Part 6 of 6. “666”

Who is the 7th king (or 7th- seven heads)?  How long did the seventh king reign?  Only 7 months (that is pretty much well described by “a short space”)!

The seven hills: Rome known as “the city of seven hills”: Capitoline, Palistine, Esquiline, Aventine, Caelian, Viminal, and Quirinal.  Revelations is another book describing Jesus just like all the other books!  We must read every book including Revelations like that!  Which book is about us? NONE!  Are any of them about particular people?  NO!  Some obedient vessels (important obedient and disobedient characters which actually did things pleasing and horrifically wrong) are used in different books but, JESUS IS THE BOOK! 

What is simple about the bible? Nothing when do not concentrate on its meaning with the SINGLE VERSE THAT IS THE KEY TO EVERYTHING IN THE BIBLE ( 2 Cor. 10:5:  When you read a verse or story you must ask yourself “what does the Holy Spirit want me to see about JESUS, not yourself or the character!)

 Recognize the most important aspects:

1. The bible is only about Jesus.

2. The creator Jesus made everything and wants us to choose to love him as he is the only provider.  There is NO evolution (just the meaning of evolution means: chance, unorganized chaos that came together by “another things’ will” and not by God’s design and his hand alone!)

3. The foundation of Truth was laid out before creation.

4. If anybody tries to change the

foundation by disbelief or killing the second Adam or by killing all the prophets/disciples or by being part of destroying the church they will all likely be part of Hell!

5. Is it important that a person not add a dot or tidal. Duet. 4:2; Gal. 1:6-9. Rev. 22:18-19.  The bible says they will be cursed and recieve plagues.  Have you seen anyone with plagues?  They sure recieved them during the bible!  False prophets are written about during the bible.  What about someone saying Baal is the true god today?  What about someone saying there are more ways to God than just Jesus?  What about telling someone there are more chances than just one?  If a lost guy denies Jesus and you tell him he could have every second of time of every year for 7 years after you get snatched off the planet, does that crack the foundation?  You better believe you just became a stumbling block to man who just went to Hell!

6.  Nobody can be more passionate than a Christian who knows there is only 1 chance for everybody.  Nobody can be more aware of the dragon and his power than the Christian who recognizes the flesh draws oneself away, much less the “woos and ahhs” of the world.  LOOK AT THE STATISTICS that the church has composed: Less than 3% of teenagers choose Christ after reaching 13 years of age. 

Now look at the statistics of scripture: The elders will be drawn away by the wonders of Satan. Duet. 4:2; 12:32! 


OH, that elder is going to be drawn away by some men shot in the head and rise up like zombies and attack their family and kill them.  That is the kind of thinging that that verse must imply!

Idiot!  Look at the London Mayor, he propbably is not a Christian elder but he is a mature man with some kind of brains that “WAS ELECTED AS AN “ELDER” (which means mature leader of many people)! People in general are being lead away.  The lost are being dragged away farther into the dark and pastors think ignorant bible Christians can walk up to a “Pharoah” and show him “love” and win him over! 

Get this straight– THE anti-Christ IS EVERYBODY AGAINST GOD AND YOU if you stand with him!  Isn’t’ that what scripture says?  John 15:18 ( so many preachers are denying that or changing the meaning of the word “hate” as a term which means “different view but not different god”)!

We have got to wake UP!!

1 John 2– Anybody at anytime that tells anything about Jesus (The Bible) that he is not God, the Creator of everthing, the Trinity, any lie that leads to another gospel is of Satan!

Why must the FOUNDATION BE TAUGHT CORRECTLY because Satan, the flesh and the world are building foundations of cow crap under every baby and an adult who gets saved still has that foundation! The bible clearly says a solid foundation of faith is not based upon “woos and ahhs” of accepting Jesus BUT THE MEAT OF SCRIPTURE!


Summary, the synergy of scripture is above the stupid idea that any scripture can stand alone.  The Bereans are all of our ensamples for learning the word by spiritual insight (other scriptures) not by man. Jesus is the Trinity!  Abraham worshipped Jesus ( he knew him as a prophetic prophecy which God carried out through his own act of faith and typological life giving us the story of how much Jesus loves us- the story of a father giving up his own son for another father’s son to live which was and is an enemy).  Jesus, the 2nd Adam, was attacked and ALL hope of Jesus saving us has been attacked since “The Dragon” convenced us to choose disobedience over truth.  Satan’s last move in scripture is to take all to hell he can by deceiving any with FALSE HOPE!  His next to last move was trying to destroy THE MAJORITY’S hope in burning the disciples testimonies using 666.

WE MUST TELL, READ, GIVE THE SCRIPTURE to the lost.  Money doesn’t’ buy love!

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Melchizedek University
