“Hurry up!” “No”! “That is mean.” “What time is it?” “I think I am old enough to decide for myself.” (The look of no). (The look of sorry; or I am going to do as I please- facial expressions with sometimes hand gestures). Does it matter who said what to whom to make the exact same communication mean something different?
Comedian Bill Maher, once had a Christian guest on his show whom he tried to embarrass about the notion of God. Bill Maher failed at defending his sarcastic notions of needing make believe ideaology for such a belief; yet, he continually argued with larger make believe and false scientific idealogy of the opposite view. He was so dogmatic about Christianity as being an “opinion” verses a person’s knowledge of a moral foundation of fact based upon a “person” or “god” whom lived before him establishing such rules, boundaries, demands, and even laws of life (math, science, physics, biology, chemistry, languages, skills, and anything at all concerning the existence of “such” before him). However, he is not alone! Was math and science around before him? Likewise with all the other establised universal foundational subjects, it would benefit him and others to simply apply a very elementary principle!
It is so amazing that the simple statements or phrases above made by either a child, parent or pet could communicate! And the other being recieving the communication back could be so very, very different if just one fact is added to the communication: who was giving and who was recieving the communicative statement. If a child were to say, “No!” (for example the child is 7 years old) there would and could be huge consequences from the parent recieving that from their child. Then the opposite is true if the parent were telling the child, “no”. The idea of a pet communicating “no” is very realistic, just not in a verbal sense. However, the communication is still clear and the receiver has the ability to respond back.
Bill Mahler made such a joke about Satan “talking and telling” Eve to eat the apple. Why? Maher said, how stupid can a person be to believe the animal in the garden talked? I tell my two dogs to “sit” all the time, without saying a word! I and thousands of animal lovers, trainers and more have communicated just by watching and knowing some facts about the particular characteristics of the type of the animal.
So, sit back and read Genesis again. When you get to the part where Satan “tells” Eve to eat the apple and that the apple “won’t kill her” close your eyes and imagine this: Eve is standing by the tree. Satan a spirit (an angelic being with truly different created abilities) has entered that animal, as in scripture many places, and looks at Eve. All the animals were vegetarian and none roamed the Garden of Eden with any instinct or desire as a pretitor. So, this friendly beautiful animal whom had lived in the garden with them for some time again looks at Eve and picks up an “apple”( typological of a type of fruit that “could have been” on the Tree of Knowledge). Satan now controlling the animal acts very diiferently; maybe like some cats which cuddle up to your leg wanting special attention. Then Satan eats the apple and back flips like a glorious whale breaching colosally high above the water out at sea. The animal becomes so vibrant and energetic like nothing Eve has ever seen! Satan, being a spirit, now sits on her shoulder as this animal looks so ever loving and “whispers” (like your conscious- not literally, but quit realistically telling her, “look at me! I did not die! This fruit is delicious and unbelievably marvelous! God lied! Remember he said death would come! But, I am not dead!”). Satan brushes up against her with a new feeling of such companionship and loyalty. Oooh the woooing! This animal has just physically demonstrated to her more nonverbal communication than any person can imagine (and it was the first time it had happened). Why this amazingly beautiful and more than friendly animal just happened to be her favorite animal in all the garden and it initiated the communication to her. This animal actually seemed to be able to write (joking- yet here you should see Bill Maher as he actually believes the apes were intelligent from which he came-that is his Darwinism). All of a sudden, this animal may have performed new tricks which Eve had never seen (maybe now the legged serpent was pointing at Adam and whispers more into her ears). Eve simply can not stand these “new thoughts” that “this fruit” did not kill the animal (instantaneously)! She now wanted what Satan whispered, the resulting “new ideas” and what Satan communicated by “action” ( louder than words). She ponders (listens to the Devil on one shoulder) and listens to Adam sitting on her other shoulder(“God said do not eat”). Adam now must know the “truth” that she has come to know, as she and the serpent glaze intently at Adam.
Note: nothing here is inductive. It may be deductive in discernment of scripture; but, it does not change the truth at all! To someone who does not read the bible let me also state that IT IS completely possible and true that an animal did literally talk if not also this serpent in Genesis. Once a donkey talked (see Numbers 22: it does not seem remotely possible to deductively take this happening as anything but direct speaking; in Revelations there is an instance of a wild animal speaking, this situation involves a lot of figurative language and literal understanding but there is way too much information to actually discuss other than referencing. another incident in scripture which God miraculously allows spiritual communication through another Godly created being which brings an exponentially compounded emphasis on a moment in time that effects all of creation).
Bill Maher needs to get informed and stop making jokes about other people when his ignorance is huge (I hope I have misspelled some things here and there. I am not wanting to be a linguistics or english professor; nor do I need to be in making the point like Cesar Millan)! The story of Genesis is very real and completely understandable! You just need to rid the idiot on your shoulder telling you lies whether it is Satan or Bill Mahler talking “in your ear”!