“The Statues Should Always Stay”
Statues, holidays, memorials, souvenirs, and even things like furniture, cars, pictures, and a dried buckeye nut from a great hunting trip are kept to remind a person or group of people of another or a life event. Can you remember the American Revolution? No! But, there are places like National Parks that have old cannons or burial grounds with very old tomb stones that reveal the event was real to people who were living during that time period. Why would you remove a cannon from a hill that showed where and how a group of people fought with their lives to protect their homeland? You literally would destroy historical information or frankly sane thinking for a person to understand why that hill was so important. The perspective would make no sense; and a 21st century person would possibly imagine the hill was significant for them to get really good electronic reception during a period when radio transmissions were not even possible. So, in order to teach someone about a historical event you have to teach them the entire history of what took place. The more good and bad pieces of events presented makes better understanding. Would it be intelligent to remove the slavery keys on a piano? There are literally 5 keys that have the word “slavery” associated with them. Why not make it a point to just rip out all the black keys and then there would be no more racial keyboard? However, with wisdom, knowledge, and appreciation of something good that came from a time of despair you would be able to listen to some very good black gospel music that came from the south. Those 5 derogatory keys make the entire piano a blessing!
When did America get her independence? Who was Dr. Martin Luther King? What is the 4th of July, or the holiday called Thanksgiving? People forget things very easy! It only takes 10 to 40 years for a dramatic event to disappear completely. The mind is so complicated and it limits itself because it literally would overload with too much information during a person’s life time without some kind of built in trash can.
We all need physical, mental, social and religious things to keep long term memory. Most people understand the cliche, “if you don’t use it you will lose it”. Statues, holidays, tokens or souvenirs, and other things also make story telling about life issues or events to future generations more exciting. Humans in general can store more information in their brain with a simple image of association. This is where the old saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words” comes from.
Now, I want to shift gears just a little to help you relate the principle of this biblical subject. This is a pretty big issue with many in the Christian world; but like many things they can not really get a conclusive answer that settles the issue in their mind because of so many debates about it or other topics. So, in order to teach you about this topic I am actually going to teach you about three things at the same time to make it much easier and more conclusive for you. Exodus 20:8-37. Why did God make a sabbath day and does the scripture demand it must be honored on the 7th day? The answer is not what you have been taught and the answer is in the bible conclusively.
I first want to throw you somewhat a curve to help you really get the application of “even common sense” must be used when discerning topics God is teaching us.
Answer this question: “Does God need rest”? I agree it sounds kind of crazy to ask, but it leads right back to the conversation of Genesis when God created the 7th day for rest, which he said he indeed did.
Genesis 2:2-4 “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. “
Genesis 2:2-3 KJV
First note there is a huge difference between needs and wants! God said he made the 7th day for the sabbath; but lets put aside the 7th day is actually Sunday. Lets say the calendar is somehow wrong and lets just make Tuesday the 7th day for now. Now “why would God 《need》 rest” is the question I have presented. First, it says God 《rested》, so did he do that? It clearly says he did. However you need to use the ENTIRE BIBLE to get any answer about any question. God said he 《wished he had not made man》 in Genesis also. That expression however is nowhere close to what he was trying to convey in the passage in Genesis 6:6! There is one red flag to keep you from immediately assuming it so because you looked at it in an expository way only. How about the fact that El who created everything was also Elohim at that same time. That means that Jesus, the literal fleshly man, was there then also. So could Jesus need rest because of him being a man like us also? How about all the scriptures that talk about his almighty power and in Isaiah 40:28 it says “he does not get weary”. Big red flag here also! You are now learning the “Scripture synergy” principle taught by Hank Hanegraaff in his “L.I.G.H.T.S.” Hankronym book “Reading the Bible for All It’s Worth”. I am also using all the other principles as well to show you a definitive answer actually in scripture.
God made 《a day》. God made 《a》 day for rest. God made a day 《for rest》.
How many times can you find Jesus praying?
Who is he praying to? Jesus is God. He is the second person of the Elohim (Trinity). “I am” Mr. Bowen, John, Dad, and Uncle John, all at the same time (thus this makes me in a comparison a quadintity). “But to my kids I am Dad and nobody else can relate to me in that manner other than my children. When you change the person in the “second person” (say John for Bill) you end up changing all the other respective pronouns of that person for a completely different person. In other words it is impossible to talk to both Jesus and John and they both be your “Dad”. When a person says that there are many ways to God; they are saying Jesus, Billy Bob, Aunt Mary, Little Timmy and any other person can be put in the place of Jesus BECAUSE THEY ARE ACTUALLY DIFFERENT PEOPLE. WHEN THEY SAY THAT JESUS AND MOHAMMAD are both God you are denying reality of common sense with respect to any communication rules in any language! Thus if you worship Jesus or Mohammad you in fact worship a completely different “1st person” of that individual. A Trinity is all three respects, or in the example of me as a quadintity, the person is exactly the same person just different in regard to whom he would be talking to. This point I am driving so hard to make is to recognize in like manner the subject of what day the sabbath is, or whether God rested or not comes down to a ‘RELATIONAL UNDERSTANDING”! Now you are also going to have to recognize that the entire bible is for our benefit to learn about God; and all the stories and scriptures must be taken as COMPLETELY A DEMONSTRATION FOR OUR BENEFIT (“L.iteral” principle & “G.ramatical” principle).
Jesus is God; but he is showing us how a human (which he fully became) must pray to God (the first person of Jesus as a spirit being you can not see in the flesh and is not hindered by the tangible world of interfering in God hearing our prayers). So, is the sabbath actually 《just for us》? Did God rest? Is that just another example of it referring to us instead of him?
Look at the 7 days in chapter one (1). Those days had 《no sin curse》! That makes a super extremely large difference when comparing something to after the fall (“H.istorical” principle). So, how about Adam & Eve before the fall? Did they get tired? There is absolutely no scripture that would support that. However, the same verse of Isaiah could apply to Adam & Eve about not getting weary because the Tree of Life and they would have no physical curse (which getting tired from the sweat of your brow comes from). Adam & Eve would not be equal as Jesus who is God; but, Jesus walked the Garden of Eden like them and ate as well in the Garden and on earth.
Next important factor is the entire Old Testament of what man does in general ALL THE TIME! Story after story man is born, has children and dies. Man serves God and then does something really stupid and has to repent or doesn’t. Those that do find extreme circumstances in God’s demonstrations of scaring the crap out of them to help prevent a GIANT PICTURE for them to “FEAR THE LORD THY GOD”! Then God would have them build ALL THE TIME, LIKE EVERY TIME, an alter for a sacrifice. Then in some situations he had them build a MEMORIAL. When they piled up the rocks the Lord told them it was for a “constant reminder of what he had done”!
The memorial at the Jordan River was a A CONSTANT REMINDER OF WHAT GOD HAD DONE for them. God told them they needed it for the future generations to remind them also of his great miracles in getting them to the promise land.
A MEMORIAL FOR A CONSTANT REMINDER OF THE GREAT THINGS GOD HAD DONE (like creation, heaven, love, provisions, mercy, love, forgiveness, new hope, defeating those who do not want you to ) FOR HIS CHILDREN AND THE OTHERS (this now would go hand in hand with the lost)!
Some are going to throw up the whole idea that just because the Old Testament was part of the past it doesn’t mean that the sabbath was suppose to be abolished because Jesus did away with worshiping. No. But it is hard to understand what really fulfillment of the law (O.T.) means in regard to many issues. So, it is important to understand this because the scripture synergy principle would not let you just toss out part of the New Testament or Old Testament to find the correct answer. God made the heavens and the earth. That was in the past for every human. Now because that was in the past does not change God in any way. That example just proves that there were events that took place while we were not alive. Now the O.T. mentions some other events that took place all while God remained the same person with the same characteristics; for God does not change. Look at Noah or Moses, they are people that lived before us and those big climatic events that God directed them in are not part of our lives; but it does not mean that the result of those people and events do not effect us. So, that is a good way of looking at the “Law” of the Old Testament. Nothing about the Jewish law you can say you experienced or doesn’t effect you; because like the flood it had a result of you actually living on a continent that was separated by the splitting of the land known now as the tectonic plates. The way the earth use to be verses now is a good example of God not changing but allowing things to happen which would influence and change the way humans live their lives on earth. God used the “Jewish Law” much the same way and used tectonic plates to shift the way people live today verses the way they use to with the fulfillment of the promises and the “Jewish Law”. God once upon a time required people to fetch water and today we turn on the faucet. In a comparison the Lord made people do things like attend a Jewish Sabbath on a certain day due to say “formalities”. Before going further, when you start comparing yourself as to when you are suppose to attend church ask yourself these two questions: Are you Jewish? and do you still take an animal to your preacher to your church? Why not? Because things changed, not God. Where am I going with all this is straight to the New Testament. The Hebrews (Jews) were the only culture group of people worshiping God (Elohim- the God of Abraham). Jesus came to the planet and more tectonic spiritual stuff changed. The old temples stopped. Animal sacrifices stopped. And the biggest tectonic spiritual thing that happened is another culture group got saved!!!!! That culture group is known also as the rocks! Yes a huge tectonic rupture in the plan for the way of the Lord. The Jews were raising all kinds of heck and still do. Why? Because they were not about to let Gentiles (Ninevites or any other pagan human group) into their heaven (resting place)! Well now the New Testament slam dunk is written by Paul explaining all about the Sabbath and how it was not going to change! Read Acts 20:7;Romans 10:4; Romans 10:4; Romans 14:6
Paul tells them that it does not matter what day no more than it does to bring an animal to sacrifice because Jesus has SPLIT the top of the church to the ground and HE IS NOW THE HIGH PRIEST FOR EVERMORE, HE IS THE FINAL LAMB SACRIFICE, HE IS NOW FOR JEW AND GENTILE (and Paul uses the example that God knows the ways of the Gentiles are different and so will it be the way he preaches to them and on the day he preaches it—but the sermon will never change!)
This topic is directly identical to the Jews claiming one would go to hell without being circumcised DUE TO THE JEWISH LAW. Paul very adamantly told them they were WRONG! You can either TRY TO GET TO HEAVEN BY THE LAW or decide to LIVE BY ALL OF IT FULFILLED BY THE LAW MAKER AND GIVER named Jesus? He told them if you, Jew, think it is so important then go ahead and cut everything off, do not leave anything!
How many days of the week are there?
How many days of the week do Christians have?
How many days of the week do atheist have?
What do Christians do on Tuesdays?
What do atheist do on Tuesdays?
How come an atheist does not go straight to Wednesday since they do not believe in the Sabbath? (“I”.llumination principle)!
In the beginning God had a plan for things to change like the seasons but it does not change the END.
There is a little more! Noah’s name literally means “REST”. In the beginning there was the Garden of Eden which was a sinless place of constant REST. When a Christian dies he goes to REST.
REST literally is HEAVEN. Jesus literally is REST! JESUS PROVIDES REST!
“T.”ypoogy principle helps you completely see that the Sabbath is REST/Heaven/Jesus (whom you should worship)/just another day of creation made by God you can not escape whether you trust him or call him a liar!
Change the calendar of the 7th day to be Thursday. What will you get?
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
Does God need Jesus?
Well God only needs himself, for man must recognize he needs him!
Will you walk up to Jesus on Monday in heaven and tell him it is not the sabbath?
Will you walk up to a lost person you want to go to heaven and tell him he had better start staying home on Sunday and not work, because if he does he will go to hell as the Jew’s believed? It was something that they tried to trick Jesus with! It is the reason he had to write in the sand! Please recognize Jesus is about a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP AND NOT ANY OF THE OLD RITUALS OF THE JEWS; AFTER ALL THEY QUIT WORSHIPING HIM!