Do you know what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is? Most respond with the typical expository teaching of Mark 3:28-30.
It reads: “Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.
Mark 3:28-30 KJV
There is no description or definition of what it is! It only warns not to do it!
Over and over, if you look up what many people teach about this they continue to contradict their own thoughts and teachings of scripture. They tell you any sin is unforgivable except the sins you repeat over and over which is denying the Holy Spirit telling you should stop. Then most use versus like 1John 1:9; Ezekiel 33:11; 1 Timothy 1:13-15; Acts 7:51. These are HORRIBLE EXAMPLES of the definition of denying the Holy Spirit because these people had sins they did not want to stop doing. Blasphemy IS NOT about stopping a chronic sin!
Blasphemy is taught in the Bible as a discipline; as an understanding of who you are dealing with; a respect to Holiness in One person, God; a negative verbal or written disrespect to God ( his character, his truth, his love, his abilities, his creation, his single attribute of being the only God, all of his Triune works [all of his works as God the Father, all of his works as God the Son, all of his works as The Holy Spirit], and his will is not dictated by any other thing that he allows to breath). One of the first teachings would be in Leviticus about his kingship. Did kings not kill those that mocked him or embarrassed him? Hebrews stoned folks for making fun of a Elohim’s character. There is exactly the same savage practice the Muslims use today in which copies the old Hebrew ways when mocking Yahweh! In Isaiah, the story of a pompous man king told the Israelites their God could not defeat him from destroying Jerusalem. Needless to say, God showed him with angels (Isaiah 37:36-37). 185,000 soldiers mysteriously died in the middle of the night! A third teaching of what blasphemy is in Romans 2:17-24. Paul finds some preachers teaching a different plan of salvation! Paul actually gives them over to Satan! The Gentiles had other gods. Those that were being given the teachings of Jesus after Jesus told them to go and present the gospel to them were being taught ” the old ways of the Israelites”(the law). They were kinda trying to convert them to Christianity but by the way of only “their church” ( have you ever seen these strings attached to religious affiliations?). The fourth description of blasphemy is by the way of Mark 3:20-22. Jesus said the Pharisees were calling Jesus demonic. They, in fact, we’re saying his character of God as being evil but I truly believe most teachers missed the meaning of what was going on in this story. God in the O.T. teaches his people about the importance of witnesses. This I believe is what is missed here in this message Jesus is describing. Witnesses were the FOUNDATION to everything, selling real estate, accusing someone of a crime, taking a widowed woman as a wife, many many other things. If a person had a witness there was ABSOLUTE TESTIMONY of fact; it is like when something is recorded in a courthouse. There were paper records in those days; but, one could recite “as witnessed by so-and-so”! Nothing was validated unless witnessed by at least one person; if there were more that would be even greater. Jesus healed a bunch of people and did many miracles. The religious leaders knew that these miracles were of a supernatural thing; they testified of it! It was their further testimony as to whom they said was the supernatural authority assisting Jesus in his miracles! These Pharisees claimed they witnessed Satan involved in Jesus’ works! They did not say Jesus was evil but the SUPERNATURAL ENTITY WAS EVIL! They went from not only claiming the Holy Spirit was evil but they “themselves” were above this supernatural authority in being able to discern HOLINESS that was NOT OF GOD (the third person known as The Holy Spirt himself). This put “THEM” above God! My discernment and others with different ones lead to a common ground of blasphemy; but, the difference helps lead you correctly to the next phase of understanding more about this topic. A person can ride on a train and another ride in a train to get to the same destination; but, I dare say there any seats on top of a train!
This leads to the city teaching of Jesus being accused of blasphemy (Matt. 26:56). Jesus cannot commit blasphemy as God; but to put Jesus as a man and not as the second Adam claims Jesus is defiling the character of God, as a Muslim would clam Jesus can NOT DO.
These 5 different perspectives of blasphemy occurring in scripture now can be energized into one understanding. But, first look at the N.T. for a test of this discernment. Peter attacked Jesus’ purpose ( Matt. 16:22); Saul tried to make others blasphemy (Acts 26:9-18);and Jesus’ friends (Mark 3:16-19) tried to grab him as if they were going to beat him or stone him (Mark 3: 21) because the great crowd had been healed and saw great miracles and testified to him as “The Son of God”. All of these disciples were not killed and are not believed to have gone to heal. This, what sin or chronic sins causes separation from God which is considered to be an act called blasphemy? The only sin that can be Spiritually discerned as deserving of hell would be to call the witness of God a liar that Jesus is God! What principles come with that foundational statement? Many!
Jesus is God.
Jesus is the Son of God.
Jesus is the second Adam that came to save all of man or take out of sin in the opposite fashion in which the first Adam brought all men into sin.
Jesus’ salvation plan or his blood is all that can forgive sins. It is blood that is required, just as the Hebrews and Muslims both proclaim. It is by who’s blood that differs.
Jesus is also a man; but, without sin like Adam. The first Adam was made by God; but, it says Jesus was actually first and is of God. ( Think of God time traveling like Marty McFly in “Back to the Future”. Even though Jesus was born approximately 2,000 years after Adam, Jesus who is God and created time and space could time travel back to the past making the past the future. Jesus can be God, a man, a prophet, a man in the year 10,000AD all at the same time. He is this the only human not to be overcome by death because he is also the creator of death ( not in a bad way, but a life with no curse and being able to live in a place with no curse comes only after death from learning to accept him).
Jesus created man and woman (Elohim- the name for the Trinity God creator) and all things; nothing else has ever been created by anything or anyone else.
Jesus gave man mercy in the Garden of Eden; as he was there! Jesus did not come later; HE CAME BEFORE ANY! WITHOUT JESUS’ LOVE (the Holy Spirit) no one would experience the desire, the need, the call, the essence of what Jesus’ blood sacrifice provides (including all those in the O.T. starting with Adam & Eve).
Jesus’ love (which is truth in his sacrifice) MUST BE GAINED OR DESIRED! Jesus DOES NOT FORCE HIS HOLY SPIRIT INTO A PERSON!
The Holy Spirit is the deity of God that communicates! God is in three persons and his second person took on flesh! God’s flesh does not need to time travel as his third person is not bound by flesh. This third person of God, the Holy Spirit, is what speaks the truth of himself! No one can speak better for himself than himself! This, the Holy Spirit speaks to every creation that he ever created (Romans 1).
The Holy Spirit says man must experience like Jesus ( Jesus learned obedience; a cursed man, born into sin, must recognize his disobedience to escape that which he is in; like being born in jail he must desire to want to escape that jail that surrounds him first. If a man born in a jail does not see his bars in front of him he can not have a desire to want to escape; Titus 3:3) BEFORE being administered any kind of healing ( physical or spiritual – Mark 9:12)!
What baby can return love if not given love first? What baby can know his protector if not protected first? What baby can know not to touch a hot stove if not told first? What baby can grow without being feed by someone else first? What human can say he was the first of anything on this planet if he was not actually the first human? After almost 400 years of man claiming he came from a rock, there is not a single museum or ceremony that honors that person’s forefather ROCK?
What is blasphemy is looking at the trees, rocks, the sky and all of God’s creation and deny them screaming the glory of Jesus’ love that gives each thing and being that was and is created the ability to enjoy what Jesus alone created and provides the mercy from being killed due to our disrespect of any kind to the Holy God of all!
Are you a witness to Jesus’ work?
I pray you are; just never tell anyone you are a witness of his love and yet claim you did not actually need it because you were born saved! One last thing to wrap your head more around the Holy Spirit: I want you to be able to read more of scripture and see the Holy Spirit. There have been very few books or sermons about him. I want you to read John 1:1-51. I want you to see God uses a metaphor to describe the Holy Spirit! The metaphor is…….? In the same passage God refers this metaphor as like a person with the word “him”. Now read Isaiah 55:11. Can Jesus physically enter a man? No. But, can God? No. But can God the third person? Yes! Have fun reading scripture all over again to find the third person deity in the Bible you never saw before!
Scriptures for references and more synergy.
No other religion other than Christianity is comprised of history in a “WITNESSED” depository, in writings by different people, of longer periods of time than any other event of one man.
Mark 3:28-29 KJV
Acts 5: 32 (bigger biggie)
Matthew 28:18-20 (biggie)
Acts 1:8
1 Peter 3:15
Acts 22:15
Isaiah 43:10 (biggie)
2 Timothy 2:1-3
Proverbs 14:25
1 Timothy 2:1-15
Acts 10:42
John 5:39
Luke 1:1-4
1 Cor. 2:1-16
Acts 2:37-42
Acts 8:26-40 ( biggie)
Leviticus 5:1
Joshua 24:27
When Judgement day comes there will be three witnesses as to Jesus as the Christ or God that many claim he is not.
1st witness is the Holy Spirit.
2nd witness is the Old Testament and all those concerning it ( the law, the prophets, and the Psalms)
3rd witness will be the New Testament.