Look at all the preachers telling you the witch’s dream

And this is only the starting point!  Look at all the preachers telling you the witch’s dream, Margeret McDonald, is how to interpret something that IS NOT IN ANY VERSION of the bible!  Now is that of God or the Devil?

So many more things! 

This is a great starting point to drive the idea in your head, start reading KJV!  IT IS HARD!  But, it is like typing for the first time; then once you decide to learn the correct (easiest most efficient) way you will move smoothly and fast like Beethoven on the piano. It does help reading in that style also by training your mind Paul does not talk in Rap/texting slang/ etc. You need to read in the closest language expression to set your mind during the time period drawing you into the historical and cultural perspectives of those writing the books.

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Melchizedek University
