It is amazing how some “very smart preachers” (and/or theologians) came up with the idea of flashlights could solve God’s problem. See these guys have read John 12:35: “Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.”
John 12:35 KJV
There are other scriptures that talk about “darkness” such as 1 John 2:4;
1 John 1:6; Psalms 82:5; Proverbs 2:13-14; Isaiah 5:20; Matthew 6:22-23;
John 3:19-20; John 1:4-5; Psalms 104:19-20; Isaiah 45:7-8.
NOT A SINGLE VERSE GIVES A TINY HINT OF “a little more time”!!!!
Every verse is about salvation!
Every person is included in all of them!!!
Every person with “light” is in a SINGLE prophetic situation!!!
Every person “in the dark” is in the opposite situation of those in the light!!
Flashlights ARE STUPID!!!!!
FLASHLIGHTS represent another chance!
Flashlights provide a path of light in the dark WHICH IS UNGODLY OR NOT IN THE BIBLE!
ANYBODY who suggest “flashlights” or an ideology where there is “time after darkness” or “time after nightfall” is suggesting ideologies FROM HELL!
Dispensationalism is ALL ABOUT FLASHLIGHTS!!!!!!!
When Jesus comes for the church (all believers) IT IS OVER!!!!!!
PLEASE SAY SOMETHING TO THE NUT JOB who gives you a flashlight!!!
Satan is suggesting that light source will take you to heaven also; which is why Satan is the LIAR BEARING LIGHT ALSO!!!