Sodom & Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, Ekron, Ashkelon, Amon, Gaza, Jerusalem, Canaan (Judah or Isreal), and Heliopolis were some cities completely destroyed due to their ungodly actions (sins)! The entire world was destroyed including plants and animals with the exception of one single family known as Noah’s. Then there are many people mentioned after Noah that were killed also due to their evil ways. Oh, actually everybody in the bible before Noah and after is dummed due to the curse from sin in the Garden of Eden. Which sin did they (anybody you can think of since Adam and Eve or up to today) commit that sentenced them to death? How many sins did they commit before dying? “For the wages of sin is death” (Roman 6:23).
Nobody has ever escaped the curse!
Nobody can escape the death sentence!
Nobody can stand in the presence of God with the filth on them (sins)!
Did you know the High Priests made sacrifices for your “unknown sins”! Every person after Adam & makes sins equivalent to ” REAL SINS” that they frankly are not aware of due to their flesh being at enmity with themselves and God. Think of going to the grocery store down the street to the east but God wanted you to go to the grocery store to the west( why? Because you missed a great opportunity to help someone God was going to use you for at the other store or you ended up getting mad at someone or even your family member due to evil being there when you should have been over there at the other)! The fact I am pointing out is WE ARE FILTHY RAGS even if you are the greatest Saint on the planet deserving death the second you stand before God the Father guilty and smelly (read the O.T. about the reason why the High Priests wore a bell on their clothes).
Adam and Eve RAN TO HIDE!
Adam and Eve ran to COVER THEMSELVES!
Do you think God would kill a naked person that he created naked?
Have you read the Old Testament?
Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge and became like Kindergarteners! Satan convinced the first father and mother of all human procreation to become the opposite of knowledgeable, “THEORETICAL”! They trusted in a liar who said they would become EQUAL to their creator AND RAN and hide the part of themselves that did not jive with themselves, which was their SPIRIT part! WE are created with BODY AND SPIRIT! So Satan told them their bodies (mind) would become SUPER DUPER SMART! Oh my, it did! They found out they were NEEDING (like kindergarteners a whole lot more knowledge because they just threw away all they had) what they did NOT NEED (the covering they had made; but, needed a covering for their spirit they could not find)!
Their spirit, being trapped in their bodies, had to follow their body out into the woods because it now needed something also! A SECOND COVERING! IT WAS SCARED TO DEATH! GOD WAS GOING TO KILL THEM! YES! THEY WERE GOING TO DIE! GOD ALWAYS KILLS AND RIDS UNRIGHTEOUSNESS! IT CAN NOT LOOK UPON IT! IT CAN NOT STAND THE SMELL(read all about this in temple sacrifices with the incense and required smells and coverings the Priests had to wear to keep from being instantly killed!)!
(Pause and do not think about the rest of the story. Pause and think about the entire bible past the Garden story. Pause and think about the New Testament. Think, think and think some more about all of scripture. “We are all like filthy rags”, Isaiah 64:6; “No one comes to the father but by me”, John 14:6.”; “If you knew me you would know the father”, John 14:7; “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness”, Romans 1:8. Verses and verses and stories and more stories tell about God’s “HOT” anger that IS JUST AND RIGHTEOUS against those who?
Mark 3:28! Mark 3:28! Mark 3:28!
Do you remember this statement, “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE”? It makes all difference depending upon your knowledge of truth and your motive! It makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN HEAVEN as well and on earth unless you WANT TO DOWNGRADE the importance in “like manner”!
We have been taught about the dispensation and we today live in a time period of Grace whereas others DID NOT! NOT TRUE! Second, it downgrades and does not present Jesus in the Holy order of things.
When you go to church or listen to the preacher present the gospel to the lost they give the lost a call to be saved by faith. They tell these people, as you and I have been taught, to have ” FAITH” that Jesus came about 2,000 years ago and died for our sins with his blood. They say that this Jesus was a man born a virgin birth and died sinlessly. They say his mother was Mary and had several brothers, one being a disciple named James in the bible. They say this man was a great prophet and healed people of diseases and raised people from the dead. They say that this man proved he was God by his raising himself from the dead. They say all this stuff about this great prophet which even the Jews, Muslims, Mormons, and many many other false religions claim! Why do they not accept him “BY FAITH” like others?
Frankly, I can say (in a word picture) it is maybe LUCK! Because you are a HAIR AWAY from their belief EXACTLY!
WHAT IF? They were to say JESUS IS GOD! Jesus WAS STANDING AT THE CREATION WITH HOLES IN HIS HANDS AND HOLES IN HIS FEET! Jesus WAS SACRIFICED “BEFORE” Adam and Eve were created! Jesus made an atonement for Adam and all mankind before Adam sinned. Jesus prepared “THE WAY; THE ONLY WAY; AND EVERY MAN’S WAY STARTING WITH ADAM AND EVE”! Jesus was God AND IS GOD!
Jesus did not come 2,000 years ago but he was and is BEFORE TIME! Then they said to the lost come and be saved by the ONLY GOD that can save! Come and learn about God’s “demonstrations” to man about his abilities! Come and accept this true God who laid the foundation of creation! They then told all the people God does not prove anything! He will never have to prove anything as it is told in scripture (Luke 16:31)! Jesus did not come to prove he is what he said he was. Jesus came to be the truth that he said at the beginning was the truth( as the angels had to believe also)! Jesus did miracles, signs and diverse wonders that were seen not as proof BY HIS HANDS but FOR A “DEMONSTRATION” or as an example of what is Truth (word picture – it is by faith that you believe not by him doing it for you. Can a man learn to build a boat to save himself as a necessary vehicle of safety in a flood if Jesus was just to come down and build it for him and tie him with chains in the boat? No man will be able to approach God and utter, ” But, God you just do not understand the power of temptation”!). Jesus over and over says it will “BE BY FAITH FOR BOTH HUMANS AND ANGELS” to accept HIM AS GOD! They then tell the lost to come forward to accept Jesus as God and learn how he traveled in time to become human and go back to HIS BEGINNING! God, Jesus, was a “great prophet” to every human on earth; but, HE IS NOT ACCEPTED AS GOD THAT HE IS BY EVERY HUMAN AND ANGEL! We as humans live on a clock that he does not! This is what all the prophets long to see and stood strong in the “faith” for our benefit! They wished they could see while living on earth the “TIME PERIOD” that the theologians now rewrote into a prophetic twisted manner about “GRACE” AS IF THEY DID NOT RECEIVE THE SAME; but, in reality, the theologians should have described our”TIME PERIOD” as the time of UNVEILING”! UNVEILING IS NOT PROOF! UNVEILING IS REMOVING KNOWLEDGE given by the Tree of Knowledge! The truth and the proof never change just our ability to see the truth in different aspects of time! It is like (word picture) as if the prophets were wishing to see transportation “IN OUR TIME”! THEY TRAVELED! THEY TRAVELED BY FOOT AND MULE! What part of traveling did they NOT DO? The theologians and preachers are teaching about Jesus ” as if the prophets did not travel” because WE USE AIRPLANES, MOTORCYCLES, AND CARS, that they did not have! Wrong! They traveled is the most important FACT! They did not have the experience of the unveiling of “living or experiencing form like flying”! Their traveling is the same experience of our traveling just different! What the theologians ARE NOT GETTING is the ” unveiling” MEANS MORE RESPONSIBILITY! Think about PETER IN A PLANE! How many more people could he have touched (healed and given the gospel)! WOW! That is some wishes I can even wish for him when he was on earth!
We do NOT live in a different dispensation! THAT IS FALSE!
We (we) live in a different time; but ELOHIM (the whole ELOHIM lived then and now and each person could experience ALL OF THE WHOLE ELOHIM in different manners like the “plane word picture” but not LITERALLY as being DENIED a part of ELOHIM, which is what dispensationalism defines time periods of people experiencing!).
We live in a “Less Veiled” time period! If you get this message and see the difference than you can the same difference between a man seeing Jesus as a prophet verses GOD!
Just to make you throw your argument away as you throw out “another what about this point” like well we missed the prophets healing and raising people from the dead; you need to look at the word picture closely again about the mule versus the plane. You can walk into a pharmacy and find God’s timeline gift of healing and paddles in an ambulance (most folks cannot see this as a “Spiritual gift” compared to Jesus feeding the 5,000 or Peter healing someone IS BECAUSE of flesh; humans are given the gift of “knowledge” which takes them away from God like the invention of electricity or penicillin; BUT, with the gift of “unveiling” you can see God giving spiritual gifs of mercy, love, healing, forgiveness, compassion, quality of life.)! Look at things Spiritually to see the spiritual. Give men create for nothing! The lost and the hypocrites seek their favor and give them favor. Thank God for everything (Eph. 5:20; 1 Thes. 5:18; James 1:17).