge grow layers are peeled off and even the surroundings of your focus become more visible. That veil is also like a warrior’s helmet.  The hindrance of not being able to see much could get you seriously hurt when in battle with lies.  A groom wants to see his bride. So, the bride must recognize her groom as a King and this king is God. The closer we walk in our sanctification and asking for spiritual discernment the better we get to see and know our God.   It will be a glorious day when he lifts the veil once and for all eternity making us see clearly with no more partial opaque view.  It is required that we seek the truth of spiritual knowledge so we can  protect our family from the enemies and from our own flesh from turning back (the flesh is weak, many disciples and many Israelites turned back away from God.  They had tasted the fruit and fell away lost and did not cross over the Jordan).

Givens for discerning the parable of the Good Samaritan:

1. JERUSALEM relates to who?   Jesus!

2.  DAVID- the line of?    Jesus!

(Matt. 1:1-17)

3.  JUDAH- the line of?     Jesus!

 (Gen. 49:10) (Matt. 1:2)

4.  “Man of God” – another reference to  (Rev. 5:5) whom?      Jesus!

5.  BREAD, and WATER- necessary for the flesh and even presented as bad things to who? Jesus in the wilderness!

6.  MELCHIZEDEK  was a HIGH PRIEST before whom?        Jesus!

7.  The King of kings is whom?


8.  The king has ALL AUTHORITY over whom?        Jesus!

9.  SAMARIA is what to?      Jesus!

10.  What came from BETHEL?     Jesus!

11.  A man is found under an OAK tree by John.  Who was he?  Jesus!

“I AM”!    (John 1:48-50)

12.  Not eating bread or water was a test of whom?         Jesus!  (Matt. 26:29)

13. Satan raised his hand against whom?        Jesus!

14.  The LION is who?       Jesus!

15.  A DONKEY is an animal that was ridden by who?      Jesus!

16.  UNJUSTLY accused and crucified was who?      Jesus!

17.  The temples had the Mercy Seat inside the HOUSE OF GOD. (Matt. 26:29).

Who sat on the Mercy Seat?  Jesus

And who shoved the false idols over that were placed inside his house? Jesus!

18.  To become a Christian it requires “CLEANING YOUR HOUSE” of what?

Idols against Jesus!

 Anybody against Christ is the

Anti-Christ which is also represented by idols.

19.  A man named Joseph of Arimathea gave his own grave to whom?  Jesus!

20.  The HOUSE OF GOD was rid of what?  Idols! 

21.  Satan wanted in the past and still wants today anybody that will believe his lies as he consecrated himself as the priest versus the real true High Priest?      Jesus!

22.   Another man offered a sacrifice named Saul.  He offered it to “himself” versus the sacrifice that Samuel would have offered up unto?      Jesus!

23.  There were a memorial and a wedding celebration feast at whose table? 

King Saul’s –who was a type of  Jesus’!

24.  A guest came with the wrong clothes to celebrate at a King’s son’s wedding.  It was considered as a horrible act of disrespect!  The guest’s clothes represented the guest respected someone else higher than his position of being the king.  Thus, his clothes were a typology of idols against the king?    Saul represented God and God throw him into the deepest of the darkest dungeons. 

As you read bible stories you must think about who, what, when, where and how can you get Jesus out of the bible story?  Maybe there is a type of Jesus in the story like for example Adam, Noah, Abraham, Issac, Joseph, David, etc.

 Then there can be types of Satan like  Cain, Saul, Pharoah, Bible Time, etc. 

Types of heaven like Garden of Eden, Isreal, Jerusalem,  Sabbath, the day of rest, many more.

So now with many facts or givens that others did not use to discern the parable at its’ deepest level, you can use  “L.I.G.H.T.S.” to read the bible for all its’ worth.   NOW LET US SEE PROPHETIC TYPOLOGY OF this story from the Old Testament that is fulfilled in the New Testament about JESUS!

 Luke 24:44 “And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.”

Genesis 49:10

“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

Revelation 5:5

“And one of the elder’s saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.”

When you read the O.T. stores, especially when a prophet is involved, you should see red flags all over the place screaming prophetic information about the Second Adam (Elohim, Yahweh, the Messiah, Jesus, the lamb, the Lion, Savior, etc.).

Here is the Good Samaritan in the O.T. told by the PROPHET(Jeroboam):

1 Kings 13: 1- 34.

 (Hint-print this scripture out and write notes beside it.  This is not a studied scripture and it is most likely going to be hard to grasp.  The best way to follow along with the “givens” is to have the text printed in front of you so you can make a lot of notes!!!  Then you can go back over and over with more and more “scriptures references and givens” to analyze what the Holy Spirit wants you to learn.  (Also, write down 2 Kings chapter 22 & 23 besides verses 2 & 3 of your study- 1 Kings 13)

While reading the study (1 Kings 13:1-34) you will see Jeroboam narrating Satan!  The “man of God” in verse 1 will be narrating Jesus!

Most people see God (El-in the O.T.) bringing wrath upon the wicked and is involved only in really big stories like the creation and flood (which is a very strong characteristic of the deity of God).  This aspect of Elohim ( from Noah and the promise of the 2nd Adam to come) is easier to see because he has given us a vision of him being “FULLY SPIRIT” which holds the universe(s) in his hands and nobody mentally can imagine Jesus doing that.

However, when you read the O.T. correctly you need to see “ALL OF GOD” (ELOHIM: GOD-EL as the Holy Spirit on the mountain by the way of a burning bush, also by the Prophets in O.T. who are a physical representation of having full authority over ALL KINGS by miraculous signs and wonders).  These prophets brought blessings and ALSO JUDGEMENT. The hard part to recognize is understanding why there are “bad prophets”?  God shows a man that “they are human”(cursed by Adam’s blood also).  This is why TYPOLOGY is so important to include while reading these stories!  If you do not apply this principle as so many DO NOT you get what?  YOU GET A LOT OF CONFUSION AND A LOT OF PEOPLE MISUNDERSTANDING SCRIPTURE; ESPECIALLY, EXAMPLES LIKE WHAT THE MUSLIMS SEE JESUS AS—— JUST ANOTHER PROPHET!!!!!

But now with recognizing the differences between earthly prophets and “The Prophet” you will see how Jesus is fully man indeed and has also overcome temptation UNLIKE the first Adam (perfect and without sin human created by God)!!  HE LITERALLY BECOMES NOT ONLY A PROPHET to the world BUT “I AM” to the believers!  HE BECOMES THE MESSIAH and the fully dressed HOPE described first as YAHWEH!  JESUS becomes the full “SIGNS AND WONDERS” walking the planet!


The Good Samaritan story has always been excepted by everyone as having this good moral message embedded inside it.  The “good Samaritan” is always the Hero of this story!  The two other guys used by Jesus do not look so good.  Then the theology of who and why do the other two guys just walk by?  In the end, the theology shifts to raising the “good Samaritan” up on a pedestal and then some discussion of who the strange man in the ditch is?  But, nobody ever knows who he is and why he was left for dead.  The best theologians go back to the good Samaritan in the story may have recognized the man in the ditch as his neighbor or at least just treated him as if he were.  That would make the moral of the story again the same for both the lost and the saved; thus: we need to treat the man in the ditch with love as “OUR NEIGHBOR”!

Well, I want you to try an amazing thing and have an AMAZING EXPERIENCE with this story in FULL SURROUND DOLBY SOUND AND WITH ALL THE SPECIAL EFFECTS THAT THE BIBLE BRINGS IN STORYTELLING, SO PICK UP YOUR BIBLE.  Now squeeze your bible with your hand or two hands and try to get the juice out of it or maybe the tears you have cried over it before.  In your hands is the whole book of the living word of God.  It has all the books from Genesis to Revelations.  You are going to mix all the applications and scripture passages about this story into a juice and it is going to be so, so sweet! 

I have printed out for you a new version called the “Amplified Holy Spirit Christian Version” of this story.  So let’s read the Good Samaritan:

“So there was a TRAVELER…………….

…………..(are you thinking about Jesus?)………………..

…………..(every time you read scripture you have to think about him!)………….

………..so this traveler,…………………………….

………..(he happens to be actually JESUS)……………………….

………..(you will need tissues)………………………………………

…….this traveler from Judah, Jesus, who is stripped of his clothing………………

……..and beaten…………………………………………………………………

…beaten and left for dead………………………………

…………..in a sewage ditch……………………………..

…………along a roadside……………….

……had several people pass by him…………….

………one was John Bowen………………………….

…….he just kept walking…………………..

…………..(did you stop?)…………………

……as the man who was unrecognizable

…………looked up with his face to me and could only see out of one of his eyes as the other was swollen completely shut………………………………..

…………(he looked horrible)………………………….

………(you could actually smell his filth)………………….

…..(not knowing if the smell would get on my clothes or come off)…I kept walking………………….

……………..he laid there waiting for me to TAKE HIS COMPASSION………….

……………………………………(tissue time)………………………………………….

…..He, the traveler, stripped and beaten wanted to GIVE ME……………..

……………… his ………………………………….compassion…………………………

he sees the nice clothes I am wearing……………..

he knows I am in a hurry to go witness to someone……………….

he knows I am having a great day in this beautiful weather…………..

………….all of which he is providing………………………………


……I watched the priest pass by also………………………

………….it helped me not feel so bad…………………..

…….he looked in a hurry also………………….

but thankfully a small, frail and unsightly prostitute stopped to help him……

…..I noticed she had a tremendous amount of struggling to try to help him up…

……………(she finally manages to do so)……………………

……..I actually could hear her say, “I am sorry”…………….

she said, “Nobody deserves this”………………………

………..”What did you do?”…………………….

he just looks up at her and could not say anything………………….

………..she literally bursts out crying……………………..

………she again repeats, “I am so, so sorry”………………….

……….the other 2 that passed heard her also and their faces had such …

..shock on them………….

…………….she had some skimpy clothes but they did look new………….

……and she just didn’t seem to care at all about all the smell and dirt and.

…….blood……..getting smeared all over her clothes…………………

………….the traveler looked worst than an animal hit by a car………

……….I was just frozen in my tracks watching…………..

……for some reason I could not move…………….

………………now both of them seemed to be victims……………

……………..both looked like they were together or friends……………

……nobody else seemed to know them………………….

…………nobody seemed to care………………

……….strangely a field of livestock was on their side of the ditch and as …..

…..I am watching a donkey wonders outside a broken fence and ………

….just walked right up to them……………

………she helped get him on the donkey and they walked away……..

………….. (that seems like an amazing sign and wonder– a lion riding a donkey)………….

………I hear later that she spent money (all that she had) in getting him a shower………

…………she bought him some new clothes……………….

……………got him some food………………

……………………..and took him to the hospital……………….

…..I heard her say, “It is only reasonable”……………………

………all this was revealed in the local paper a couple of days later………………… by the reporter.  He never found her to get her name……………..

…………and Jesus the traveler was asked in the hospital………

…why had he got beaten……………………..

…….The reporter quoted him as saying “I was on a mission trip to help feed them with bread and water, clothes, and heal a bunch of sick people.  Many need saving”………………

……..The reporter says he was dumbfounded by his response and asked him.

….what he thought about the ones who had left him for dead………….

………….He just told him, “they were very needy individuals also and I would have given them also as much as they could have asked for, but they didn’t ask.”

Jesus “IS THE VICTIM” ON A CROSS BECAUSE of me and you! 

Do you recognize God? 

Jesus said if you knew the father you would know me. 

A Levite walked by and did not know him.

A scholar of the law walked by and did not know him.  Why? 

Jesus tried with 3 examples to show that a personal relationship with God requires a heart of God. 

Walking by a victim and claiming yourself more righteous than the traveler from Judah (a Nazarian- a piece of lower class trash in those days) does not lend the thought of someone of them having a heart with love; but the other guy (another piece of trash known as a Samaritan stopped)! 

Walking by and asking the man (a man you consider lower than yourself) for forgiveness THAT YOU VICTIMIZED requires repentance (there where the heart of Jesus starts) and God will adopt you as his child! 

Each person that is adopted becomes a brother and sister and someday could be your neighbor for eternity.  God wants us to recognize our neighbor is anyone who simply is searching for His forgiveness and does not need John Bowen’s.

Your neighbor and my neighbor are all worthy of his compassion and suffering; therefore I must recognize it isn’t even my compassion and mercy I am offering when stopping to help someone who is my brother or sister.  My father always pays for my expenses anyway (that is what IMPUTED means).

A man obeying all the laws like the Jewish priest is not a man going to heaven as he puts the sin of “not loving his neighbor right on his plate”(isn’t a stiffed necked viper what he called them? that priest was above saving a Samaritan! He broke the real law and did not care about that one!  Scripture says he will be guilty of even killing Abel.).  Jesus was a humble servant VICTIMIZED by anybody who has breath or blood.  Ignoring Jesus’ grace of HIS FORGIVENESS IS ETERNAL SEPARATION!  There is NOBODY WORTHY OF IGNORING THE THE PIECE OF TRASH WHO GAVE HIS LIFE; AS YOU AND I ARE LOWER THAN HE AND ARE AS FILTHY RAGS!

Listen here to a different version.

The lesson is a 5 part called “Me and My Neighbor”.

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Melchizedek University
