God gives us ( humans in the 21st century) air conditioning, cars, cell phones, airplanes, and bigger and stronger homes and commercial buildings; yet, men have written a ridiculous number of books describing the Holy Spirit as a tangible materialistic item or a subjective emotion ( the preachers even explain the Holy Spirit as a “feel good” thing or a “you just know” gut feeling). Then the authors of these thousands of “doctrines of men” compare GOD of the New Testament as completely DIFFERENT as the same God in the Old Testament (“For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”
Malachi 3:6 KJV).
So, back before the cell phone was the “OLD” rotary phone. Before that, was just the invention in 1849 by Antonio Meucci who had not made a pair required to communicate between two people. So, it is Alexander Graham Bell who first talked to Mr. Thomas Watson and received the full credit of the invention (1876). So, was there communication before 1876 or even 1849? There were NO PHONES! Like the example of the phone, there must not have been the Holy Spirit because Jesus had not been crucified!
That like manner ideology in Christian theology has almost destroyed our ability to even think of the Holy Spirit as even a small piece of God!
Why is it then the Holy Spirit is so misunderstood or not understood?
It is because Jesus said, if you do not know me it is because you do NOT KNOW my father!
If you do not know Jesus, you do not know the Holy Spirit!