Part 1 of God the Grandfather L Literal Principle

This video is being broken down into probably 6 videos all tied together and will include:

1. The Trinity and the confusion.

2.  The Doctrine of Typology & the Syntergy principle 

3.  The genealogy of Elohim (the God in the Torah) 

4.  Imputed Righteousness 

5.  Jesus in the garden as fully man and fully God.

6.  Jesus on the cross and “taking on of the sin of man”.

7.  The super important prophetic typological event in the Garden 

      of Gethsemane.                          

8.  What is the significance of ‘Abraham’s bosom”?

9.  Who is “Jehovah” that Christians worship verses the “same God” that the Jehovah’s witnesses, or the Jews, or the Muslim’s, or the other religions that call on their god using the same name as Jehovah.  How I got the guy’s witnessing to me to say out of their own mouth that they didn’t worship Jehovah and Jehovah was on the Throne of God.

10.  Word pictures that help you witness to others.

11.  Why don’t we today refer to God as Jehovah?

12.  Jesus uses our earthly fathers as an anti-type of our relationship to him.  With that same respect can’t we apply the aspect of our grandfather as Jesus does with his father?

13.  Where was Jesus in the O.T.?

14.  Do you know your typological story? You aren’t getting into heaven without it.   

15.  Are the O.T. “saved” people Jesus (literally) worshipers?  Where are they and where were they before Jesus came to the earth?  What about Satan and where was he?

1st video:

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Melchizedek University
