If you are driving, do you just watch for cars crossing your path? What about animals, pedestrians, or other objects like falling rocks, approaching storms, and even others?
Why do people read the bible and look at scripture as if the obvious, like just cars, are the only thing on the roads? For instance, people read and preachers love to teach in an expository way and it very much does train you to read as if you are only looking for cars!
That is not only dangerous while behind the wheel but it undermines your ability with the Holy Spirit to speak to you in revealing what he wants you to see (Eph. 1:15-23; Rom. 3:4; Acts 17:11; 1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Tim. 3:15-17; Col 1:24-29; 1Cor. 2:12-13; Matt. 10:19-20; Eph 5:17; 2 Tim. 2:15).
A lost person never says anything like driving near a tornado is safe. Or, cars are meant to be like boats on flooded roads. But, a Christian will tell another person do not judge that huge boulder overhanging that cliff as a threat. Or, do not think you know the mind of that pedestrian who is dressed in black with a hood over his head, wearing a mask and seems really out of place as if standing in the middle of the road.
So, when you read the bible look for the NOT SO OBVIOUS but real truths (opposite the threats of road hazards) for really safe, fast, enjoyable, comfortable, scenic and thrilling rides in scripture by recognizing things you are taught to actually ignore! For example, when reading Revelations, try reading the very first verse with a completely blank mind as if it is the only verse in the entire book: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:”
Revelation 1:1 KJV
There are no more verses or chapters.
Read again as if it is a letter written to you, but it IS NOT! YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT IT WAS! Read it again. It only states EXTREME ENTHUSIASM by the writer, unlike the other books in the bible, by using A WORD “revelation”. That single word is to bring you into a different mind set BECAUSE OF HIS EXPERIENCE unlike the others AND HOW HE GOT THE INFORMATION you are not going to get (because we temporarily hide it from your thinking).
It says this book IS ABOUT JESUS!
It says this book IS ABOUT JESUS’ characteristics and plans in my revealed revelation.
It says this book IS ABOUT JESUS for you guys (those he is literally writing to), NOT YOU!
It says it is ABOUT JESUS and something “you guys” (them- breathing on earth) need to seriously know about.
It says it IS ABOUT JESUS and “stuff” is going to happen like in a few days maybe (not 14,682 years from now)!
Why have we been attempted to be brainwashed that it is a TIME CAPSULE for me, the person 200 years ago, another person 1,596 years from now, or whom ever? IT DOES NOT SAY THAT PERIOD!!!!!! Your back seat driver says, watch out for that old lady crossing the street! You say, the guy 2,000 years from now will need to know that. Absolutely no thinking was involved with that conclusion.
Ok, now find a verse in Revelation that talks about a “DRAGON”. Do you believe that is a big Komodo dragon? It is only a figurative word (remember the extra ENTHUSIASM in the first sentence) that refers to SATAN. NOW STOP.
Think from GENESIS to James about Satan. I guarantee you thought of Satan in the Garden of Eden, correct? How many times did you find SATAN in the 65 other books? Watch out! Small nails on the road and some tire flattening pot holes! Do you see them?
Did you hit them?
You did not even bother if you did not think and put PHAROAH right in front of your DRIVING VIEW!!!!
Pharaoh was a type of Satan in the real story of Moses. Remember what I told you about how God gave the bible to everybody before the printing press?
Pharoah is ABSOLUTELY a DRAGON in scripture. Read Revelation 13:1 “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”
YEA, you wrecked your car by not seeing those nails and that enormous pot hole!
Did not the dragon die right there at the Red Sea with Moses? All of his soliders did and his kingdom! He might has well have drowned because he was finished right there!!
That is just one single word (dragon) that has so much typological significance in understanding God’s word!
Drive safely.